Chapter 260 Bijiya siblings, Hachiman and Komachi!!

"Boss, let's have Wenxin tofu~~"

"I want a shredded green pepper. "

"I'll get one copy of everything!"

"Does the boss only cook Chinese food?

I want to eat braised pork, I tasted it once when I traveled to the Dragon Kingdom last time, and the feeling of a mouth full of oil was simply refreshing. "

"What? The dishes are different every day? Uh... Wouldn't the location be different every day?"

"Don't worry, there are many people coming and going here at the station, don't worry about no customers, the boss will definitely set up a stall here tomorrow." "

"That's right..."

People surrounding the food truck ordered food.

Chu Feng and the others also began to get busy.

Alice is responsible for cutting meat and shredded green peppers, as well as serving soup.

Thor was specifically responsible for collecting money, and the matter of stir-frying was handed over to Chu Feng.

The three people had a clear division of labor, and one after another fragrant dishes were quickly brought to the table

In fact, Chu Feng didn't expect that Megumi Kato's puppy actually helped him play a wave of advertisements.

Although it only added a fire, it did play a vital role, after all~

If there is no such trick to be correct, people who rely solely on the fragrance to attract should not be too many willing to pay in the end. The number of people patronizing the food truck is gradually increasing.

Megumi Kato and Ritako are also inconvenient to stay for a long time.

After waiting for Chai Hu Meizi to enjoy a big meal, the mother and daughter got up to leave.

As soon as the space became vacant, there were guests sitting down.

Chu Feng, who was busy stir-frying, nodded slightly towards Kato Megumi, but did not mean to invite the other party to join the group.

Boss Chu generally rarely takes the initiative to add people, and usually waits for diners to propose it themselves.

As for the questions raised by the guests who have just arrived......... Chu Feng smiled and said nothing.

To make the new guests have a better gastronomic experience. Or don't easily break their delusions.

Set up a stall in the same location?

How can it be!

The stall locations are fixed, so what is the food truck culture called?

Going to a different place every day and meeting different people is the true meaning of stalling.

As Thor shuttles between several tables, the new guests begin to enjoy their meal.

The first time they ate the food truck dishes, the diners were shocked and couldn't believe their tongues.

"Hiss~~ This is really the level of a roadside stall?"

"Lying groove, this shredded meat is also too fragrant, I can eat three bowls of oil and rice alone." "

"And Wen Xin Tofu, such a strange name, it's incredibly silky. "

"What to do, after tasting the food here, I feel like I can't eat anything else anymore." "

"Although the price is a bit expensive, it is definitely worth the money, and I decided to come here tomorrow at noon. "

"Hehe, Boss Chu's dishes only sell for five thousand yuan, which is already very cheap, don't get cheap and sell well!"


Someone had already recognized Chu Feng's identity.

But I don't know why?

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, who looks like a successful person, is silent

Instead, when Thor brought the food over, he secretly asked Chu Feng's contact information, and the dragon maid unceremoniously refused, and gave him a disdainful look.

Really when Boss Chu's contact information is a big cabbage, anyone can ask for it....

At the south gate of the Inamao coastline, a pair of boys and girls just came out of the doorway.

The girl didn't look old, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

She has short sky-blue hair pinned to her 'X' shaped hair needles and a cute tuft of dull hair on the top of her head.

"Brother is true, obviously he had a holiday yesterday, but he only came back now, and he was late in the end?"

"Do you know how long Komachi waited at the station, for three hours, my stomach was almost hungry!"

The girl who called herself 'Komachi' walked in front and complained to the boy behind her.

Even if she wears a very ordinary sailor suit, she is also an extremely cute beautiful girl.

In contrast, the listless boy who never seems to wake up seems extremely ordinary.

There was a wry smile on the face with the two dead fish eyes.

The boy, who seemed a little decadent, explained vigorously: "I'm sorry Komachi, it was already noon when I woke up, so I came back late..."

"Hmph~ rare weekend you actually used to sleep, lazy brother is simply not saved~~"

Komachi completely ignored his brother's apology and said to himself: "I don't care, Komachi is hungry now, and if there is no big meal today, I will never forgive my brother." "

The boy wearing Toyonosaki's school uniform nodded with a wry smile and kept making amends: "Okay, well, whatever you want to eat, I will buy it for you." "

When is there an extra food truck outside the station?"

Komachi looked puzzled, and when he came near twelve o'clock, there was obviously nothing here.

A sly smile suddenly appeared on that delicate face.

She suddenly became a little interested in food truck cuisine.

"Well, for your sincere admission of mistakes, I'll give you a chance to treat Komachi to fast food now. "

Having said that, Komachi, who is sensible, does not want his brother to spend money. If she really wants to go to a star-rated restaurant, she will definitely be the first to jump out against it. Roadside food trucks are just right, and they are not expensive anyway. And there are so many guests opposite, the cuisine must taste very good.

With a hint of anticipation, Komachi happily crossed the zebra crossing.

The boy, who also had a tuft of dull hair on the top of his head, shook his head and followed with a wry smile.

After all, who can refuse such a small request from a cute sister. (⊙_⊙)...


When the brother and sister see the price on the LCD screen.

Both stayed where they were.

Five thousand a dish! Why don't you grab it?

Hijiya Hachiman, who has always believed in frugality.

I have never seen a 'high' roadside fast food that costs 5,000 yen. The expression on Hijiya Komachi's face became a little embarrassed. Originally, I just wanted to let the late brother bleed a little.

But now it seems.

She doesn't have to take the initiative.

The owner of the food truck has opened his blood basin and mouth.

That's called a ruthless one!

Komachi instantly cut off the idea of eating here.

A dish is 5,000 ~ Brothers and sisters can order two things casually and exceed 10,000.

She didn't want her own brother to be the unjust leader.


Obviously he has decided to turn around and leave. But his feet never moved his steps.

There is no other reason ~

The aroma of the vegetables surrounding her was too strong.

On the tables in front of the food truck.

A seductive scent wafts through.

It was like a sea of mountains and layers of water.

Repeatedly testing the sense of smell of the brothers and sisters.

Komachi's throat swelled, and he subconsciously swallowed to see the saliva.

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

How can you withstand the temptation of the flower world?

The aroma that keeps creeping into the tip of the nose is like a devil's whisper.

Not only recounting the deliciousness of the food, but also constantly encouraging her to taste Fangze.


Komachi swallowed his saliva uncontrollably again, his eyes never leaving the window of the food truck.

"Boss, get one copy of everything. "

Hijiya Hachiman decisively pulled out a 'Fukuzawa Yukichi', and then pulled Komachi towards the table that had just been vacated.

Hijiya Komachi opened his mouth, habitually wanting to count the impulsive brother.

10,000 yuan is said to give, where is the reason for spending money lavishly.

But smelling the tempting aroma of vegetables, I saw the shredded green pepper meat churning up in the fast food truck as the boss kept turning the pot...

Komachi's words came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

At this time, the honest body had already betrayed her idea and let Hijiya Hachiman pull her to sit down.

Now in her mind, she has begun to imagine the taste of shredded green pepper meat and Wen Xin tofu.

"Wen Xin Tofu, isn't this the Wen Si Tofu over there in the Dragon Kingdom?"

Glancing at the tofu soup on the adjacent table, Bijiya Hachiman said to himself...

Having always isolated himself and not needing any friends, his most common thing to do is read books.

The works of famous artists such as Kenji Miyazawa, Soseki Natsume, and Osamu Dazai are more memorized than those of Chitani Hachiman, and the allusions to wild histories of various countries are also readily available.

Wensi tofu was created by the monk Wen Si of Yangzhou during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, also known as 'assorted tofu soup'.

It is rumored that this dish is extremely challenging to knife skills, and the shredded tofu that is fine enough to penetrate a needle melts in the mouth, making it endlessly memorable.

Hijiya Hachiman had also specifically checked this information.

Don't get me wrong~

He would rather be in a daze than work, and he has no interest in cooking.

He was just a little curious, how could such a soft tofu be shredded?

Even if I have seen the picture of Wensi Tofu.

Still don't believe that anyone can really make it.

After all, this year.........

Video photo deception is all P! But now ~

Hijiya Hachiman believed.

The tofu soup on the adjacent table is really as thin as hair.

It's outrageous!

This is one of the reasons why he pays so sharply. Dishes made by chefs who have this kind of knife skills.

Higaya Hachiman definitely has to taste it.

As for the question of money?

Next week's meal will be a little simpler.

This is not a problem for him at all, as long as he does not die of hunger.

It didn't take long ~

Two dishes were placed in front of the Biqigu siblings.

The shredded green pepper meat is distinctly colored.

The shredded meat with a little soy sauce color looks extremely smooth. The green peppers are shiny with oil, and they are very appetizing just by looking at them.

Hot air rising room~

A smell of meat mixed with the aroma of chili peppers drilled straight into the nose, which really flooded the population.

Hijiya Komachi subconsciously swallowed his throat, and finally realized what it means to 'salivate for 3,000 feet'.

Now they have this irrepressible impulse.

The brothers and sisters couldn't bear it anymore, and directly picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

"Oh Yixi~~ How can there be such a delicious shredded green pepper meat???"

After only one bite, Biya Komachi immediately exaggerated his mouth.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he once again sandwiched a large piece of green pepper and shredded meat, and began to eat.

"Well, if it's delicious, you can eat more. "

Hijiya Hachiman served a bowl of soup.

Start tasting this dish that I accidentally learned about from books.

Melt-in-your-mouth shredded tofu, rich and fragrant bone broth...

As a cooking idiot, he could tell the taste of pork bones, chicken bones and ham.

It's kind of incredible.

How long does it take to make each taste distinct?

And why does the clearly identifiable taste have such a perfect texture, as if it blends together perfectly?

These are less clear than Qiya Hachiman.

But know that the average chef certainly can't do it.

Glancing at the overly handsome boss in the food truck......... Isn't he supposed to be a star chef?

At this moment, Hiya Hachiman seriously doubted the identity of the food truck owner.

Then, he sneaked a glance at the beautiful full-haired maid and the cute silver-haired cook...

Sure enough, girls are a race that only has an interest in handsome guys... Damn, you can obviously eat by your face, why do you have to learn to cook, and still make it so delicious?

Bijiya Hachiman, who confessed that he had been rejected by the female class president in junior high school, couldn't help but feel a trace of inexplicable resentment.

Suddenly there was a feeling of envy of the other party.

Sure enough, what is now, it should explode in place! And just when he was out of his mind.

Hijiya Komachi, who had swallowed a mouthful of rice, exclaimed again.

"Si Guoyi, the boss is really powerful, fast food can be made so delicious, much more powerful than my mother." "

And then~

Hijiya Hachiman saw his cutest sister and looked at the man in the fast food truck with adoration!

This moment......... Hijiya Hachiman couldn't breathe with heartache...

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