Chapter 310: The Death of Akemi Miyano!!

Nine o'clock in the evening.

Outside the city of Kaikyo.

On the street near an abandoned warehouse.

A black Porsche 356A is parked on the side of the road.

Inside sits gin and vodka.

The windows on both sides of the cab are fully open. Both had cigarettes in their mouths.

Smoke inside the car.

"Big brother, do you say that woman will come?"

"Akemi Miyano? Hehe~~ She will definitely come!"

Gin Jiu's long blonde hair hung low, just enough to cover one eye.

And the other eye, revealing gloomy and bantering.

"She's just a stupid woman, she can do whatever it takes for her sister, so she will definitely come..."

Gin Shu said categorically, obviously knowing Akemi Miyano very well.


Vodka took a hard puff of the cigarette and then spat out a large smoke ring.

"I really didn't expect that Akemi Miyano actually got tens of billions of yen, I really don't know how she got it?"

Vodka is indeed very unexpected.

With such a lot of money, the females have a lot of money together.

Akemi Miyano is an ordinary person with no special abilities.

Can you unknowingly transport this money out of the bank?

Vodka sent people to stare at Akemi Miyano around the clock.

But it's still not clear where the other side hid the money.

If it weren't for the news of the bank robbery on the Huanjing TV station.

Both Gin and Vodka suspected that the other was teasing them.

"Big brother, you said she would really bring that money over?"

Spit out a smoke ring again, vodka is a little bored, and there is nothing to say "Of course, it can't be!"

The gloomy voice of Gin Jiu sounded in the car again: "I am not sure that I and Miyano Shiho are safe, and she will not disclose any news in this regard." "

Vodka was slightly stunned and wondered, "Then what to do, let's hand over Shiho Miyano to her?"

"How is that possible?"

Gin Jiu glanced at the humble little brother lightly, and said darkly: "With the advent of the food world, now there is an increasing shortage of scientific talents in biology, how can a genius scientist like Shiho Miyano easily let it go..."

"That lord has already said that a traitor like Akemi Miyano who repeatedly tried to leave the organization has no need to continue to survive!"

Volt nodded heavily, seemingly agreeing with Gin Jiu's statement.

Whoever betrays the organization must die!


"Big brother, what about that money?"

Vodka raises its own doubts.

After all, it has not yet been found out where the money was hidden.

"Huh~ don't worry, as long as she comes, there is naturally a way to pry her mouth open. "

Gin Jiu's voice was full of killing intent, as harsh as frosting, and then he seemed to think of something, and he continued: "Even if she dies, with the intelligence capabilities of our organization, it is only a matter of time before we find that money." "

Volta nodded approvingly.

In this regard, he is still very confident.

Silence returned to the interior of the car, only the sound of smoking remained.


A uniformed policewoman walked over quickly.

Rustle ~~

Skillfully write down a ticket and hand it to the vodka in the driver's seat.

"How are you again?"

Vodka instantly recognized the policewoman in front of him.

Yumi Miyamoto, who was dragging away the Gin Sake car last time.

Is it any wonder I think this car is a little familiar, it turns out to be you two again?"

Yumi Miyamoto crossed her waist, leaned forward slightly, and stared at the two people in the cab with bright eyes.

Gin and vodka were shocked, and they wondered if the other party had discovered something, so they heard her roar: "Do you understand traffic signs?

Gin wine: (00)

Vodka: (000)...

After Miyamoto Yumi fired the ticket, he lectured the guy who did not obey the traffic rules, got into the mini patrol car dashingly, and walked away 'dripping and dripping', leaving only the messy gin and vodka in the wind.

"Big brother, this mother-in-law actually dares to insult you, and say that you are a woman, do you want me to kill her?"

Vodka who reacted looked indignant.

Dare to scold her most beloved eldest brother?

Vodka subconsciously wanted to take out a spray and crash the other party with one shot.

Gin Jiu brushed his long blonde hair, and at this moment he was very depressed.

Silently lit a cigarette and took a sip fiercely, shaking his head and saying, "Vodka, let's change places and continue to wait." "

"Okay, big brother!"


"Ginji, vodka, where is my sister Shiho?"

In the dimly lit abandoned warehouse, Akemi Miyano held a gun and stared straight at the man in black who pushed open the dilapidated door.

"Money, did you bring it?"

The sound of gin wine is as difficult as ever.

Miyano Akemi frowned in disgust and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, quickly hand over Shiho, the billion yen has been hidden by me, as long as you bring Shiho over and agree that we leave the organization, I will tell you where the money is hidden..."

"I'm sorry. "

Gin Jiu directly interrupted Miyano Akemi's words, and sneered: "Shirley is a rare talent in the organization, she is different from a peripheral little man like you, and the research of fantasy creatures still needs her to preside..."

"As for getting a hundred million yen to let you and Shirley out of the organization or something, I just lied to you stupid woman from the beginning!"


A look of sadness appeared on Miyano Akemi's face.

Although she had expected this, she was also prepared for the worst.

But the organization's determination still made her face extremely ugly.

Goshi ignored the weapon in Akemi Miyano's hand and pointed his pistol at her.

"So, can you tell me where the money is hidden now?"

If you don't let me and Shiho leave the organization, you won't want to find that money for the rest of your life. "


Gin Jiu sneered, directly pulled the trigger, and hit Akemi Miyano in the thigh with a shot.

"Uh~big brother??"

Vodka was suddenly stunned.

Didn't you say that if you interrogate first, why did you suddenly shoot?

"Don't worry, it's not a fatal injury, it's just a little lesson for this woman, Gin Jiu turned his head and revealed a gloomy smile." "

Slowly walked to the unstable Akemi Miyano.

Completely ignoring the other party's hand that constantly trembled and held the gun.

Silk strip slowly took off the gun in Miyano Akemi's hand, and Gin Jiu sneered: "Waste is really waste, even if you hold a gun, you still don't have the courage to kill..."


Akemi Miyano sat down on the ground, facing the barrel of the gun against the door of her head, and the cold metallic feeling, her face was full of sadness.

As Gin said~

Even in the face of such a fierce and vicious person as Gin Jiu, she can't pull the trigger after all.


Another gunshot.

This time it hit Akemi Miyano in the arm.

"Now~ can you tell me where the money is?"

The muzzle was again aimed at the woman's head.

Gin Jiu's expression did not change from beginning to end.

The severe pain caused Akemi Miyano's entire face to twist.

But she gritted her teeth and didn't make the slightest sound, just stared at the man in front of her.

Even if she suffered greatly, she could not give in to this group of people. Gin Jiu instantly read Akemi Miyano's thoughts, and then directly pulled the trigger.


Without moving the muzzle, he hit the opponent directly in the forehead.

With the sound of the gunshot, a wisp of blood splashed, and Akemi Miyano fell to the ground in response.

"Big brother, let's not ask her?"

"No, you can't ask for results. "

"What about the money?"

In just a few hours, there were not many places where she could hide her money, so she was probably in a safe in Yonekacho to find out if she had the key on her. "

"Found it, big brother, it's the safe at Mihua Station. "

"Let's go, I shot just now, someone should come soon..."


Ten o'clock sharp.

Chu Feng closed the stall on time.

But I was worried about Akemi Miyano.

He did not return directly to the Sakura apartment.

Let Thor drive Alice back first.

I found a hidden corner and instantly launched my magic walk.

Although the plot has changed dramatically, the amount of bank robbery has become tens of billions, and the event seems to be much earlier.

But none of this matters~

With the urine nature of black-clad tissue, Akemi Miyano definitely lives for a short time.

This gentle and kind woman who thinks about her sister wholeheartedly... It would be a pity to die like this.

With the idea that he could help, Chu Feng hardly hesitated. Of course, he would not admit that he was very interested in that hundred million old yuan.

Next second~

Chu Feng appeared in an abandoned warehouse.

And then~

I saw Akemi Miyano who was stained red with blood.

Three gunshot wounds!

There is also a blood hole in the forehead.

It is clearly impossible to be alive.......

After all, still one step late?

Chu Feng stared at Miyano Akemi's corpse, and couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

It's a little sad, but that's about it.

After all, he couldn't pay attention to Akemi Miyano all day, and he didn't expect the black-clad organization to start so quickly.

Who would have thought that just a few hours after the robbery, they would kill Akemi Miyano.

This cleaning speed is also too fast, right?

Chu Feng sighed, and just about to leave, the corpse on the ground changed.

"This is..."

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