Chapter 244 Since it is not easy to choose, then go to the Metropolitan Police Department!!

A student of the private Hyakukao Gakuen.

It is the richest group of high school students.

Moreover, Chu Feng still set up a stall inside the school.

Counting the crit cashback, this only made more than 300 million.


A fraction of the maple leaf gold coins were more than he earned today.

It's really unbalanced!

Chu Feng couldn't help but secretly shake his head.

Thinking about whether to get ~ this batch of gold coins in advance.

Anyway, it is also an ownerless thing, don't do it in vain.

After so many years, Chu Feng had forgotten many details.

I vaguely remember that only when I came to the tower at night did I know where the gold coins were hidden.

Based on a drawing that looked like a child's graffiti, he couldn't see anything and was about to leave with two nonsense, and suddenly he felt like he was being stared at.

Slowly raised his head, just in time to meet the three people in black suits.

One of them is an East Asian face, while the other two are blonde foreigners

Are these angry and fierce guys members of the Italian robber group?

The news he had only seen in the morning, Chu Feng had not forgotten it.

What are these guys looking at Conan and their king?

His eyes rolled twice.

Chu Feng quickly thought of the reason.

It seems that Tino Cabana is also an old fox. Didn't tell the accomplices where the gold coins were hidden at all.

I vaguely remember ~

In the original book, Conan seems to have just passed these three guys head-on.

"Okay, I'll go back first, you guys continue to look for treasure." "

With a faint glance at the members of the bandit group, Chu Feng waved his hand towards Yuan Tai and the others.

"Uh-huh, we will continue to work hard, we must find the big treasure, goodbye brother chef." "

Yuan Taixian smiled and waved, looking like he was holding the victory.


Conan continued to laugh dryly.

It seems that he does not believe that the graffiti he picked up in the art museum is a treasure map.

If it weren't for Genta and Mitsuhiko pulling him out, the ghost would be willing to wander the streets

With this time, it is better to look for clues about the black-clad organization with Akasa Bo Ten.

Holding the body of a child all day, Conan is in despair all the time Nima~

Mixed in with a bunch of little ghost heads all day.

Isn't that embarrassing me Kudo Shinichi watching the dark blue food truck leave.

Conan seemed to sense something and looked back sharply.

Yuan Tai was curious, "What's wrong?"

Mitsuhiko and Horita also looked over.

Conan frowned, "It's nothing, I felt like someone had been staring at us just now." "

Motana: "No, is someone trying to rob our treasure map?"

Mitsuhiko: "Chances are, we've been targeted by bad guys. "

Horita: "So what to do? or let's call the police!"

"Can't call the police, we still have to find treasure." "

Yuantai quickly waved his hand, and his round face was full of reluctance.

Mitsuhiko held his cheek with one hand and nodded: "Well, we can't give up this opportunity, as long as we find the treasure, we can definitely make the name of our juvenile detective team!"


Genta and Horita nodded repeatedly. (⊙_⊙)...

Conan was still rolling his dead fish eyes and smiling dryly.

It is estimated that if he continues like this, his expression will become numb.

This group of little ghosts really took the painting they picked up casually as a treasure map, which is really childish!

Conan secretly complained, and at the same time felt that he had been too sensitive recently, and he would be nervous at the slightest wind.

Just now he looked back and found no suspicious person at all.

I guess it's just some curious passerby.

It's all to blame Yuantai for being too noisy, this is on the street.........

Looking at the three guys bouncing in front of him, Conan couldn't help but complain again.......

After passing around the corner, the food truck stopped again.

Thor seemed to see Chu Feng's intentions, and said with a smile: "Why? Worried that those three people will hurt the little ones?"

"It's also Connor's classmates, so you can't see that they're in danger. "

Chu Feng shrugged unknowingly, and then walked towards the back alley. Thor smiled slightly and casually performed 'cognitive impairment'. As if invisible, the two soon came to the end of the back alley.

Three of Tino Cabana's accomplices are gathered here.

"If I want to say, just kill those four imps and snatch the drawings, one of the tall Illy Chinese people pouted in dissatisfaction. "

Now we can't fight the grass and snakes, and we have to choose a place with fewer people to do it. "

The short man with an East Asian face should have a neon accent and a figure-eight beard.

"However, even if we get the drawings, how can we determine the place where the gold coins are hidden?" said another Italian a little helplessly. "

"Grab it first, damn Cabana, we've all been put together by him. "

"Hmph, he did this just to calculate the current development and think that we can rescue him." "

"Save him? Go to the Metropolitan Police Department and rob someone?

"Take it one step at a time, if you really can't help it, it's the last option." "

The neon man raised his hand and shaved his mustache with his thumb, and his face looked at the other two, becoming extremely gloomy...

Then, a calm voice sounded in their ears.

"Since it's not a good choice, then go to the Metropolitan Police Department to accompany your leader. "

The faces of the three changed drastically, and they instantly took out their pistols.


"What people?"

"Hurry up and get out!"

The three of them looked gloomy, staring dead at the empty alley.

Next second!

A man and a woman appeared out of thin air in the back alley.

Very abrupt and terrifying.

Two people appeared out of thin air in the alley in broad daylight. When normal people see this scene, most of them have to be scared stupid.

The three robbers subconsciously shivered.

Fortunately, it is usually a business that loses its head.

The group of guys quickly forced themselves to calm down.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Bazi Hu asked in neon language, his voice trembling a little.

Don't dare the other party is a person or a ghost, appearing in this way shows that the other party is very difficult to mess with.

Bazi Hu now just wants to find the maple leaf gold coin as soon as possible and fly away, and he doesn't want to get into any trouble again.


It was a finger that answered him.

~, to be exact

Chu Feng just raised a hand and didn't even touch this group of people.

Next second~

The three robbers fainted instantly.

Powerful spiritual power, ordinary people simply cannot bear it.

Glancing at the fainted robber lightly, Chu Feng casually took out his mobile phone.

One alarm several!

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