Chapter 304 Two God-level Skills, Advance to Chef Lin!!

【Ding! Lotus seed egg custard is well received by customers, triggering a tenfold critical hit, reward: 100,000 yen, 10 points!】

[Ding... Trigger a hundredfold critical hit, reward: 1 million yen, 100 points!】

【Ding! Congratulations on winning the skill: knife work!】

[Trigger a thousandfold critical return...]

[Congratulations on your knife skill improvement: god level!]

A constant sound in my head.

At first, it did not attract Chu Feng's attention.

The food truck's cuisine has been well received by customers.

It was a natural thing, and there was no need to care about it. Money and points are also indispensable for Chu Feng now. Once there's a lot of stuff, it's just a series of numbers.


He never expected it~

This time, he actually brushed out the knife skill and it was a thousandfold critical hit.

Chu Feng's knife skills had reached the top level for a long time.

After all, it was the first skill he got after getting the system. I vaguely remember that it was still brushed from Xiaolin Gentian.

So long ~

Chu Feng's knife skills have become supernatural. It is only one step away from the god level.

And this time ~

Brushing this skill from Kohei Sojin, after returning a thousandfold critical hit, he directly stepped into the god level.


Chu Feng had a different understanding of knife work. Those old techniques seem to have no use anymore.

Now a knife in hand!

He is confident that he can easily cook all the ingredients in the world and achieve the ultimate perfection.

Glancing at the top of Kohei Sojin's head.

This time, there was finally no display on the head of the god of decline ['Dark Cuisine +1'. Stamina+2】

Poor God~

Kohei Sojin finally got a good gift.

Compared with.

This time, Chu Feng could make a lot of money.

One of the culinary skills breaks through the god level. It means that you have stepped into the field of Chef Lin.


And that's not the end of it!

Because Shinomiya Kojiro also received gifts.

【French Cuisine+1】

This former nine-star chef.

Finally received a gift from a professional counterpart.


The system tone sounds again.

【Ding! Congratulations on winning the skill: Western cuisine!】

[Trigger a thousandfold critical return...]

【Congratulations on the improvement of your Western cuisine: god level!】

Another skill successfully stepped into the god level.

Staring at the interface in the void that no one could see but himself.

Rao was in Chu Feng's calm state of mind.

At this moment, I can't help but be stunned in place.

That's too good luck, right?

Can't help but make people suspicious~

Did you get God's favor today?

He had never been so lucky.

Although it has also been brushed out of ten thousand violent attacks

But two skills in a row that reached the god level were something that had happened from bed.

The corners of his mouth involuntarily outlined a smile.

Chu Feng was in a good mood and casually clicked on the personal interface.

[Name]: Chu Feng.

[Age]: 21 years old.

【Positive rating】:3358/5000.

【Composite index】:5555 (average average of 10 for ordinary people)

[Chef Level]: Lin level.

[Poisoner]: Top.

【Kitchen Heart】: Harmony is precious.

【Food technique】: A meal on a plate.

【Kitchenware】: Yongling Knife (perfect), Dragon Kettle (perfect), Seven-Star Knife Breaking Army (perfect)

【Points】: 52500.

[Skills]: Western cuisine (god level), knife work (god level), god vision, god taste, Chinese cuisine, game cuisine, white case, spices, carving, fire gong...

[Secret Technique]: 100% empty-handed white blade, do not cut death and do not pull out the sword, holy sword Excalibur, straight death demon eye, divine walking, sun breathing, divine blessing, dragon killing mysterious red lotus explosive flame blade... (Only show dragon level and above)

【Recipe】: Concubine Xiao, Shenglong dumplings, soul noodles, stir-fried meat slices, big magic panda tofu, magic mapo tofu, unified six countries fried noodles, lotus seed poultry egg custard, golden egg fried rice, golden section siu mai, galaxy noodles... (Only show more than 7 stars)

See the personal interface.

Only then did Chu Feng remember.

It seems that he has passed his 21st birthday.

Although he does not know what month and day his birthday is. The taste of the gods has unknowingly reached the top.

After all, Chu Feng ate dream ingredients every day.

The tongue evolves much faster than ordinary people think.

Plus don't worry about side effects, and it's stress-free to lift.

And the number of positive reviews is gradually increasing every day, and it is still close to reaching five thousand.

Chu Feng has always been curious, after the number of praise reaches the standard, what kind of rewards can he get?

But what makes him most happy today is the improvement of his cooking skills.

After the chef level reaches the Lin level.

His understanding of cooking has changed dramatically.

Even if he wants to, cooking a noodle can trigger a vision.

This is a leap in the realm, and it is by no means comparable to a grand chef.

Chu Feng, who was in a good mood.

Even looking at Shinomiya Kojiro and Kohei Sojin's eyes changed.


Very satisfied!

Secretly withdrew his evaluation of Kohei Sojin's 'God of Decay'.

The other party is also a customer who has the potential to become a 'European Emperor'. The smile at the corner of Boss Chu's mouth was full of Erina.

I don't know if it's an illusion?

She always felt that Chu Feng's temperament had changed.

Become more ethereal~

There is also a kind of detachment that comes out of the dust...


Erina couldn't help but ask, "What good thing happened, so happy?"

"Of course, I remembered something happy..."

It was rare for Chu Feng to make a joke.

"Hmph, forget it if you don't say it. "

Erinai pouted.

In fact, she doesn't have to know the answer.

It's just that there are not many things, and it is a little idle and panicked.

Most of the process of the two dishes today was completed in Chu Feng's house.

When setting up a stall, all the products taken out are semi-finished products, and only a little processing is needed, and in this case, there is really not much that Erina.

It is to cut the carrots, pass the spice bottle, and occasionally serve a bowl of lotus seed soup.

Such a simple job can definitely make the cooks and waiters in some restaurants shed tears of sadness with envy.

Shinomiya Kojiro and the others finally woke up from the wonderful artistic conception.

Everyone had a happy smile on their faces, as if they had received great satisfaction.

The increase in physical strength, Shinomiya Kojiro and Kohei Sojin faintly felt. Although it is only two points, as a party, it is impossible to be unaware.

The two were slightly frightened, but did not care too much.

After all, it's no secret that food truck cuisine can bring benefits to people

For people like them, who are dedicated to cooking, the taste itself is the most noteworthy.

At this moment, the two are still reminiscing about the beauty of roasted meat and lotus seed soup, and they have no time to care.

"Sure enough, eating meat and drinking soup is a perfect match, and Boss Chu's serial set meal is simply overwhelming!"


Kohei stared at the man in the food truck who was not much older than himself, his eyes full of adoration.

He knew very well that even if he spent his whole life, he would not be able to touch the other party's clothes Chu Feng's cooking skills!

It has obviously broken away from the mortal level and reached the realm of almost a god.

The same goes for Kojiro Shinomiya.

Although not to worship chefs younger than themselves.

But I still can't help but feel admiration, and even a little awe.

The higher the cooking skill, the more he realized Chu Feng's depth and did not backtest.

In the face of unpredictable existence, normal people have a sense of awe.

As for Yu Kikita.

I have been completely conquered by the food truck cuisine, and I secretly decided to visit more in the future. Now that they are opening a store in Huanjing, there are simply not too many such opportunities.

It didn't take long ~


More and more people are attracted by the aroma of grilled meat and the comments of diners

Although Shinomiya Kojiro really wanted to exchange cooking tips with Chu Feng, it was not good to disturb the other party's business.

There are more guests~

Erina's mood was good.

Because finally I don't have to be idle and panic...

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