Chapter 245: Who am I? Where am I?!!

"What the hell?"

Roof roof.

A teenager in a pure white suit widened his eyes. The monocle worn on his right eye almost fell to the ground.

What just happened?

Black Feather Kuaidou looked confused.

As a monster thief Kidd.

He has always adhered to the style of an elegant gentleman. The handsome image has attracted a large number of fans. Kuroba Kuaidou has also always paid great attention to his own image.

But now ~

He almost didn't fall off the roof just now.

In fact, Black Feather Kuaidou is also tracking down the whereabouts of the Maple Leaf Gold Coin.

The monster thief Kidd has always only stolen treasures, and the maple leaf gold coin is among them.

The trio of the bandit gang came here, and the black feather fast fight lurked on the tall building like a hunter.


The trio of robbers, who seemed to be deliberating, suddenly became nervous, but they all pulled out their guns and pointed at the empty alleyway, as if an enemy had appeared somewhere.

Just when Black Feather Kuaidou felt inexplicable, the bandit trio fell to the ground without warning, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

(⊙_⊙) Black Feather Kuaidou was completely dumbfounded. I almost suspected that I had fallen for evil.

What the hell! What the hell is going on?

A slightly crooked medieval high-brimmed top hat forced himself to calm down, and the monocle seemed to reflect light.

"Illusion, or stealth?"

Black Feather Kuaidou muttered.

He has also been a second-generation monster thief for a while.

It is clear that the world is not as calm as it seems.

There are many strange people in the world, and he knows two.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Black Feather Kuaidou hesitated to continue tracking down the whereabouts of the Maple Leaf Gold Coin. It seems a little uneconomical to provoke people in the inner world for this thing.

He was well aware of the horror of these mysterious existences.


Before he could think about it, a police car appeared in the alley. The police officer leading the team is Twilight Thirteen, and Kuroba Kudoto knows this fat man.

In fact~

He once infiltrated the Metropolitan Police Department in disguise and wrote down the files of all the police officers in Weijing.

"Nima, call the police after solving the robbers, what is this operation?"

Black Feather Kuaidou was stunned again, completely shocked by the operation of the 'invisible man'.

"Could it be that strange man who likes to disguise himself as a law-abiding citizen?"

This is the most plausible explanation he can think of.

Normal people have extraordinary power, it is estimated that they will not contact the Metropolitan Police Department, right?

"Thanks for the compliment, Kidd the Thief!"

A calm voice sounded in his ears, and Black Feather Kuaidou didn't think much about it, and subconsciously replied: "You're welcome~uh

Just as he was about to be polite, Black Feather Kuaidou suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I'm on the rooftop now.

And it has long been established that there is no one else here.

So now......... Who is talking again? Heck!

That big guy won't come to the door, right?

Those who have superpowers are big guys.

And he is just an ordinary person who can do magic.


Black Feather Kuaidou made a strange sound in his mouth, and his expression had become extremely stiff

Turning around slowly like a robot, I saw a man and a woman standing behind him, the man was very handsome, and the woman was very beautiful.

It's like a couple coming out of an anime.

Damn it!

It's actually more handsome than my Kidd!

Kuroba Kuaidou thought indignantly.

And then I can't wait to slap myself.

What time is it now, he actually still has the heart to think about this?

"That~ may I ask what are you looking for me for?"

Forcibly calming himself down, Black Feather Kuaidou barely squeezed out a trace of his face, and asked stiffly.

His classmate Koizumi Koko is the rightful heir of red magic, the kind of warlock who can truly magic.

So it is clear that such strange people want to deal with ordinary people, and it is not at all effortless.

The robber trio who have just been taken away by a police car is the best proof of this.

The more you know, the more you fear.

Black Feather Quickdou is now too concerned to maintain his elegance.


In any case, save your life first.

Look at the young man in front of him who is gorgeously dressed and carrying a cape.

Chu Feng rarely showed a hint of teasing expression.

This kind of unreasonable and gorgeous retro shape that seems to be unexpectedly and gorgeous is estimated to be worn by only the strange thief Kidd.

Although he does not remember the other party's real name. But when it comes to stunning the robber trio. Chu Feng discovered the existence of this guy.

Under curiosity~

He took Thor to the rooftop.

He looked Black Feather Quickdou up and down for a while.


He spoke his first words.

"Sure enough, you and Kudo Shinichi look alike..."

Black Feather Kuaidou looked dazed, and his expression became even more stiff. 'Who am I, where am I, what am I doing here?' asked the confused Black Feather Kuaidou three times in his mind.

He thought about countless possibilities, and even felt that most of them saw the other party commit murder, so he came up to kill people.


'You worked tirelessly' to say this?' Kuroba Quickdou almost didn't react.

Of course he knew Kudo Shinichi. A famous high school student detective in Hyung.

But it seems to have disappeared recently.

I haven't heard from him for a while.

I never expected that the reason why the other party came over was just because he and the trade union Shinichi looked alike?

Black Feather Kuaidou suddenly had the urge to reinvent himself, and only hated his parents for giving him a handsome face.

Just as Chu Feng looked Black Feather Kuaidou up and down, the other party was also secretly looking at his face.

It always feels a little familiar, but I can't remember it.

"Excuse me, are you?"

Squeezed out a smile again, Black Feather Kuaidou asked tentatively, but in fact, he didn't expect the other party to answer at all.

If the other party really wants to kill him, it is estimated that he will not do more nonsense.

But unexpectedly, the man in front of him actually laughed.

"Chu Feng, a cook. "


At this time, Black Feather Kuaidou finally understood why the other party looked so familiar.

One day, a photo in a newspaper that was not very clear was not the man in front of him.

Chu Feng!

The newly promoted special chef, one move to kill the burkiwuz, even the gourmet will dare not retaliate.


How did you recruit this big guy? Black Feather Fight slammed into a spirit.

Staring at the real big guy in front of him stunned.

"That ~ Chu ~ Mr. Chu, what are you looking for me for?"

Black Feather Kuaidou never understood why a special chef was looking for himself? Who knew that Chu Feng's answer was once again beyond his expectations.

"Nothing, just curious to come and take a look. "

Black Feather Kuaidou was speechless for a while.

He stared at Chu Feng's serious face for a long time. He had already determined that the other party was not lying.


You scared me to death, just out of curiosity?

A wry smile quickly appeared on his face...

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