Chapter 283 Great Magic Panda Tofu!!

A simple and extravagant dinner ended quickly.

Simple because there is only one dish.

Luxury is a dream ingredient at level 21.

Erinae and Alice are rare and a little bit of a stretch.

Usually they don't eat too much for dinner.

Worry about getting fat.

But Chu Feng's cooking was so delicious that he unconsciously swallowed two pieces of steak.

Take a break.

The sisters were very sensible and helped wash the dishes.

This is another novel experience for Erina.

Usually there are Crimson or others around her, which turn gets her to clean up all this, the two sisters did not leave, but sat on the sofa to rest.

It didn't matter that Chu Feng was sitting on the single sofa next to him. Alice gently tumbled, her face indescribably satisfied.


Something seems to have come to mind.

Alice blinked her eyes twice and spoke, "Boss Chu, what are we selling tomorrow?" "

Although Chu Feng only notified in the morning every day, saying that he decided on the dishes on the same day.

But Alice didn't believe this rhetoric at all, and the other party added a new dish today.

Tomorrow, it will be her turn to come out, and she also wants to know the 'work content' in advance.

"Tomorrow? Let me think! "

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Immediately looked at the hopeful eyes of the silver-haired girl from 633. It seems that the other party really wants to know tomorrow's dishes in advance.

Since you can choose your own product.

In fact, there is no need to make a decision on the same day.

Z There is absolutely no need to make a decision on the day.

It's just that usually Boss Chu is lazy, coupled with habit problems, he rarely decides on dishes in advance.

Now that Alice has brought it up, it doesn't hurt to think ahead.

Ponder for a moment~

In Alice's expectant gaze, Chu Feng slowly spoke.

"Decided, just make big magic panda tofu!"

Since you have already sold magic mapo tofu and golden egg fried rice.

Chu Feng didn't mind presenting another very characteristic dish of the little dangjia in front of the world.

Checked the price.

This recipe is only 1500 points, which is not expensive at all.

Chu Feng immediately clicked Exchange.

"Big magic panda tofu? What a strange name! "

A hint of confusion flashed in Alice's eyes.

Alone from this name.

I don't see why.

"Is it similar to Magic Mapo Tofu?"

Erinai thought thoughtfully.

Subconsciously remembering the taste of that glowing dish. Mapo tofu with nine flavors in one still makes her unforgettable. Thinking of this, she is also looking forward to tomorrow's cooking.

Now that you have decided on tomorrow's dishes.

Chu Feng was no longer idle.

After all, this dish is more troublesome to prepare.

The big magic panda tofu invented by the little boss requires the use of black beans and soybeans, and it is soaked for at least eight hours.

Letting Erinai and Alice get up early tomorrow, Chu Feng went into the kitchen again to select two high-quality beans, and he began to make the required molds again.

The mold for making Big Magic Panda Tofu is more special, and it is not available in the system mall.

The manual work that was previously brushed from Megumi Kato is now finally useful.

Simple mold, Chu Feng did not have a hard time to make.

Early the next morning.

Chu Feng just issued an announcement in the food group.

Erinae and Alice knocked on the door.

[At twelve o'clock at noon, inside the Love Land Symbiosis Academy, Big Magic Panda Tofu, Magic Mapo Tofu, Wen Xin Tofu. 】

When the people in the food group saw this news, they couldn't help but stay in place.

Those group members who had not yet gotten up looked at the ceiling speechlessly, as if to say...

Tease me? Nima is all tofu! But soon~

Someone noticed the location of today's stall.

Xiaohui Tian: It's Sister Jizi and their school again, woo~~ We can't eat Boss Chu's new dishes again.

Food guru: Why did you go to that school? Isn't it fragrant to come to our far moon? Or are there not enough beautiful women? As long as Chu Feng is willing, even if he enters the campus to set up a stall, it is no problem...

Cute little peach: Yes, Lord Commander-in-Chief will definitely not refuse!

Tianyu chop: Haha~ Finally I can see Chu Jun again, and I am a little excited to think about it!

Famous sword and ryuko: It's all tofu dishes, but I don't know what's the difference?

Misaki Satori: Ah, people like tofu the most, and I'm looking forward to it until noon.......

Miss Mary: Yes~ As soon as I thought of Boss Chu's tofu, the Lun family began to get excited~~

Tianyu Slash: Does Xiao Bichi want to die? You actually want to eat Chu Jun's tofu?

Miss Mary: What do men bark wildly? It's true that the five swords in our world are afraid of you, and we know every day that you can't act but dare not act.

(Mary of Turtle Crane City in the luxury apartment snorted coldly in dissatisfaction, and did not forget to bring the other 'four swords' as well.)

She alone is really not the opponent of Tianyu Slash)

Tianyu Slash:... It seems to have been poked in the foot.

Tianyu chopped a little depressed.

She has indeed been a bit slack lately. Since knowing that Chu Feng had a girlfriend. She became more and more afraid to act.

And then ~ those dark eyes ~

Staring straight at the brand new uniform hanging on the hanger next to the bed.

Seems to be thinking about whether to wear it later?

However, Chu Feng can come to live in symbiosis and set up a stall again.

Tianyu is still quite happy...

Erinai and Alice were surprised by the location of today's stall though.

But thinking that Chu Feng had also set up a stall at the gate of Yuanyue more than once, it didn't seem to be a rare thing.

The sisters are now more concerned about the new dishes, and as soon as they enter the kitchen, they see two pots of soaked beans.

Of course, there is nothing to look at.

Both are well aware of the tofu making process.


They quickly noticed several strange molds. It was a wooden box that seemed to be weighed up layer by layer.

There are also grids spaced at the bottom of each layer.

"Chu Feng, you # plan to cut tofu directly with these grids?"

Erina's reaction quickly and instantly thought of the usefulness of this mold.

Before Chu Feng could speak, Alice had already nodded and said, "Very clever design, this can save a lot of time." "

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face.

It doesn't explain what the grid really is for.

Cut tofu just in passing.

The real magic of it isn't this. Beckoned the two sisters to grind soy milk.

Since the employees are coming.

These trivial things can't be left to the boss himself.

Thor is no longer in the kitchen.

There was a professional chef to help.

She didn't bother to go in and get an axe.

It didn't take long ~

Two large pots were filled with soy milk in black and white.

Brine point tofu, one thing down one thing.

The process of preparing ingredients doesn't have to be elaborated.

The time soon pointed to half-past eleven.

Chu Feng, Thor and Alice went out on time.

Destination: Love Land Symbiosis Academy!

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