Chapter 250 Sweet and sour carp, Alice fried fish scales!!

The kitchen in a normal apartment is not big.

Erinai and Alice, who followed Chu Feng in, couldn't help frowning.

The two of them had never seen such a small kitchen when they were so big.

Staring at Chu Feng's back strangely.

Neither sister could figure it out.

Why should the other party live in such a 'small' house.

After all~

Chu Feng was not short of money.


A sound of splashing water pulled the two of them back in their thoughts.

Keep your eyes peeled.

In the tank in front of Chu Feng, there were two carp of suitable size.

Without even weighing it, you can see with the naked eye that the two carp are almost exactly the same size.

Vigorous fish swim in the tank, occasionally splashing.

"Yellow River carp?"

Erinai immediately recognized this fish, but not at all, not surprised.

After all, Chu Feng is from the Dragon Kingdom, and it is normal to prepare some hometown ingredients at home.

Alice smiled and said, "No wonder your topic is sweet and sour fish, it turns out that there are ready-made ingredients at home." "


The sisters had a preconceived idea that there was fish in the kitchen.

Actually, it's not~

This thing was exchanged by Chu Feng in the points mall just now.

There are other ingredients at home, but they are all dreamy ingredients.

Cooking dream ingredients at the current level of Erina and Alice.

It's a waste.

Boss Chu, who is diligent and thrifty, will definitely not let this happen.

"There are all kinds of seasonings here, so let's see for yourselves." "

Pointing to the spice bottle on the kitchen counter, Chu Feng turned around and came to the door, waiting for the sisters' performance.

Senzoemon stood this scene with great interest.

Erina and Alice nodded at the same time and each picked up a carp.

And then~

Start cleaning the scales and internal organs.

The scales are like wood chips that have been gouged by a planer, and they are quickly peeled off from the carp.

"The knife work is not bad. "

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Just the simplest operation.

It can be seen that the basic skills of Erina and Alice are very solid.

Ordinary people scrape fish scales with knives.

Because the scales are embedded in the skin of the fish.

It will spoil the overall feeling of the fish skin a little.

And the fish that the two people in the kitchen handled.........

The skin and scales are perfectly divided and the integrity is excellent.

If you really want to divide the high and low.

Erina's knife skills are even better.

Chu Feng estimated~

There should be a level of proficiency.

Right at this moment~

In the kitchen, the two have finished changing the carp. Both sides of the fish have an even and orderly knife edge.

Gently drag over the flour.

Finally, quickly put it in the oil pan.

Hot oil at moderate temperature.

Instantly, there was a burst of 'moisture' sounds.

The fish changes color quickly after being cooked and fried.

The faint smell of fried fish slowly wafted to the kitchen door.

Erinai had already started another pot.

Peel, wash and chop the onion! Peel and mince the garlic!

Shred the ginger, water chestnuts and bamboo shoots thinly sliced.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, there was no time to prepare the stock.

Erinai can only choose relatively suitable auxiliary materials and burn them into a suitable thick juice.

The other side.

Alice made the same choice. But there is one thing that is different from Erina. She did not choose water chestnuts and bamboo shoots.

Instead, ketchup was used.

"Boss Chu, what do you think of the old man's granddaughter?"

Senzoemon clasped his hands around his chest, and the whole person leaned against the door frame, with a strong smile on his face.

"Ok, all good. "

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

I always feel like this old man in front of me is making a pun.

I don't know which side the other party is asking? But ~

Erinai and Alice regardless of their looks or talents.........

Boss Chu felt that his answer was fine.

As the cooking of the two in the kitchen neared its end.

Chu Feng and Xianzuoweimon stopped talking.

Two plates of steaming sweet and sour carp are served.

Chu Feng quickly noticed that inside one of the plates, there was a circle of decorative gold embellishments.

"Fried fish scales? Alice made it, right?"

Chu Feng's gaze fell on the white-haired girl.


Alice nodded like a chicken pecking rice, with a confident smile on her face, and hurriedly said: "Boss Chu, you can try it quickly, my cuisine is definitely no worse than Erina..."

"Huh~~ thought that you wanted to win me with a little trick, Alice is still as naïve as when she was a child!"

Erina's hands were wrapped around her chest, and she looked like she was holding the victory, like a proud peacock.

"Hmph, whose sweet and sour fish is more delicious, Boss Chu knows by himself. "

"If you lose, don't cry your nose." "

"I wouldn't..."

Before the food could be tasted, the two sisters had already begun to stir their mouths.

Chu Feng smiled at the two sisters with different personalities, as if they had returned to the lively orphanage at the beginning.

At that time, the younger brothers and sisters who had a good relationship often fought over an inconspicuous matter.

But as long as one of them is bullied, the others will step up to help him or her.

In Chu Feng's opinion, the sisters who can fight and quarrel will definitely not have a bad relationship.

The first thing he started tasting was Alice's cooking.

Pick up a piece of fish scales and put it in your mouth.

A peculiar fragrance and crispness quickly spread in the mouth.

"The heat was well controlled. "

Chu Feng gave an objective evaluation.

Fish scales do eat.

It's just that he's never done it before. But it does not hinder his judgment. I want to fry crispy and delicious fish scales. There are extremely high requirements for the heat temperature.


Alice did a good job with this.

Got Chu Feng's praise.

A smile suddenly broke into Alice's face.

That's a testament from a Grand Chef.

Alice, who came from a privileged background, couldn't help but be a little excited at the moment.

At the same time, she is very lucky.

After returning to Neon, I came across the food truck.

As a veritable genius, the son of the god of molecular cuisine.

In fact, Alice's knowledge of folk is seriously inadequate.

Before, she didn't even know what a seaweed bento was, let alone the sweet and sour fish over there in the Dragon Kingdom.

Since eating Chu Feng's dishes.

Alice made up for her knowledge of folk cuisine.

I even humbly asked my friends about this aspect.

Megumi Tasho, Sojin Kohei, Teruki Kuga and others.

None of them refused the advice of this second young lady.

That's why ~

She can only make this sweet and sour fish today...

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