Chapter 247: Could it be that Chu Feng took the Maple Leaf Gold Coin?!!

Outside an abandoned three-story building by the river embankment.

Several police cars were parked in the clearing.

A group of elementary school students excitedly got out of the car under the leadership of Twilight Thirteen.

Kojima Motota walked in front with his head held high.

Behind him were Mitsuhiko Marutani, Conan Edogawa, and Sota Hori.

Finally, Dr. Agasa, who came with him as a guardian.

Di Dan three fools plus death elementary school student. The Young Detective Corps is online again. However, it is slightly different from the original.

Because of Connor's mess.

As a result, Ayumi Yoshida missed the throne of the three fools of Teidan.

In his place was Hori Sota, the younger brother of Kyoko Hori.

"Conan, the treasure of that treasure picture is really the fifteen thousand maple leaf gold coins that were stolen?"

This is the third time that Mitsuhiko Marutani has asked.

Since dinner, the police officer has approached them.

He felt that things had exceeded his imagination. I thought 'treasure' was something that wasn't worth much. After all, the treasure map was only picked up by Yuantai in the art museum.

Who knows about the sudden change in events.

It turned out to be a maple leaf gold coin worth 4.5 billion yen.

Mitsuhiko Madaya didn't know how the other friends reacted when they found out.

Anyway, he almost collapsed to the ground in fear.

Glancing at the timid Mitsuhiko Marutani, Conan nodded and said, "Didn't Officer Twilight already confirm it, and the word 'oro' is drawn on the picture, which means money, gold or wealth in the Italian language." "

"Does Conan still know the Italian language?"

Motota, who was walking in the front, suddenly turned around, his tone extremely surprised, and then became frustrated.

"It's a pity, obviously we cracked the secret of the treasure map, but the treasure still has to be taken away by the police officer's uncle, and I originally wanted to use the money inside to buy Ultraman's toys." "

Kojima Mota shook his head in frustration, his tone sluggish.

Conan rolled his dead fish eyes and snorted a little speechlessly.

A treasure worth 4.5 billion, do you think that even if the Metropolitan Police Department does not intervene, a group of children can eat it?

And with such a large amount of money, the first thing you think of is the Ultraman model?

The thinking of children is always so novel.

In fact~

Conan also didn't expect that what Genta casually picked up was actually a map with maple leaf gold coins hidden.

At first, he thought it was a graffiti, but he didn't pay attention to it at all.

But after going to clothing stores, cafes and Wongyo Pagoda one after another.

He was 100% sure that the picture was real.

Miwako Sato and Renzaburo Shiratori are on either side of a group of children to prevent danger from returning.

Hearing Conan's words, Miwako Sato suddenly became a little curious and asked with a smile: "Little brother, are you so sure that things must be hidden here?

The voice just fell.

Twilight Thirteen and Shiratori Renzaburo also looked over. In fact, they don't really believe the words of a child.

But after getting the treasure map".

The entire Metropolitan Police Department was fully operational.

All manpower is gathered.

It is consistently assumed that the banks of the Embankment of the Junkyuta River are the best places to hide treasures.

Carpet search anyway.

Let's take a look at the place where this group of little guys said.

What if he was fooled?

It also saves a lot of trouble.

At least~

Twilight thought so.

The Italian government has put pressure on Neon.

The pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department is also great.

Everyone wants to find the stolen maple leaf gold coins from illy as soon as possible.

"This is not speculation, but formal reasoning!"

Conan lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, forgetting that he looked like a little boy now.

"Tino Cabana wanted to swallow the gold coin alone, and at the same time did not want his companions to find out. "

"In the unfamiliar place of life, he is absolutely impossible to mark with words or maps. "

"Only by drawing a treasure map that he only understands what it means can he be completely relieved..."

It is estimated that Tino Cabana also came to the Songjing Tower at night and found that the neon lights nearby would form a special pattern, so he drew this treasure map and buried the things in the corresponding place on the spire. "

Conan is a stinky fart.

Finally, I'm ready to say the classic scheming frog that touches your stomach all the time

But Dr. Agasa didn't give him this opportunity, and he coughed hard.

Conan's smug expression came to an abrupt end.

Then I saw everyone looking at me strangely.

"Little Conan, did you come up with all this yourself?"

Renzaburo Hakuba looked at the little guy with glasses in front of him a little incredulously.

Suddenly, I felt that my IQ was not as good as that of a primary school student.

He also looked at that picture for a long time.

But no matter how you look at it, it's just a bunch of inexplicable patterns.

Miwako Sato was also surprised.

It always felt like Conan wasn't like a child.

It's a youkai wearing a child's body.

Such logical reasoning.........

It's impossible for elementary school students to do that.

Horita's eyes already showed a light of adoration, and he praised: "Conan is so powerful, as if he knows everything." "

Kojima Motota nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it really deserves to be an official member of our juvenile detective team." "


Conan finally reacted.

Looking at the group of people around him, they all stared at him with the eyes of a youkai.

His heart suddenly felt a little hairy, and he quickly waved his hand to defend: "How can I possibly know everything, I was just imitating Sherlock Holmes just now, and this is how it is performed in TV series..."

It turned out to be a parody TV series, it really scared me to death just now, I thought Conan was a shrunken adult. "

Mitsuhiko Marutani, who had never spoken, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But this statement scared Conan half to death.

"Ahhh, how could you have such a strange thought. "

Conan tried to keep his tone as normal as possible, not letting anyone other than Dr. Agasa see the clue.

"Huh? Haven't you seen that "Honey, I Reduced My Baby"?

Mitsuhiko Madaya's answer was completely unexpected by Conan.


How can you connect two unrelated things in such a natural tone?

Conan glanced at the little fart in front of him strangely, feeling that he could not understand the brain circuits of the elementary school student.

Although Twilight XIII and Shiratori Renzaburo and the others were surprised by Conan's cleverness, they did not pay attention to it.

No matter how strange the other party is, it is just a small Zhengtai.

The group soon came to the third floor and found a suitcase in the compartment.

Shiratori Renzaburo did not allow and went to drag the box with one hand.

The first time I didn't drag, it was a bit embarrassing.

Shiratori Renzaburo scratched his head.

It took both hands to drag the suitcase out.

On the way, there was also a "Bang Dang Dang." "

". "

Kojima Motota was the first to shout: "Conan guessed correctly, the treasure is indeed hidden here!"

Although he didn't get any benefit, the feeling of finding the treasure still excited him.

Conan laughed dryly on the side, in order not to arouse the suspicion of the police officers, he did not dare to say a word now.

Twilight Thirteen also laughed, and found the maple leaf gold coin in time, which also greatly relieved the pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department.

Without saying anything more, he signaled Renzaburo Hakuba to quickly open the box.

And then~

A box of pebbles of different colors and patterns appeared in front of everyone.


Twilight XIII: (⊙_⊙)...

Everyone: (⊙_⊙).........

Everyone was stunned at this moment.

Dr. Agasa rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

He trusted Conan's judgment.

This little guy does get carried away sometimes.

But in the field of reasoning, it is really rare to go wrong.

Did someone take the gold coins in advance?"

Miwako Sato said a little annoyed.

She now believed Conan's speculation.

This is definitely where the gold coins are hidden.

But now ~

It was replaced with a box of pebbles.

Twilight was silent.

But his face has become extremely livid.

He could already imagine the roar of his superiors.

Staring at the boxes full of pebbles, Conan fell into deep thought.


Something seems to have come to mind.

He spoke, "Officer Twilight, how did you catch the bandit gang?"

In the morning the news was still wanted for Tino Cabana's accomplices, and in the afternoon someone was caught.

The Metropolitan Police Department, when did it become so efficient? I didn't find the maple leaf gold coin, and Twilight Thirteen was a little interested.

But thinking that thanks to Conan they could find here, he still answered seriously.

"In fact, this is thanks to Mr. Chu, who called the police after he subdued the robber trio. Mr. Chu, he is really an enthusiastic citizen!"

When Chu Feng called the police, he didn't plan to hide his identity, he still used his own mobile phone, and Twilight Thirteen was easy to find.

"Is he?"

Conan exclaimed in disbelief, and then remembered the chance encounter with Chu Feng in the afternoon

Could it be that at that time, the robber trio was following them, and later they were discovered by Chu Feng and caught each other by the way?

After all, these two facts are too coincidental, and it is no wonder that he thinks of them together.

Continue reasoning on this basis.........

If Chu Feng got the news of the Maple Leaf Gold Coin from the bandit trio, would he give birth to evil thoughts?

After all, the bad chef who likes to sell high-priced dishes seems to be greedy for money.

The expression on Conan's face gradually changed, and he faintly felt that he had guessed the truth.

Now the maple leaf gold coin, will it be in Chu Feng's hands?

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but have a headache.

Even if he guessed the truth, he didn't want to provoke the man.

As for the Metropolitan Police Department?

Stop tease.

They have no right to investigate the Grand Chef at all...

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