Chapter 303 After eating the barbecue and then drinking the soup, the most wonderful enjoyment in the world!!

Look at the honey sauce carrot fried meat in front of you.

Shinomiya Kojiro closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


I want to smell the aroma of this barbecue and feel the beauty of it carefully.


What a fragrance!

The cuisine of the Grand Chef is truly extraordinary.

This alluring fragrance alone is already fascinating. Shinomiya Kojiro solemnly forked a piece of meat and slowly stuffed it into his mouth.


The eyes under those lenses widened sharply, as if they had tasted incredible.

The delicious gravy, with irresistible power, instantly exploded in his mouth.

This feeling~

It was like being hit head-on by a train running at full speed, and it was extremely shocking.

The first thing that is fed back to the brain is the sweetness of honey, which also has a faint sour taste.

This sour taste is very light~

The sweetness of honey and cherries is aptly accentuated. The sweet and sour taste is combined with the hotness of red pork.

It almost made Shinomiya Kojiro exclaim.


With strong willpower.

He forcibly suppressed the urge in his heart.

Didn't make a public appearance! However~

Others are not so lucky.

The first to moan was Yu Kikita.


At the moment of swallowing the sliced meat.

Suddenly, there was a sound that was enough to be locked up in a small black room.

The ruddy-faced royal sister made such an expression, which had a special flavor, and instantly attracted the attention of passers-by.

"Lying groove ~ so fragrant, what kind of fairy barbecue is this?"

"It smells so good, it doesn't feel worse than those starred dishes." "

"No wonder you dare to sell 10,000 yen a piece, the owner of the food truck has real skills." "

"Uh-huh~~ Just for the fragrance, I also want to revere ten times." "

"That's right, it's just a handful of pieces, you can still buy a copy with a tight pocket. "

"That's not a hurry, there are not many tables here..."

With a sweet fleshy aroma.

and the reaction of Yu Kikita and others.

Suddenly let the pedestrians walk to the window of the fast food truck.

Chu Feng was not surprised.

Every time you make a super fragrant dish, it has this effect.

10,000 yen seems to be expensive, but it is only 500 yuan when converted into dragon national coins.

As long as you are willing to be extravagant, most people can take it out.

It's just that many people are used to saving and usually don't want to spend money.

"Boss, let's have a carrot fried meat with honey sauce!"

"I also want a copy, it smells so fragrant, I don't know what it tastes like when I eat it in my mouth?"

"And me, and me, hurry up, Lao Tzu is already hungry and thirsty." "

In just one instant, six people ordered.

Without exception, it is all carrot fried with honey sauce.

The main thing is that the barbecue is too fragrant, and the lotus seed poultry custard is not cared for.

But Chu Feng was not worried at all.

After this group of people eat the barbecue, there is a high probability that they will not miss the lotus soup.......

Kohei Sojin looked no better at this time. Although it didn't make strange noises like Yu Kirita.

But the bruises on the forehead gradually burst out.

Enough to show the shock in his heart.

It was not the first time he tasted Chu Feng's cuisine.

But this time~

The shock to him was incomparable.

Kohei Sojin even doubted...

Did Boss Chu secretly advance again?


At this time, close your eyes and savor the meat in your mouth.

Although it has long been known that the food truck owner is the one who defeated the chef of the fourth house.

But the other party is too young.

Always gives a feeling of being unreal.

At least these two chefs from France.

At first, there was a trace of doubt about Chu Feng's cooking.

But now~

This roast is the most direct proof of this.

The fast food truck owner in front of him is simply unfathomable, far from being comparable to the chef of the fourth palace.

The two even suspected...

Even if Shinomiya Kojiro successfully advances to the special chef, it is estimated that he will not be able to win the other party.

Fork a piece of meat again and stuff it into your mouth, and the gravy instantly explodes in your mouth.

As if soaked in a bathtub filled with fresh gravy and sweet honey, the whole body absorbs the incomparably rich sweet fragrance.

During this period, it seems that there are people who feed sweet cherries and serve mellow red wine, which is an unparalleled enjoyment.

Shinomiya Kojiro and the others no longer spoke.

All close their eyes and enjoy this rare experience.

The culinary mood of a special chef also has a profound impact on a chef of Shinomiya Kojiro's level.

Needless to say, the others don't need to say much.

I have long been fascinated by this beauty, and the whole person is intoxicated.

Not for a moment~

The honey sauce carrot fried meat was wiped out by the five.

The waiter Thor brought out lotus seed custard at the right time.

After all~

Shinomiya Kojiro had already paid in advance.

Pale yellow soup.

In the middle floats a carved lotus canopy. It seems monotonous, but it is particularly delicate.

Enough to mess with real carving.

It can be seen that Chu Feng's carving is also extraordinary.

At least Shinomiya Kojiro asked himself.

It is absolutely impossible to carve this level.

Pick up the soup spoon~

Gently scoop a spoonful of lotus seed soup into your mouth.


He tasted a delicate and rich egg aroma.

"What kind of egg is this?"

Shinomiya Kojiro's expression was startled, and a thick doubt flashed under his eyes.

No doubt~

The 'egg' in this lotus seed egg custard is definitely a dream ingredient.

But he is only a nine-star chef, and he has eaten only a limited number of dream ingredients.

Can't guess what the ingredients for this dish are?

"Hungry bird eggs!"

Chu Feng lightly spit out four words.

Anyway, there is nothing to hide.

Hungry birds that grow in the mountains with abundant food and are known as strange birds?"

Shinomiya Kojiro was slightly startled in his heart.

I immediately recalled the introduction of this bird in the food guide.

Hungry birds!

Capture Level 3!

It inhabits resource-rich mountains all year round.

The appetite is extremely strong, as if he will never have enough to eat.

That's why ~

Hungry birds spend almost half of their day preying, and their bodies have accumulated the essence of countless creatures.

It is said that the feathers on the hungry birds are so hard that they cover their entire bodies like armor.

Nevertheless, it has been very agile.

Hard feathers are a natural protective layer.

It seems to be born to protect the delicious delicacies in the body.

I think of the description of this bird meat in the Food Guide... Shinomiya Kojiro couldn't help but be a little fascinated.

Sniffed the egg again.

He secretly shook his head and threw out distractions.

Food currently, how can you do it again? This moment~

Obviously, lotus seed egg custard is more important.

Although you can't taste the hungry bird meat like high-grade wagyu beef. But the custard smells of tuna belly.

It's still a shock.

It's hard to imagine~

The custard is actually full of fatty fat that looks similar to tuna.

Add to that a light lotus canopy, and a touch of sweetness...

This is undoubtedly the best soup that Shinomiya Kojiro has ever drunk.

Sure enough~ after eating the roast.

Another bowl of lotus seed egg custard.

Simply the most wonderful pleasure in the world.

Shinomiya Kojiro and his group~

Incomparable satisfaction at the moment...

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