Chapter 311 Ocean Blue Heart, Reincarnation Angel!!

Inside a dimly lit warehouse.

There was a bloodstained corpse lying there.

Staring at Akemi Miyano's body in amazement.

Chu Feng almost suspected that he was blinded.

I saw that above the corpse, a holy white light suddenly appeared.

There is also a humanoid creature loomingly in it, constantly struggling and twisting, as if trying to break free from it.

"This is... Akemi Miyano's soul?"

Although never touched spirits.

But it's not hard to guess~

The humanoid creatures in the white light must be what people often call souls.


Chu Feng hadn't seen a dead person.

Bukiwuz and Jilimbachi died at his hands.

But there has never been such a thing as a 'soul'.

"Is it ~ because of the divine blessing?"

To say what is different about Akemi Miyano?

Chu Feng could only think of the skill of 'Divine Blessing'.

After all, the good Bukiwuz and Ji Limbach did not succeed in their manifestations.

It makes no sense that Akemi Miyano, who is an ordinary person, can do it.


It was as if a sharp blade had broken through the holy light.

A pure white soul floated in midair.

Akemi Miyano was dazzling white and looking around in horror.

From the surprised look in her eyes, you can see that she does not understand her own changes at all.

"Chu, Boss Chu?"

Akemi Miyano quickly noticed the man in front of him, as well as the corpse on the ground, and also understood that she was dead.

But I didn't expect that the first person I saw after death would be the owner of the food truck.


Chu Feng said hello awkwardly, really not knowing what to say.

Can't say it's a pleasure to meet again, but you're hanging up now.

Determining that she was still in the warehouse, Akemi Miyano frowned, "Why are you here?"

The only people who know this place are her and Gin Jiu and others.


The food truck owner is also from the black-clad organization?

This thought only flashed in Akemi Miyano's mind.

It's impossible to think about.

The black-clad organization Yuanjing branch can not get three billion yen now.

"I saw the news of the robbery, so I followed your breath. "

Chu Feng did not hide it, but Miyano Akemi was still confused.

Could it be that the other party is also for that billion yen?

However, before she could think about it, a sudden tingling pain came from her back.

Strange to say, the soul also feels pain?

Having just turned into a spirit body, Akemi Miyano couldn't figure out the situation, but now she couldn't allow her to think too much.


With a light noise.

A pair of white and flawless wings. Suddenly, it came out of her back.

A little white feathers fell.

Akemi Miyano's 'body' has changed again.

It becomes more solid, more dazzling.

"This is, Reincarnation Angel!?"

Chu Feng was amazed.

What happened tonight is so strange.

He who learned to be 'blessed' by the Word.

It is clear that the changes in Akemi Miyano are perceived. This is clearly a sign of the birth of angels.


Only a pure and unblemished soul.

There is a 1 in 100 million chance of being reborn as a holy angel.

Resist darkness, yearn for light, have good intentions, divine guidance...

To reincarnate an angel from a spirit body, the conditions are extremely harsh, and all aspects are indispensable

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the heavens to set up a rebirth pool, and the number of angels born every year is still pitiful.

Chu Feng never expected that Miyano Akemi would still have this kind of creation.

Time passes slowly~

In fact, the whole rebirth process did not last long.

The expression on Miyano Akemi's face also gradually changed from panic and surprise to sudden realization.

Guided by 'divine blessings'.

She already understood the cause and effect of the matter.

"Boss Chu's grace of reconstruction, Ming Mei is very grateful!"

With his feet slowly landing on the ground, Akemi Miyano's pair of holy wings fluttered, instantly condensing into a set of white clothes tightly wrapped around his body.

"You're welcome, it's your own luck. "

Chu Feng told the truth, his eyes were still full of curiosity.

Divine blessing is only a dragon-level skill, which is logically not as good as God's walk, but it has achieved such a thing as a reincarnated angel.

Even after witnessing Akemi Miyano's rebirth process throughout the process, he is still puzzled.

It seemed to see his confusion.

Akemi Miyano smiled sweetly.

Beckoned softly towards his corpse.

The next moment~

A rice-grained sapphire floated out of 'her' mouth and quickly became the size of a fist.


Chu Feng instantly sensed the extraordinary nature of this gemstone.

"This is?"

"Heart of La Mer!"

"That sapphire worth more than 2 billion?"

"That's right, but it's not a gem, it's Raphael's tears. "

"Raphael, the healing angel?"

Chu Feng was slightly frightened, and stared strangely at the sapphire in Miyano Akimi's hand.

The famous healing angel Raphael, he is naturally no stranger.

One of the seven-winged archangels who appeared on the slow-moving oak tree, he performed all miracles related to healing.

According to legend, a long time ago, Raphae felt the suffering of the world and burst into tears.

Her tears turned into gems and scattered around the world, each with magical abilities.

One of the seven archangels before God.

Raphael's strength can be imagined.

It is by no means comparable to the scrap angel next door.

Although Gabriel bears the name of another archangel.

But she is just one of the other party's juniors.

At best, it was an intern angel, and it has been abolished.

But the sapphire in front of you comes from the real Raphael.

This moment~

Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh at Miyano Akimi's luck.

Just grab a bank, and you can actually pick up this kind of treasure. Feel the divine energy flowing from it.

Chu Feng instantly understood what was going on.

Akemi Miyano's character qualifies as an angel. Plus Chu Feng's guidance and Raphael's tears.

All kinds of coincidences.

She was rightfully reborn successfully.

"What's next, what are you going to do next?"

After figuring out the reason, Chu Feng asked.

Because the other person's rebirth is guided by him.

There was an indescribable sense of intimacy between the two.

Miyano Akemi had no doubt about him, and as she understood everything, her title for Chu Feng also changed.

After all, in terms of rank, she was Chu Feng's subordinate angel.

After a moment of silence, Akemi Miyano spoke: "Lord Chu Feng, in fact, I am a peripheral member of a huge organization, and I don't know what the specific name of the organization is, I only know that they all wear black clothes and dark glasses..."

Chu Feng was speechless for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

If you hadn't seen Conan, the devil knew who Akemi Miyano was talking about, and there were countless people in the world dressed up in this costume...

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