Chapter 238 It turns out that this is the feeling of being burst by crayfish!!

Will the special chef come to our canteen to set up a stall?

What an international joke!

That high-ranking figure.

How can it be condescending to degrade a stall? Humpty man is not a person in the culinary world.

But Hao Gang also managed this canteen for more than ten years.

In addition, the private Hundred Flower King Academy recruits the children of powerful people from all walks of life.

He knew the doorway inside.

I want to eat the chef's dishes.

There is nothing to get your hands on.

You can't even change a bowl of coleslaw. Those who can stand at the top of the culinary world. It is estimated that in addition to the legendary dream ingredients.

It's hard to be moved by worldly things.

This moment~

The pudgy man's eyes looking at the cafeteria aunt were indescribably strange.

Followed by~

He remembered the food truck he had seen at a glance.

The canteen manager is a bit myopic.

Just now, all the attention was on Momoku Luoli.

Now look at the high-end and atmospheric food truck.

Then it is associated with the recent rumors in the upper class circle of Yue Jing.

There is really such a special chef who has a proclivity for 'stalling'.

"The food truck owner's surname is Chu?"

The stocky man was breathing a little shortly, and his tone was not very sure.

The cafeteria aunt put down the spoon in her hand and nodded slowly.

"God, why did this master come to our cafeteria?"

The short and fat man snorted, and should immediately withdraw the idea of the first two questions.

Are you kidding!

Drive away the Grand Chef?

Let's not say whether he has this ability.

If it was really because of his relationship that Chu Feng was defeated and left.

It is estimated that the members of the board and the student council can tear him apart.

Now in the upper circles, who does not know that this master's hobby is to set up stalls.

It is their honor to come to the private Hyakukao Academy today.

It is estimated that the high-level of the school knows about it, and they all have to greet it happily.


Now the student council president is already sitting in front of the window and tasting the food.

The stocky man laughed dryly and hurriedly returned to the cafeteria kitchen.

He was ready to change his clothes and pretend to be a teacher to blend into the crowd.

Today, I want to taste the craftsmanship of the special chef.......

Crayfish are filled with red oil.

The white and tender shrimp meat is full of elasticity.

Put in mouth and chew carefully.

Fragrant and spicy, it's enjoyable.

In fact, Tao Xunqi Luoli doesn't like to eat spicy.

But now it's getting more and more exciting.

Chu Feng's fragrant chili salt crayfish. It wasn't too spicy when I first started eating.

The slightly spicy sensation gently stirs the tongue.

It's like a groom official who is extremely nervous on a wedding night. This feeling made Qi Luoli and others very satisfied.


Tenderness is always short-lived.

A few shrimp under the belly.

When the tongue adapts to this spiciness.

The ultimate spiciness. Simple and crude, it is simply unforgettable. At this time, Qi Luoli could no longer care about elegance.

Stuff the shrimp into your mouth.

Igarashi Qinghua was already sweating profusely.

Until now, I haven't tasted crayfish.

This time was net busy shelling.

Endure the smell of fresh smell.

Whenever Qi Luoli opened her mouth because she was too spicy. Igarashi Qinghua would subconsciously swallow his throat.

After several successive times.

It was only then did Momoku Qiluoli notice the clerk's embarrassment.

"Don't bother with this, you can eat it too, not enough to order two more servings." "

Kiroli is very atmospheric, tens of thousands of yen are not even pocket money for her.

Igarashi Qinghua nodded hesitantly and began to taste the fragrant shrimp meat.

Five people in front of the window.

The best thing to eat should be Lilixiang.

The strips slowly peel off the shells.

Remove the bottom of the mask to reveal a cherry mouth.

Put them in your mouth one by one.

During the period in addition to a very subtle chewing sound.

Lilixiang never said a word.

But those eyes seemed to be shining. Enough to prove that the moment is very enjoyable and satisfied.

As for Yumeko the snake and Saotome Nha Yari.

These two Yan Yi masters had no intention of stopping at all. Pick up the crayfish and stuff them into your mouth one by one.

Look at this posture~

The two seemed ready to finish their respective dishes in one gulp before giving up.

A pound of crayfish with meat in the shell, they don't even plan to let go of the residue. (⊙_⊙)

Tolton was dumbfounded when he was still in the food truck.

It's been out for so long.

I really haven't seen anyone gobbling up to this extent.

How long have they ~~ not eaten?

Thor shook his head secretly.

In terms of 'eating', ten feelings of shame suddenly arise.

Although she is also a foodie, she still knows that eating meat requires spitting out bones.

And these two girls in front of me actually ate together with the shell......... A pound of lobster, aren't they afraid of indigestion?

She is genuinely proud that her own man's cooking has received such enthusiastic responses from diners.


Thor sees the actions of the two masters of Yan Yi as a form of enthusiasm.

Actually, she didn't know.

The reason why Yumeko the snake and Saotome Yari are like this.

There is no other reason ~

It's just that I don't have any money in my pocket. Where only they had more money.

How can you be so disregarding image?

She is also a young girl in the flower season.

Yumeko and Saotome usually pay attention to their own image.

But now ~

The spicy crayfish are so delicious!

Now there is not much money left on Snake Yumeko, and she is still counting on this little fund to turn over.

Being able to treat Saotome Nha Yari to eat is already extraordinarily generous.

I knew the food was delicious!"

A large plate of crayfish was wiped out, and the snake Yumeko burped in satisfaction.

Saotome rolled her eyes and said with disdain: "It's just a coincidence, you didn't know that the owner here was a special chef before." "

"Haha, this is a woman's intuition, you won't understand Saotome..."

Compared to the usual lady image of Yumeko the snake. Saotome Nha Yari really doesn't look like a woman.

On the contrary, it is more like a noble knight.

Snort lightly twice~

Morning girl B no longer rides the changeable snake Yumeko, and her beautiful eyes fall inside the food truck.

If it hadn't been for hearing about the herd of 'domestic animals' nearby......... She couldn't have imagined it.

The person in front of me is actually a special chef.

Saotome Nha Yari who tasted premium cuisine for the first time.

The deep shock can be imagined.

That satisfaction was no less than winning over the student council members, even though she had just lost to Yuriko Nishitoin.

Yumeko took off her gloves and drew a tissue to wipe the oil juice from her hand.

Then rubbed his little belly with satisfaction, and his rosy face was full of comfort.

"It turns out that this is the feeling of being burst by crayfish, the boss's craftsmanship is so good, will you come here tomorrow to set up a stall?"

The spicy smell on the tip of the tongue is still flowing, and sweat is forming from the forehead and between the sideburns.

At this time, the snake Yumeko looks more domineering than before.

The unprecedented deliciousness made her whole person excited.

I had never eaten Chu Feng's cuisine before.

She naturally didn't know the rules of fast food trucks.

Before Chu Feng could speak.

Momoto Qiluoli had already answered for him.

"Don't dream, Chu Jun doesn't have a fixed place to set up a stall. "


Holding her chin with her fingers, Yumeko the snake was obviously curious.

Qi Luoli glanced at Chu Feng and said lightly: "I'm not familiar, I'm just an old customer." "

Having said that, there was a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone, like a little woman's complaint.

Chu Feng: (⊙_⊙)... Obvious~

Momokushi still remembers his previous words...

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