Chapter 249 For an internship place, the two sisters almost fought!!

The living room suddenly fell silent.

Erinai and Alice looked at each other and froze in place for a while. In fact, the start time of the 'field internship' has long been set.

The internship place is divided into five levels: A to E.

These restaurants or food suppliers all have a close cooperative relationship with Yuanyue.

According to past practice.

Each first-year student takes turns interning at different levels over a period of one month.

It's just that Senzoemon 'uses power for personal gain' and stuck the distribution of Erina and Alice.

Although it was Alice who proposed to come to the fast food truck for an internship.

But even if she doesn't say it.

Old man Xue Che also has plans in this regard. It's just that Chu Feng is different from other partners.

Yuanyue could not influence his will.

I won't look forward to the palm pearl of the Xue Che family going to him for an internship.

Senzoemon thought about it for two whole days.

Only then did he cheekily come to visit. Anyway, you have to try.

It's all about your own children.

Chu Feng's loose attitude surprised Xianzuoweimen.

But the meaning of the other party is also obvious.

The food truck only needs a helper.

Senzoemon's gaze lingered over Erinah and Alice for a while.

The palms and backs of the hands are all meat.

For a moment he couldn't make a choice.

"Isn't it, Boss Chu, really only recruit one person?"

Alice, who was impatient, couldn't sit still at first, and spoke first.

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a light smile: "No way, the car is too small to accommodate so many people." "

The little hand slapped the door of her head, and Alice said a little frustrated: "How so?

Unlike restaurants, food trucks don't require as many people at all.

Perhaps because of inertial thinking, Far Moon "field practice" every year. "

"The students are all in pairs. "

The three grandfathers and grandchildren of the Xue Che family were only worried about whether Chu Feng would agree, and they didn't think about this stubble at all.

Alice's burgundy eyes rolled a few times, leaned her shoulders against the blonde girl next to her, her tone changed from her usual sharpness, and said almost flatteringly: "Sister Erina, do you want to intern somewhere else?"

"By what?"

Erinae glared at Alice angrily.

This eccentric girl has never called her sister in normal times.

Now for an internship quota, I didn't hesitate to change my words, is there a bottom line.


The opportunity to learn from Chu Feng is rare.

Erina, though not as eager as Alice.

But I don't want to give up my place easily.

Even if that person is her sister.

The two sisters looked at each other like this, and no one would give in.

The air seemed to burst into fierce sparks.

As if in the next second.

Erinai and Alice will fight like that.

Xianzuomen raised his hand to support his forehead, and his old face was a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it for two days, he didn't expect this to be the case at all.

Chu Feng's gaze lingered on the two sisters for a while, and finally he had a whim, and spread his hands and said, "Or the two of you will compete in a game, and the one who wins will stay." "

Don't get me wrong!

There is no intention at all to provoke the feelings of the two sisters.

Just wanted to fix the problem as soon as possible.

And the competition ~ is the fastest shortcut.


Chu Feng also wanted to assess the level of the two.

Since you want to choose an assistant.

Naturally, you must first understand the skills of the other party.

In fact, Chu Feng was not aware of the change in his mentality.

Change to the previous ~~

He would never agree to such trouble.

But now ~~

After a little hesitation, he answered.

Perhaps his current strength gave him confidence.

Or maybe this period of stall life made him experience the fun of getting along with people, in short~

Faced with the request of his partner, he only half agreed.


Just a helper!


Erina's eyes lit up, secretly praising Chu Feng's good method, and also meant to ask Alice.

When the latter heard this, his expression became a little tangled, and he always felt that he didn't win much.

She has a few pounds and a few taels, and Alice feels like a mirror in her heart.

In the past, there was a certain gap between her and Erina.

Since eating Chu Feng's dishes.

During this time, Erina's culinary level has improved by leaps and bounds. But to let Alice give up like this, but she is unwilling.

Afraid of what?

And she's not the only one who has eaten food trucks! I've eaten a lot during this time!

Alice's eyes gradually became firm, and she hummed softly: "Compare with whom!"

And then~

The two sisters turned their heads in unison, stared at Chu Feng and said in unison: "You come up with the problem..."

At this moment, Erinai and Alice were scrappy.

I looked with interest at the sisters who almost fought for an internship spot

Chu Feng suddenly had a sense of joy after the success of the prank.

Thor and Connor strangely stare at the only man in the house. It always felt like he had recently awakened some strange attributes.

It's not a big deal to see the excitement, it's just fun.

Thor wouldn't believe it anyway.

Boss Chu simply assessed the cooking level of the two sisters.

After a moment of silence~

Under the anxious gazes of Erinai and Alice.

Chu Feng finally spoke: "Let's make a simple sweet and sour fish." "

"Sweet and sour fish?"

Alice was slightly stunned.

It was not because the topic Chu Feng came up with was too complicated, but it was too simple.

This is a dish that elementary school students can make.

Anyway, Alice will do it when she is seven or eight years old.

It seems that I feel underestimated.

Alice rolled up her sleeves and prepared to make a big fight.

"Sweet and sour fish? When will it start?"

There were no surprises in Erina.

When the man in front of me comes out of the stall, he likes to cook such simple dishes. But the simpler the dish, the more it often tests a chef's basic skills.

Sweet and sour fish, the most basic dish, is not an easy task to satisfy the grand chef.

Erinai suddenly sat up straight, as if in a stern posture. She was ready and told herself to be sure to show her twelve-point skills.

Seeing Chu Feng walking into Chu Feng with his two granddaughters.

Senzoemon suddenly had the feeling of walking on the wrong set.

Who am I?

Where am I? What am I doing here?

Obviously, he just brought his two granddaughters to visit. How did it suddenly become a competition cooking? Senzoemon felt that he might really be old. It is completely unable to keep up with the current group of young minds.


Erinai and Alice went all out to compete?

There was a slight hesitation.

Senzoemon nodded at Thor and Connor and got up to the kitchen door

The two dragon ladies did not move, still watching TV on the sofa, but changed their posture

The competition between the two sisters of the Xue Che family, they were not interested at all, anyway, it could not be better than what Chu Feng made...

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