Chapter 266 Bean juice, this thing is a dish for people to eat?!!

"This is bean juice?"

Erina's brows were slightly stunned at first, and then frowned.

Dragon Kingdom Kyoto's unique traditional snack, she has only heard of its name, but has never seen its appearance.

I thought it was similar to soy milk, but I didn't expect the taste to be so rushed.

"Is this really a dish for people?"

If the person who made this dish was not Chu Feng.

Erinai thought that this pot of swill was for pigs.

"What? Smelly?"

Chu Feng smiled casually.

Erina's expression almost didn't write the word 'disgust' on her face, of course~

Chu Feng knew that she just hated this smell, casually handed the other party a bowl, and smiled lightly: "Taste it? Maybe you will also like this taste!"

(000)...... Erinai was completely blinded.

Just smelling it makes her stomach sick! Do you want her to drink it?

The eldest lady suddenly felt that she was being targeted.

Why is Alice's stall delicious and silky Wenxin tofu.

Change to her today, and it will become a heavy drink?

At this moment, Erinai was a little envious of Alice in bed, and she had already known that she had pulled the girl over.

But think about it...

She hasn't offended Chu Feng recently, and she usually pays more attention to her words, but the other party has no reason to her?

Don't...... This thing actually tastes good?

Erina's expression gradually became strange.

However, since Chu Feng dared to take it out and sell it, the taste should not be bad.

A special chef is not a wasted name.

After all, I came to 'learn art'.

Erinai was not good at refusing Chu Feng's 'kindness'.

Take the bowl.

Scooped a bowl of hot soup from the pot.

Erina stood there stunned, staring at the bowl of gray things in a daze

The smell of vomit came to my nose.

The scene of the demon boiling soup in the manga suddenly appeared in Erina's mind.

The soup pot is full of white bone rotten meat, and the green soup constantly emits a foul smell...

Although the bean juice is not green paste, it does not prevent Erina's automatic brain supplement like that.

Chu Feng, who was about to make mung bean paste, glanced at the blonde girl who was still in a daze, and said with a smile: "Why are you stunned? "


"Can I refuse?"

Erina, who was silent for a few seconds, said tentatively with a wry smile.

To be honest, if she could, she really wouldn't want this kind of curiosity attempt.

The noble tongue of God should not taste swill.


Chu Feng made a face, pretending to be unhappy.

As an employee of a food truck, there is no reason to hate your own products.


Must drink ~

You have to drink it if you don't want to drink today! A hint of banter flashed under your eyes.

Big Boss Chu would not admit it.

I just suddenly wanted to prank Erina.

I don't know after the tongue of God amplifies that smell infinitely.

Can Erina hold back the first squirt from coming out?

Come to think of it~

Chu Feng's serious expression almost didn't collapse.

It's rare to be able to see Miss Xue Che embarrassed.

"Alas~ How could Miss Ben be so unlucky!!"

Erinai almost went crazy, and her heart kept roaring, and her pretty face quickly climbed a red glow.

Don't get me wrong~ it's angry!

"Die and die..."

Turn your heart off. Erinai endured the discomfort. Took a careful sip.

Just drank a little.

The swill-like smell lingered directly in the mouth.

The tongue of God is like a frightened rabbit.

Constantly feeding "unpalatable" signals back to the brain.

This moment~

Erina's mind was full of both sour and salty tastes.

Such as eating pig food!


Pigs don't eat this thing! Erinai almost broke the bowl.

The bean juice is really hard to swallow. The quirky taste is also hard to describe. She subconsciously wanted to throw it up.

But just took a small sip.

By the time he fully reacted, the soup had already been gone.


A faint fragrance spread in the mouth.

A little sour, and a little sweet...

The faint sweetness gives this drink a great contrast.

Like a roller coaster, the contrast between rapid ascent and rapid descent made Erina's heart tremble, and she subconsciously poured another mouthful into her mouth.

"It tastes???"

Erina's is a little difficult to understand.

Obviously, when I first started drinking, I only felt a sour smell.

But why was the second sip so sour? She even had an illusion.

The two times I ate were not the same dish.

"Does it taste okay?"

Chu Feng asked with a smile.

“...... Very good!"

After hesitating, Erina nodded silently. Because there is no way to say what is good.

The eldest lady's answer seemed very perfunctory.

Strange to say.

With her ever-improving tongue of God.

It is clear that you can analyze the ingredients used in this dish.

It is impossible to simulate how this taste is formed.

"Then hurry up and drink, drink it and work well." "

Ignoring Erina's surprise, Chu Feng said casually.

Since he came to the fast food truck for internship, he naturally will not let go of the ready-made labor.

Even if the other party is the eldest lady of the Xue Che family, Big Boss Chu is not polite.


Erinai quickly replied, and quickly drank all the remaining bean juice in the bowl.

Hmm~ sour aroma~ I want to drink it after drinking!

Glancing at the bean juice in the pot.

Erinai didn't expect it either.

This thing can actually be addictive, and the more you drink it, the more you want to drink it.......

Pancake fruit is also a famous snack in the Dragon Kingdom, also known as pancake dumplings.

Stuffing, in fact, refers to fried food.

Wrap the pancakes in fried fritters, which is why it is called pancake dumplings.

Pancakes are mainly made of mung bean flour, which is mixed into a paste and then made into a pancake when cooking.

The preparation was not complicated, and with Erina's help, the two quickly completed the preparation.

Carrying the ingredients into the food truck with Thor, Erinai took out her phone and looked at the time.


It's still early... What a fart!

Erina, who reacted, was suddenly startled, and subconsciously rubbed her eyes, she almost thought that she was looking at the wrong time.

"Didn't you say that the stall was set up at eight o'clock on time?"

Erinai opened the food group again and took a look.

That's right?

The notice sent by Chu Feng was clearly written.

The stall time is 8 o'clock in the morning!

And then~

She saw Chu Feng and Thor nodding in unison.

The former also frowned slightly: "It's about to be out of the stall, you won't lose track of time, right?"

While speaking, Boss Chu looked at Erinai with a little 'disgust'.

After all, the other party is still a rich lady who does not know the sufferings of the world, and she can't even remember the most basic working hours.


Chu Feng felt that the Divine Tongue was not as good as Alice's.

At least the white-haired girl is very obedient and tells her to do anything. (0_0)


It's clear that you made a mistake yourself, why do you still dislike me?

Erinai was immediately dumbfounded, feeling a little aggrieved, and quickly shook her head and said: "No, there are still fifteen minutes, but we are still dozens of kilometers away from Mount Fuji!"

Although it is difficult to say it explicitly, she is a little angry, and she has already complained madly in her heart.

"You're the one who forgot the time!!"

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