Chapter 267 New Features of the Food Truck, Erina's Shock!!

"But~it's only fifteen minutes~~"

Erina stomped her foot, looking a little annoyed.

Although she has never worked part-time, she is not a workplace idiot.


Chu Feng and Thor looked at each other, and only then did they react.

Although Erinai inherited the divine tongue of the Kakukiri family, she was still an ordinary person after all.

With a smile, Chu Feng spoke: "Get in the car, it must be time!"

Saying it categorically, Big Boss Chu skillfully opened the cab and fastened his seat belt.

Thor pointed to the sliding door of the cooking room and urged, "Hurry up, or you'll be really late." "

Erinai was stunned.

I don't understand what these two are doing.

However, she obediently entered the cooking room and closed the car door.

Before coming, Xianzuoemon had seriously advised her.

Few words and many deeds.

Everything was subject to Chu Feng's arrangement.

But Erinae was still curious.

How did the other party arrive at Mt. Fuji in such a short time?

The food truck never seems to be late.

Chu Feng arrived at the stall location on time every day. Today, it should be no exception, right? Stay in the tight dining room.

Erinai couldn't help but start thinking cranky.

If you are late on the first day of stalling.

Although I don't know if there will be guests today.

But people who don't know why...

It is estimated that the blame will be placed on her as an intern.

At that time, Alice will inevitably be mocked.

Pins ~~

Why is Miss Ben so unlucky!!

Through the small window, he glanced at Chu Feng, who was calm and calm.

Miss Xue Che's mood was even less beautiful.

This feeling of daring to be angry and not daring to speak almost drove her crazy.

Send people under the fence, there are requests for people.

Erinai really didn't dare to count Chu Feng's no.

With the sound of starting the car sounded.

Erinai quickly grabbed the handle on the right.

The main fear was that Chu Feng would drive too fast and throw her to the ground.

But soon~

She realized something was wrong. The speed of the food truck is not fast.

Up to thirty or forty yards.

It is very in line with Boss Chu's health regimen.

The old men in her family all drove faster than each other.

Young man driving, how can he drive so slowly?" muttered Erina.

But the next second~

Her mouth widened exaggeratedly.

I saw a hole in front of the fast food truck ~ actually appeared.

It was like a door opened very abruptly in mid-air, and there was a blazing white light and then ~

Under the shocked gaze of Miss Xue Che, the fast food truck slowly drove into the space door.

"This is... The kind of space door that goes to the food world??"

Driven by intense curiosity, Erinai almost blurted out.

A flash of white light.

When the sight is restored in front of you again.

She saw the white snow and the white clouds around her.

Mt. Fuji is covered with snow all year round.

It's June.

The snow on the mountains is not as thick as usual.

It was early in the morning.

The clouds have not yet dissipated.

The top of the mountain is like a fairyland shrouded in mist.

When Chu Feng opened the sliding door.

Erinai came back from her shock.

In the blink of an eye~

All at once, I went from Yonoka Town to the top of Mt. Fuji... This, this is simply teleportation!!

"Just, that was the space door just now?"

Erinai asked the doubts in her heart again.

"Almost. "

Chu Feng nodded and motioned for Erinai to open the window on the other side.

Since the system has been upgraded again after thousands of positive reviews, the food truck has unlocked new features.

As long as the location of the stall is determined, the food truck can instantly travel through the space to reach its destination.

It's just that Chu Feng prefers to enjoy the life of ordinary people, and usually does not use this function.

But not today~ It's too early to set up a stall;

Second, Mt. Fuji is a bit far away.

Erina's first time came out of the stall to see the new features of the food truck.

It can only be said that she was lucky.

As soon as it came, it was insightful.

Although Erina said that she did not need this insight.

Suddenly came to such a situation, very scary and good!

Chu Feng and Thor did not deal with the shocked and undecided Erina.

Although there will probably not be any guests on the top of the mountain.

But there is no less work to be done.

Thor neatly moved out the folding table and chairs and placed them on the level mountain floor.

Glancing at Erina, who was a little woody, Chu Feng urged: "Don't hurry up and help!"

The performance of the eldest miss of the Xue Che family is always inferior to the second young miss.

Coming out and doing things is like a stake.

If you don't call her, you don't know how to move.

Chu Feng had already begun to consider...

When grading internships, do you mention two of Erina's shortcomings in passing?

It depends on her future performance.

Anyway, there is still a month to go.

I believe that even a pig can learn how to set up a stall under his own training. Fortunately, Erinai couldn't hear Chu Feng's heart, otherwise he would definitely explode immediately.

Where is she?

Anyone who suddenly crosses space will be shocked!

Only strange people like Chu Feng and Thor do not take this operation seriously.

Two girls set up tables and chairs outside.

Chu Feng was wiping the pots and pans in the fast food truck.

Do it all.

Thor dozed off on the dinner table with one hand.

She was a little tired last night, and she hasn't woken up yet.

Chu Feng and Erinai stood in the fast food truck, looking at a certain mountain trail, waiting for unknown travelers.

"At this point, there shouldn't be anyone going up the mountain, right?"

Erina's hands tugged at the neckline of the pure white silk sweater, and said a little helplessly, while taking out a hot breath.

In summer, the top of Mt. Fuji, which is more than 3,000 meters high, is still relatively cold. Erinai is glad she wore a turtleneck sweater and plush jeans.

Otherwise she would have to freeze to death in the mountains today.

He glanced at Erina, who was dressed in plain clothing.

Slightly ordinary attire.

It gives people the feeling of a girl next door.

"Be patient, the most important thing in setting up a stall is patience; the heart is impetuous, and in the end nothing can be done. "

Chu Feng's voice was as calm as ever, and then his words changed sharply.

"If no one comes, wait three hours and close the stall, and today's work will be completed." "

So, why the hell are you here to set up a stall?

If you don't have business, you have to take full time to go back, I'm afraid you're seriously ill! Erinai really can't understand the brain circuits of Big Boss Chu.

Isn't this idle panic?

It's fun to stay on a cold mountain top and blow the cold wind for a few hours, right?

It was as if a villain was roaring madly.

But she didn't dare to say it, for fear of being disciplined.

The cold wind howls, like frost.

Erinai subconsciously shivered.

Now she just wants to blow the wind and calm down...

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