Chapter 309 Lying in the groove! The rice flower bank was really robbed?!!

"Authentic South American flavor, authentic samba cuisine, I didn't expect Brother Feng to do this?"

Kuga Teruki swallowed a fried dumpling and couldn't help but clap his hands.

"I haven't seen the monkey for a long time, and the little peach just wants to know what Boss Chu won't do. "

While enjoying the delicacy of the croquettes, Akane Kubo tilted her head and glanced at Teruki Kuga.

The latter scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said with a sneer: "Of course I know that Brother Feng's level is high, isn't this just a little emotion-down." "

In fact~

Fried dumplings are also a famous samba dish.

According to legend, it is still the food brought by the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

The shape is a bit like the fried leek box over there in the Dragon Kingdom.

Samba fried dumplings ~

It usually includes beef, cheese, shrimp or other ingredients.

This snack is available in almost all samba restaurants.

Chu Feng did not choose the cheese that Westerners loved.

Orientals are generally not accustomed to eating fried cheese.

The pan-fried dumplings he wrapped contained only beef and okra.

The mellow beef is served with silky okra to eliminate the oiliness and nourish the stomach.

I took another one for a long time, and the mellow aroma stimulated the taste buds, and it was a supreme enjoyment.

It was as if lying on a warm sandy beach and watching the passionate samba girl rush towards him.

This eighth seat of the far moon, the whole mind was immersed in an incomparably wonderful feeling.

"Senior Sister Tao, why didn't Senior Sister Gentian come today?"

There were not many guests at this time, and Alice was only responsible for making a hand, and she was a little bored, so she casually found some topics.

"Xiao Lin Zi went to study, and it is estimated that he will not return until the moon meal festival. "

Akane Kubo Momo chewed the balls in her mouth, her eyes almost narrowed into a slit, indescribably pleasant.

"Moon Festival, I wonder if there are any changes this year?"

"Don't ask me, you don't know the second young lady of the Xue Che family, and the little peach is even less clear. "

Just after frying a fried dumpling, Chu Feng said, "Your school is quite busy, and Xiaohui and they haven't had time to come over recently." "

First-year students are all interning, and the major restaurants are busy at noon and evening, while the food trucks are basically out of the stalls at these two times.

That group of first-year students, it is estimated that it will be difficult to patronize his business during this time.

To be honest, Chu Feng missed Tian Suohui quite nostalgiatically.

Every time this Ou Huang comes, he can bring himself good luck.......

With the night market, the number of pedestrians gradually increased.

One after another, people are patronizing the business of fast food trucks.

Croquettes and fried dumplings are inexpensive.

People who smell the aroma or love fried snacks will basically not feel sorry for this money, and Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri have visited during this period.

Just come and go in a hurry, eat and leave.

I heard that the third volume of "Love Metronome" has been proofread and will be published in the near future, and the two are busy tinkering with the next one.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's excellent state, Chu Feng was also a little surprised.

Recently, this girl has completely turned into a codeword maniac, and he rarely patronizes his cow intention.

Boss Chu didn't care much, and now the fast food truck doesn't worry about the source of customers.

"Oh Yixi, what kind of fairy taste is this?"

"Si Guoyi, the croquettes are simply delicious!"

"Fart, fried dumplings are YYDS, beef and okra are the perfect match. "

"Just saw the portion, Lao Tzu thought he was fooled, who knew that the cuisine here is the best. "

"Yes, a serving of three balls, too little, not enough for me to stuff my teeth. "

Such a delicious ball, I will buy it for a thousand yuan!"

"That's right, the owner's craftsmanship is amazing, I have to get two more." "

"Lying groove~ everyone watch the news, the Mihua Bank has been robbed???"

More and more guests are cheering.

Although it has long been accustomed to compliments from guests.

But hearing these praises, Chu Fengdi enjoyed it quite a lot.


What was it that suddenly mixed in just now, the rice flower bank was robbed? Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Turning his head to look at a diner who was swiping his phone.

No, no...

Lao Tzu can't really be that unlucky, right?

Just deposited three billion, and was robbed on the same day?

Taking advantage of the fact that no one ordered food now, Chu Feng also took out his mobile phone.

And then~

On Big Boss Chu's face, a constipation-like expression suddenly appeared.

“...... At five o'clock in the afternoon, a major case occurred at Mihua Bank, and a gang of robbers led by bank employee Masami Hirota looted 6 billion in cash and a large amount of jewelry, including the Heart of La Mer. It is reported that the value of this sea blue heart has exceeded 2 billion yen..."

"In the robbery with a total value of 10 billion yen, the Metropolitan Police Department of Katsukyo acted quickly and killed two robbers on the spot, but the main culprit Masami Hirota is still at large..."


Click on the evening news of Weijing TV.

The host's sweet voice came from the phone.

But Chu Feng didn't have the heart to pay attention to the beautiful host at this time. The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and his expression was speechless.


Lao Tzu's money was robbed as soon as it was deposited??? Chu Feng didn't expect it at all.

There really is such a thing as a coincidence.

And also......

Doesn't it say a billion yen?

How did it suddenly become tens of billions?

Akemi Miyano, you don't talk about martial virtue! Obviously~

Now the plot has completely deviated from the original.

In fact, Chu Feng was also very curious.

Ten billion, 6 billion in cash! Even if it's all paper, it's a lot of money.

How exactly did Akemi Miyano get out of the bank?

"Eh, isn't this the one who came to dinner yesterday?"

Thor didn't know when he came over.

See the photos of the main culprits published in the news.

She was also slightly surprised.

The woman who seemed more intellectual would actually rob the bank.

It's really not human.

And then~

Thor stared at Chu Feng's side face strangely.

My boyfriend seems a little unlucky today.

However, seeing the other party's depressed look, she gave up her plan to tease the other party.

Shaking his head, Chu Feng stopped thinking cranky.

Anyway, this is the responsibility of the bank, even if the lost money cannot be recovered, it will have no impact on his account, unless Mihua Bank immediately announces its bankruptcy.

Since he didn't have any substantial losses, after being a little depressed, Chu Feng continued to work Zhongshan...

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