Chapter 261: The Chief Chef of the Yuanyue Hotel also came to eat fast food?!!

In this world, after all, I still can't give up the big teacher!

The moment he saw the Biqigu brothers and sisters, Chu Feng recognized the boy's identity.

Than Kegu Hachiman!

Because he often says more in-depth words, he is affectionately called Ping a big teacher by book fans.

When he first met Shizune Hiratsuka, he also guessed whether the other party existed? After all~

An Yilun has never appeared.

He glanced at the short-haired girl opposite Biya Hachiman. It happened to be slightly adoring to Kiya Komachi.

Chu Feng laughed.

Like a bright sun.

It gives people a feeling like bathing in the spring breeze.

In fact~

As long as Boss Chu does not have a straight face, he is also a very gentle person.

The handsome face is angular, and the black and white eyes are clear as if there is no dust.

Mature with a melancholy look, the page made a certain girl's heart bump.

Fifteen-year-old girl in her cardamom years.

Just developed a glimmer of understanding of the hazy love story.

Face mature men with excellent external appearance and excellent cooking skills.

More or less strange ideas will arise.

Hijiya Komachi suddenly blushed and lowered his head shyly.

This has nothing to do with love, it's just a girl's thoughts about Geng's good things at a certain moment. (⊙_⊙)

Bigu Hachiman keenly noticed this scene, and the feeling of heartache doubled jealousy again!

This sentiment is rare in Bijiya Hachiman.

Growing up together, his cute sister has never looked at him with this 'adoring' gaze.

"Alas ~ this damn world of looking at faces!"

Hijiya Hachiman secretly complained.

Suddenly, I felt that my breathing was a little uneven.

Jealousy has made him unrecognizable!

Half a bowl of 'Wen Xin Tofu' was drunk.

It was much faster than Qiya Hachiman.


The cuisine of the star chef is truly extraordinary.

Although there is a little emotion because of Komachi's performance.

But Hijiya Hachiman has to admit that the food truck cuisine is so fragrant!

Glancing at Komachi, who had his head bowed, he couldn't help but pout, "Compare mom with a professional chef, really you can think of it?" Besides, Mom and Dad only have a handful of cooking at home, anyway, I don't dare to compliment their cooking skills." "

"Huh~~ I will tell my mother exactly what I said, do you guess my parents will let you on the table tonight?"

Hijiya Komachi looked up, and his big bright eyes stared directly at his brother on the other side.


Hijiya Hachiman smacked his tongue, rolled his iconic dead fish eyes and revealed an unloveable expression.

"Say, what do you want to buy this time?"

With what he knew about his sister, he must have only liked something.

"The cat doll has a new product, let's go buy it later." "

With a triumphant look on his face, Komachi unceremoniously asked for a gift.

"Really, every time I come back, I have to be slaughtered by you, my poor scholarship."

Bijigu Hachiman cried out for days of pain, but he was not distressed at all.

All along, though, his pocket money was less than half that of Komachi.

But who called this his cutest sister, really couldn't refuse the other party's request.


Komachi suddenly smiled, just a few hundred dolls, enough to make her smile.

Continuing to bury her head in the cooking, the smile on the girl's face became even worse.

While everyone is enjoying the food.

A tall man with a board head appeared in front of the food truck.

Beside him, there was also a long-haired man with a bandage wrapped around his forehead.

"That's? Chief Chef of the Yuanyue Hotel, Lying Groove, why is he here?"

"The Far Moon Hotel, is that five-star resort?"

"I've been there, and I heard that their chief chef is a nine-star chef who can only taste his dishes by making an appointment half a month in advance, and the price is not cheap!"

"No, such an existence also comes to eat fast food?"

"That's right, he's Dojima Gin, a man who is just one step away from the special chef."

"Oh my God, I'm not dreaming, why would such a top chef come here? "

"Is the food truck owner's cooking enough to attract top chefs?"

"I just said that today is my lucky day, this meal ~ Bu hiss ~ really special fragrant!"

"Boss, another shredded green pepper meat. "

Someone quickly recognized the identity of the inch.

After all, the Far Moon Hotel is very famous in Chiba Prefecture. And Dojima Silver is the hotel's signature chef.

But nowadays~

The top chef came specifically to patronize the food truck business.

Think about it!

How good is the cooking level of the young man in the food truck?

Ordinary diners can't imagine it, they just think it's worth the trip, and this page of food is far better value for money.


Only the middle-aged man who recognized Chu Feng's identity pouted and muttered in a low voice.

"Huh~ what a group of superficial guys, what about the chief chef of the Yuanyue Hotel?

People who are likely to be promoted to special chefs are completely different from real special chefs.

"Boss Chu, long time no see!"

Dojima Silver stood in front of the frame window and said hello with a smile.

The last time the two met was when the autumn selection was made.

"Chef Dotori, don't come unharmed. "

Facing the people of the partner, Chu Feng behaved very politely and signaled Thor to let go of the darkness

The five dining tables were already full, and now only there was room in front of the framed window.

Dojima Silver and the other man nodded slightly, and then began to order.

Like most people, they have to taste both dishes today.

Seeing that Chu Feng began to stir-fry, Kishijima Yin said to the long-haired man in the room.

"Ai Maru, today you have to taste Boss Chu's dishes, it's not easy to find him." "

The man named Aimaru had long black hair tied in a single ponytail.

There is also red graffiti on both sides of the face that resembles an Indian.

He looked sick.

The spirit of the whole person is seriously insufficient.

"Haha~ Boss Chu who has recently been famous in the culinary world, I have been admiring Ah Yin for a long time, today I really came to the right place~~"

Aimaru laughed, obviously looking as if he was seriously ill, but his laughter was extremely hearty.

"This is?"

Chu Feng asked a little curiously.

I always feel that the man in front of me is a little familiar.

"Aimaru, member of the IGO Gourmet Knights, it's a pleasure to meet you. "

The long-haired man narrowed his smile, introduced himself very sincerely, and his tone was also full of respect

Although the food truck owner is younger than him, he has always believed in the best in the culinary world.

Chu Feng can become a special chef at a young age, and he deserves the respect of all star chefs.

"Gourmet Knights?"

Chu Feng finally remembered who the man in front of him was.

Isn't this a good friend of Ah Yu?

Why does it look like you have a good relationship with Dojima Gin? But ~

These thoughts just flashed through my mind.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

Twenty years after Silver Dojima graduated, it is normal to make some like-minded friends

And this man, who seems to be five big and three thick, is better at sociability than Joichiro and Uekiri Thistle.

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