Chapter 270 Sour and reasonable, good taste and good!!

Would you like to give it a try?

It's actually a good choice question.

Kawashima Li still believes in Chu Feng's level.

No matter how bad the dishes prepared by the special chefs are, they can't be worse. It's just that the bean juice reminds her of the witch at the dinner table in the same grade.

Sadatsuka's cuisine is always full of disgusting tastes.

However, during the autumn selection, the judges who had eaten Sadazuka Nao cuisine gave high praise.

Ugly dishes don't have to be unpalatable!

"One of both."

Now that a decision has been made.

Kawashima Rei paid for the food very happily. Chu Feng nodded with a smile. Face this black-bellied two-faced beautiful girl. He always maintained an alienation from strangers. Erinae scooped up a bowl of bean juice and handed it to Thor.


The gray soup was placed in front of Rei Kawashima.

Seeing the netizens in the live broadcast room, the interest was high.

Kawashima Li brought her phone closer so that everyone could see it more clearly.

"Groove~I feel bad across the screen~~"

"It looks like ape dung, or let's forget it..."

"Yes, yes, Xiaoli don't drink it, what if it is poisoned and swollen?"

"A bunch of idiots, see the handsome little brother in the fast food truck? He's a premium chef! "

"Huh? Aren't you crazy upstairs? You tell me this is made by a special chef? "

"Same question! You haven't woken up upstairs yet, do you want me to wake you up!" "

"I guess I'm still dreaming, how can there be such a young special chef?"

"Hmph, a group of dead otaku who squat at home every day, Miss Ben advises you to watch more news in normal times, even the youngest special chef in the world, Boss Chu, does not know."

"Really fake? As far as he is concerned... Groove, I just looked it up on the Internet, it's actually true! "

"It's a bit incredible~ The grand chef likes to set up a stall! What the hell is this hobby? "

Someone recognized Chu Feng's identity, and someone should look it up on the Internet.

Although the photo barely captures the face, the conspicuous food truck is a regular in major food magazines.

Kawashima Li very sensibly pointed the camera at the fast food truck, the high-end atmospheric dark blue, it is too good to contrast.

At this moment ~ the barrage seemed to disappear.

The entire live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

The grand chef came out to set up a stall.

This kind of thing seems a bit fanciful to ordinary people.

After all, the high-ranking special chefs and them are like people from two worlds.

Now it is suddenly associated with simple stalls, and I always feel that something is wrong and cannot be said, but it feels very awkward.

People in the live broadcast room said they just wanted to be quiet.

Kawashima always kept smiling, but her heart was very proud.

Tell you to question Boss Chu, this is a slap in the face, right?

The girl with a black belly was unaware~

In fact, I am also suspected of questioning the food truck cuisine.

It didn't take long ~

The barrage flashed again.

This time, it was densely packed and directly put "Kawashima Rei." "

"Drowned. Kawashima Rei didn't care at all, and was even a little happy. "

What does a full screen barrage mean? It shows that she is very popular!

In fact, when she first contacted live broadcasting, Kawashima just wanted to get more attention. It's like standing out among the girls in the far moon and eventually becoming the only emcee.

Of course~

There is also an element of fluke.

After all, going to Yuanyue is to learn cooking, and few people are willing to do the work of hosting, perhaps because of lack of love, or other reasons...

Rei Kawashima is very eager to get the attention of the world.

Live broadcast!

is the best way.

It's just that she didn't think of it either.

After two years, it will accumulate millions of followers.

Now Rei Kawashima has planned her future.

Although the culinary talent is not so outstanding, after graduating from Yuanyue, he can take the idol route in the future.

Specializing in food dramas and participating in shows such as food variety shows can still create a sky.

Perhaps because of the short history, neon people have a paranoid pursuit of food, always thinking of proving their cultural heritage to others, and food shows have always been popular.

"I'm moving!"

With chopsticks in her hands, Kawashima bowed slightly to the phone screen, ready to taste "a drink that doesn't sell well."

First bite~

Like Erina, she instantly felt the smell of swill.

The sour smell seemed to be pervasive, constantly destroying her taste buds.

Kawashima Li's whole person was shocked and froze stiffly in place.

Is this dish really from Boss Chu? It can't be that he made it to spoof the guests, right?

She didn't know much about Chu Feng, but she had heard that he had a strange temperament, and it was rumored that many special chefs had strange habits.

Could it be that Boss Chu's proclivity is to make dark dishes and quietly admire the painful expressions of the guests?

No wonder Rei Kawashima thinks this way.

Because she likes to do it sometimes.

For example, you obviously can't get used to me, but you don't dare to hit me.

"Could it be that Boss Fei Chu and I are also the same?"

A thought suddenly popped up in Kawashima's mind.

The eyes that looked at Chu Feng were inexplicably kind.

Even the sour smell in the mouth doesn't seem to be so heavy.

A faint sweetness welled up in her heart, and she actually had a 'sour' feeling, and the expression on Kawashima Rei's face gradually became strange.

When this feeling grows stronger.

She already knew that it was not an illusion caused by her own psychological changes.

It is the taste of the bean juice itself, which is gradually becoming acceptable to the palate.


Rei Kawashima was a little confused.

With her shallow knowledge.

This taste mutation cannot be understood.

"How's it going?" Is it delicious? "

"Xiaoli frowned just now, right? Did the Grand Chef overturn? "

"The anchor's expression is a little strange, like a sudden stretch when he is constipated."

"Lying groove~ The old lady is eating breakfast, you tell me this??"

"Haha~ The old lady upstairs wants to laugh at me~~"

There is a lot of fun in the live broadcast room.

Anyone who has watched mukbang understands. When watching others eat.

Everything else is always ignored.

Whether the other party is beautiful or ugly, male or female...

People whose curiosity is seduced out always have the taste of food.

Now the people in the live broadcast room are like this, and it seems that they are more anxious than Kawashima Rei.

"How do you say it? Drinking at first feels like swill. "

"But after drinking it, the sour feeling is simply shaky..."

Kawashima Li smiled sweetly: "Everyone, Boss Chu has not overturned, the bean juice is indeed delicious, the soup not only warms the stomach, but also the more you drink it, the more addictive it is." "

These words directly made the barrage in the live broadcast room pause.

Looking through the screen, they couldn't imagine the taste of bean juice.

But looking at Kawashima Rei's appearance, it really changed from frowning at the beginning to enjoyment.

This is not ~

The black-haired girl picked up the bowl again and poured it without hesitation.

This time, there was no previous disgust in her eyes, and she seemed a little impatient.

Purr finished a bowl of bean juice.

Kawashima rei tilted her head.

Just in time to see someone asking her to describe the taste.

"Ha~~ The changes involved in this dish are too profound for Xiaoli to understand."

"If you have to describe it, you can only say that it is sour first and then sweet, sweet with sour; Sour and reasonable, good taste! "

"If you are lucky enough to meet Boss Chu in the future, you may be able to taste it, by the way..."

"Boss Chu sets up a different stall every day, and the dishes are different, it takes great luck to eat his dishes, Xiaoli is very lucky today!"

See Kawashima Rei a little struggling to depict incoherently.

Netizens were even more confused.

But to sum it up in one word. - Delicious!

Anyway, Kawashima Rei worked hard to explain.

From beginning to end, he praised Chu Feng's cuisine.

Many netizens have become very interested in this food truck.

I thought that if I had the opportunity to encounter it, I would taste it myself.

It seems that in the live broadcast room, there are not a few rich people...

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