Chapter 246 Kudo Shinichi, I blame the thief Kidd for not sharing the sky with you!!

A light breeze blows.

Stirring the ends of Chu Feng's hair.

And the high-brimmed top hat of Black Feather Quickdou.

In fact, Chu Feng really didn't want to do anything to the strange thief Kidd.

The other party is neither a vicious person nor has he offended him.

Even if it is such a murderer as the robber trio.

Chu Feng also just sent them to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Usually, Big Boss Chu doesn't like blood on his hands.

"So, you and Kudo Shinichi are really not long-lost brothers?"

On the rooftop calmly, Chu Feng raised the question that had been hidden in his heart for many years.

Still coming?

Black Feather Kuaidou's depressed expression was even more obvious.

I always feel that the big guy in front of me seems to have misunderstood something.

"No! Absolutely not! I really have nothing to do with that Kudo Shinichi!"

In a hurry, Black Feather Kuaidou directly came to a triple denial.

At this moment, he had already scolded Kudo Shinichi, who he had never met, to his head

It's all to blame that this guy looks similar to himself to attract the attention of this big guy.

As a monster thief Kidd.

Although he has always enjoyed the attention of the world.

But that doesn't include the strange people.

Not to mention the grand chef who has been in the limelight recently.

Damn Shinichi Kudo!

I blame Kidd for not sharing the sky with you!" thought Black Feather Quick, indignantly.

Chu Feng's voice was remembered in his ears again.

"By the way, ask you something. "

"What's the matter?" Mr. Chu just asks!"

Black Feather Kuaidou was startled, and a smile appeared on his face again.

He felt that if he continued like this, his face would almost be deformed.

"You are also tracking down the whereabouts of the Maple Leaf Gold Coin?"

Chu Feng spoke again.

"Hmm. "

Hei Xi Kuaidou nodded without hesitation.

The big guy personally dealt with the robber trio.

Apparently interested in the Maple Leaf Gold Coin.


He definitely had no chance of stealing.

It is better to be generous and admit it directly.

"Do you know the exact location?"

"I don't know, the treasure map is in the hands of those imps, but I'm sure the gold coins are hidden near the Yongjing Tower. "

"Why so sure?"

"I have investigated the trajectory of Tino Cabana's movements after coming to neon, and only the river bank near the Songjing Tower is the best place to hide things. "

A strange glance at the strange thief Kidd.

Chu Feng did not doubt the other party's words.

This guy spends all day figuring out how to steal things.

Definitely have a unique insight into the place where the treasure is hidden.

"So be it, I'll go first. "

Get useful 'intelligence'.

Chu Feng was ready to go to the riverbank for a stroll. Black Feather Kuaidou immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Secretly, this big guy is finally leaving.

Subconsciously wiped the cold sweat on the door of his brain.

But he hadn't completely relaxed yet.

Suddenly, his eyes widened again.

At that moment just now, a man and a woman in front of them actually disappeared out of thin air, without any warning at all.

"Stealth? Teleportation? or illusion?"

Seeing such a strange thing with his own eyes, the two big living people disappeared out of thin air, and the black feather fast fight was so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

As a magician, he was sure that the other party had suddenly disappeared without the help of any props.

"They're not still on the rooftop, are they?"

Kuroba Kuaidou looked around and muttered to himself as he looked at the empty rooftop.

If the other party is just stealth, then it is really possible that it is still there.

As if in order to verify his conjecture, I saw him ask in a low voice: "Mr. Chu, are you still there?"

On the silent rooftop, there was only a gentle breeze with a hint of warmth, blowing a crisp white cloak and a high-brimmed top hat.


It was as if a row of crows flew overhead.

In the ancient Chinese flow, the color is pressed.

Overlooking the river bank opposite the tower.

He only felt that today's wind was a little noisy.......

On the banks of the river.

On both sides are a row of residential buildings.

I don't know the specific location, ordinary people want to find gold coins, but they are afraid that it will be as difficult as heaven

But for people with super mental power, it is more expensive to search.

This is also the reason why Chu Feng did not immediately start, but asked the strange thief Kidd.

As a landmark building in the neon capital, the range of the reflection of the tower is probably more than tens of kilometers.

Aimlessly looking for a place to hide gold coins within a radius of tens of kilometers, even Thor could not find it.

Chu Feng didn't think about using God Walk.

He also went out of his way to search the Internet for what the maple leaf gold coin looked like.

But it's a pity~


The concept is incomplete and cannot be transmitted at all.

However, according to the clues provided by the monster thief Kidd.

The scope has now been narrowed down to both sides of the embankment.

With the strength of Chu Feng and Thor, it was not difficult to find.

"Skip the inhabited places and start with the abandoned houses. "

Looking around, Chu Feng said to Thor.

The dragon maid nodded, and then disappeared in place.

Chu Feng, on the other hand, walked towards the other side.

In fact, he is not short of money now.

But 4.5 billion is really a bit tempting. Cheap picked up in vain, he naturally will not miss it.

It didn't take long ~

In a small three-story abandoned building.

Chu Feng found an old suitcase.

Open it and take a look.

The inside is full of gold coins printed with maple leaf motifs. 'Swoosh'.

Thor appeared beside Chu Feng.

"Found it?"

Seeing the gold coins that seemed to be reflected in the suitcase, the dragon maid's eyes suddenly lit up.

According to legend, dragons love to collect all kinds of treasures, and Thor has no resistance to this golden thing.

"Do you like it?"

Chu Feng said curiously.


Thor nodded hurriedly.

"Then send you. "

Chu Feng said without hesitation.

Although Big Boss Chu is very 'greedy for money'.

But if his own woman likes it, he won't cash out these gold coins.

Thor smiled and took out two gold coins from his suitcase, put them in his hand and played, "No need, one for me and Connor and I is enough." "

Seeing that his girlfriend insisted on not accepting it, Chu Feng was not reluctant, and casually poured out all the gold coins in the suitcase 810.

"Put this thing into your other-dimensional space first. "

Thor's face became strange, and his blinking eyes seemed to ask, why not take the box away with it?

First poured out and only collected gold coins, she couldn't understand Chu Feng's operation a little.


Just when Thor was puzzled, Chu Feng laughed and raised his hand to wave gently towards the river embankment not far away.

Under the control of mental power, a row of pebbles flew over neatly and orderly, and fell into the suitcase.

After locking the box and putting it back in the distance, Chu Feng quickly destroyed the traces left by the two, clapped his hands and smiled and said:

"That's fine, I'm looking forward to the 'treasure hunter' coming soon." "

Thor was speechless for a while.

Immediately understood Chu Feng's intentions.

It was obviously trying to tease the four little guys before.

The smile on Chu Feng's face.

It is completely looking forward to the other party finding the 'treasure'.

You value that little guy named 'Conan.' "

Thor shook his head and smiled, but didn't take it to heart either.

Anyway, Boss Chu is not the first time to tease the other party.

Looking at the dragon maid's strange eyes.

Chu Feng knew that the other party must have misunderstood. He didn't think much of Conan at all.

It's just a grudge that has been accumulated for years.

He couldn't help but want to see the other party embarrassed.

The series has not shown any signs of ending for more than 20 years.

But many people have mixed feelings, and Chu Feng is just one of them...

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