Chapter 269 100,000 yen to drink a bowl of soup, do you want to try it?!!

The top of Mt. Fuji, the cold wind.

Just took off the hiking hat, showing her long black and bright hair, Kawashima Li's whole person was stunned in place.

Originally, I came to climb the mountain at the request of fans, but I didn't expect to run into a fast food truck here.

Occasionally met Chu Feng, he was definitely super lucky.

After all, it means that you can taste the dishes of special chefs. For Rei Kawashima, who can't join the food group. This is simply an unattainable opportunity.


Why is Erinai here? Kawashima Rei really couldn't figure it out.

Miss Tang Tang Tsuki family, Her Majesty the Queen of Engetsu Academy.

Why did it appear in Chu Feng's booth? Obvious.

The other party is definitely not here to eat.

Where is the reason why guests wear aprons to eat in a fast food truck.


"Miss Erina, are you interning here with Boss Chu?"

Kawashima asked a little timidly.

Don't see that she is a popular idol of Yuanyue Academy, and she is a big anchor with 'millions of fans'.

But in the face of the tongue of God who became famous earlier, Kawashima Rei still seems very restrained.

Nodding awkwardly, Erina's face was expressionless and said, "Why are you here?" "

"Fans want to enjoy the scenery of Mt. Fuji in June, and it just so happens that the application was approved over the weekend, this is not about to be a field internship, Xiaoli can only meet the fans' wishes in advance..."

Kawashima replied honestly, acting extremely well-behaved.

But doesn't the field internship start tomorrow? Soon~

Rei Kawashima thought of the answer. Erinai must have gone through the back door.

But I can intern here with Boss Chu.

Saying it out is only afraid that I will envy all first-graders to death.

After all!

This is an opportunity to learn from a Grand Chef.

With a strange glance at Kawashima Rei, Erinai was curious: "Are you ~~ live broadcasting?" "

The other party has been holding the mobile phone holder since she went up the mountain, and at first she thought she was filming a video.


Kawashima nodded hurriedly.

Then he glanced at Chu Feng, who was also expressionless.

Timidly asked, "Boss Chu, can I broadcast your stall daily life live?" "

Different from the soft cute that was deliberately pretended in the past.

At this moment, Kawashima Li beat the drum in her heart.

The man and woman in the food truck.

She is the one who does not dare to offend.

Erina, as the eldest lady of the Kakukiri family, is the tongue of the contemporary god.

One word can determine the fate of the average chef, and other aspects will also be affected.

As for Chu Feng?

This is a special chef at the pinnacle of the culinary world, and his status is the same as that of Sakukisen Zuemon.

Kawashima Rei can never forget the scene where the other party killed Bukiwuz in a second. Facing the two big guys, her hand holding the bracket began to tremble slightly.

I want to close the live broadcast, but I am worried about the emotions of my fans.

After all, this is the popularity she spent two years slowly accumulating.


Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and nodded indifferently.

This kind of publicity opportunity, he naturally will not miss.

Now the fame of fast food trucks is still stuck in neon high society, and ordinary people do not know much.

Just now, Chu Feng glanced at the barrage on his mobile phone.

I found that in Kawashima Rei's live broadcast room, there were still many people.

"Thank you, Boss Chu!"

Kawashima Rei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and showed a sweet smile before looking at the LCD screen.

【Bean juice / 5,000 yen】

【Pancake fruit/2,000 yen】

"Are both Dragon Kingdom cuisine?"

Didn't care about the price behind.

Rei Kawashima, who has been live streaming for two years, is not bad at all for money.

Chu Feng lifted the lid of the steel barrel and nodded slightly: "This is bean juice, the specialty of Kyoto in the Dragon Kingdom, you can eat it at any time if you want." "

"As for the pancake fruit, I'll have to wait a while..."

As Chu Feng lifted the lid of the pot, Kawashima Li looked at the 'soup' inside, and then a bad smell came to her face. (000)...... Hosting many halberds and asking herself that she had seen many big scenes, Kawashima Rei was also shocked by the dishes in front of her.

A pot of gray soup that freely exudes heat and smell, just like the goblins in the otherworldly anime. Is this really made by a special chef? "

Kawashima Rei glanced at Rina a little suspiciously.

After all, Chu Feng's name is bigger, and he doesn't look like he can cook dark dishes.

But on second thought...

Miss Erina's noble background has always been a delicate and expensive cook. Such a 'foul-smelling' dish, I am afraid that the eldest lady will dirty her hands.


Was it really done by Boss Chu?

Kawashima Rei was shocked, and had a feeling of being thundered.

I glanced at the barrage on my phone.

I found that there was a falling out in the live broadcast room.

"There are food trucks on top of Mt. Fuji? How did it go up? "

"The top of the mountain is not open and set up a stall on it, this boss has a bit of a wide road!"

"Five thousand for a bowl of soup, two thousand for a pancake, why didn't he grab it?"

"Xiaoli seems to have great respect for them, what are the identities of these two people?"

"Erina? A familiar name? Groove! Isn't this the famous tongue of God? "

"What a lot of food columns? The eldest lady of the Ushikiri family? Why did she come to set up a stall? "

"Wait~ What the hell is that pot of soup? Is this something for people to eat? "

"The gray and mushy cuisine looks like it makes people have no appetite..."

"Xiaoli hurry up, the food is so expensive, and it's not delicious at first glance, let's not spend money in vain."

The live broadcast room is still tirelessly brushing the barrage.

Kawashima took a cursory look.

I found that most of them were statements that persuaded themselves to leave.

Hmph~ a group of fools who don't know who they see ~~

Kawashima Li snorted coldly in her heart, and once again a trace of contempt rose, but her face was full of smile and patiently explained: "Thank you for your concern, but please don't misunderstand, Boss Chu is a very, very powerful chef, and the dishes he makes are super delicious!" "

Because he was not sure whether Chu Feng was willing to expose the identity of the special chef, Kawashima Li's words were more vague.

But that kind of flattering tone, everyone in the live broadcast room can feel her respect for the owner of the food truck.

"Since Xiaoli said so, I can believe it, who makes Xiaoli so cute~"

"That's right, Xiaoli is a high-achieving student of Yuanyue Academy, and she is destined to become an idol of celebrity chefs in the future, and her evaluation is probably correct."

"I'm looking forward to it, but it's too late to apply for a mountaineering permit, otherwise I would like to experience the taste of eating on the top of the mountain."

"Xiaoli, since you said that the boss's cuisine is super delicious, then try a bowl of soup, 100,000 yuan will be rewarded immediately!"

"Shocked brother Tuhao, you just gave a reward of 100,000, and now you are still here? Are you still missing pendants? "

"Climbing to the top of the mountain is 100,000, drinking a bowl of soup is 100,000, such a cheap thing, Xiaoli must not miss it..."

Seeing that the people in the live broadcast room began to coax again, Kawashima Rei couldn't help but hesitate.

Not only because of 100,000 yen, but also because of the 'local tyrant brother' is a frequent guest in her live broadcast room.

She often hit the list and brushed the screen, which also brought her a lot of popularity.

As long as it is not too excessive, she generally will not refuse.

But, drinking soup???

Staring at the pot of gray bean juice. Kawashima Rei instinctively disgusted.


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