Chapter 282: Is this the strength of a special chef?!!

"Is this the unique scent of dinosaur snakes?"

Alice sniffed deeply, immediately closed her eyes, and couldn't help but admire: "Just the fragrance is so mellow, and the umami that permeates makes people feel like they are in a sea of deliciousness." "

Erinai nodded slightly, her gaze always resting on the steak in front of her.

"It's also the first time I've seen the finished product of a dream ingredient above level 20, and the scent is simply wonderful."

Although I was involved in the preparation of this dish from beginning to end.

But when the finished product is in front of you.

Erinae was still a little unbelievable.

After all~

This is level 21 dinosaur snake meat!

"Let's get moving."

Seeing Erina's and Alice's impatient looks.

Chu Feng smiled and picked up the knife and fork first.

Thor and Connor finally didn't have to press anymore. Fork the steak in front of you and stuff it into your mouth.

No knife used!

They ate at home and never knew Sven. Cut into small pieces and slowly put them in your mouth. Where there is a direct fork up, eat happily.

Eat meat!

The dragon lady only wants to have fun!

Erinai and Alice watched this scene dumbfounded.

Subconsciously swallowed his throat.

I always felt that Miss Thor and Conna-chan were a little 'murderous'.

This way of eating is simply like a cow chewing peony.

Having received an aristocratic education since childhood, they were completely unable to accept this way of eating.


Erinae and Alice are quickly attracted by the smell of meat on the table and can no longer think of anything else.

The first thing the two ate was the piece they had fried.

Good stuff, always save it for last!


They also wanted to know how big the gap between themselves and Chu Feng was?

"This taste? So fragrant! "

Alice tasted her first bite.

Those beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

Food melts in the mouth, accompanied by the collision between teeth...

It seems that before you start chewing, it has already crumbled into a ball, spreading out in your mouth like tofu.

The fresh sauce wrapped in it is even more shocking, like a small snake alive in its mouth.

"Haw, haw~"

Alice chewed carefully.

Although her personality has always been informal.

But it is also rare to make such indecent noises as it does now.

Just because the taste of dinosaur snake meat is so delicious, people can't help it.

Erina's bright eyes lit up, and she even said a little doubtfully: "Is this really what I did?" "

Mumbling~ The tone is full of uncertainty.

The taste of this dish.

Significantly more than her usual level. A small piece of dinosaur snake meat quietly entered.

It feels amazingly tender.

There is no greasy feeling of fried products at all. The pieces of meat are squeezed in half directly by the teeth.

But at the moment when the food sank.

The incomparably strong gravy burst out in the mouth.

It was as if a water pipe was held down from the middle.

The gravy helplessly burst out from both sides.

In the next second, it splashes all over the mouth.

On one side is the dinosaur snake meat that melts in the mouth, and on the other side is the extremely delicious and mild soup.

Both unique flavors seem to be the protagonists.

With her divine tongue as the stage, she plays a youthful drama.

Obviously completely different tastes, but at this moment it seems to be magically fused together

One after another, the ultimate taste, the moment it hit Erina's heart, turned into a warm current and slowly flowed into the stomach.

Erinae is extremely sure that she will never be able to make such a taste as her usual self.

The beautiful eyes subconsciously fell on Chu Feng.

All this ~

It's all because of the guidance of the man in front of you. The other party just pointed out some details of the request. It has changed her cuisine dramatically.

Erina's estimate...

If you take out this dish in front of you, you can at least rate it with eight stars.

To know her past level, at most, it is only seven stars.

Erina's heart was overjoyed, and she strengthened her determination to study with Chu Feng.

"Huh~ Of course, you made it, but there are also reasons for ingredients, after all, it is a level 21 dream ingredient, and the taste is countless times better than ordinary ingredients."

Chu Feng glanced at Rinai lightly, neither criticizing nor praising it.

"Of course I know, so I am not allowed to be a little proud~~"

Erina rolled her eyes, but the smile between her eyebrows couldn't be hidden.

The two sisters quickly finished their own portion, and their eyes involuntarily fell on the other plate.

It was a meat steak fried by Chu Feng, and it could be seen from the color that it was obviously much higher than them.

The bright red slices of meat seem to be covered with an oily coat, and the heat rises with a more enticing fragrance.

It's strange to say.

It is clear that it has been out of the pot for so long.

The dishes made by Chu Feng still exuded amazing heat, as if they had just come out of the pot.

Erinae and Alice looked at each other and began to move.


A burst of extreme pleasure instantly exploded in the mouths of the two sisters.

The strong taste impact simply made the two goddesses swoon.

When the gravy in it bursts out. It also interprets the two words deliciousness to the extreme.

It's completely different from the previous feeling.

Chu Feng's fried steak has more than two tastes.

Erina, who possesses the tongue of God, tasted at least seven in an instant.

And there are others, even her divine tongue cannot be tasted.

Several tastes are like countless dancers bouncing happily on the tip of their tongues.

The amazing taste seems to weave a moving waltz.


Erina couldn't help but let out a moan that was enough to shut up in the small black room.

After being carried away by the ultimate delicacy, she subconsciously said those two words.

The tsundere Erina, usually does not make such an assessment easily.

And with her eyes closed, she looked even more comfortable, obviously enjoying it very much.

There was just one thing that left her scratching her head.

Everyone uses exactly the same ingredients.

Even the approach is pretty much the same.

After all, the two of them relied on the gourd to draw the scoop and did it according to Chu Feng.

But the finished product tastes very different.

"Is this the strength of a grand chef?"

Erinai secretly sighed in her heart.

It even felt that Chu Feng was even more powerful than her grandfather.

At least between her and the old man.

It doesn't seem to be such a big gap, right? Of course~

It is also not ruled out that Xianzuoweimon is suspected of releasing water.

Alice's current mood is similar to Erina's.

He also clearly recognized the gap between himself and Chu Feng.

But it's different from Erina, who is proud to the bone.

Alice quickly embraced reality. Start babbling and asking non-stop.

The main thing is the problem of layering.

How to derive the most taste with the fewest ingredients? I believe this is a topic that every chef cares about.

Since coming to Chu Feng.

Alice is clear about her positioning.

Put down your body, ask if you don't understand, where is so much reserved.

Learn to cook, thick skin and shudder, learning skills is true!

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