Chapter 313 Shiho Miyano Drug, I'm making myself smaller!!

Eleven o'clock sharp.

Shiho Miyano endured the grief and stood up, his face full of determination, as if he had made some kind of decision.

I stared at the photo with Akemi Miyano for a long time.

Shiho Miyano took out a pill from the pocket of his white coat.

"APTX-4869! The idiots in the organization don't know what this drug really does. "

It's a pity that the Ring of Illusion was taken back by the organization, otherwise I could have easily walked out of the institute with that prop alone. "

Shiho Miyano smiled self-deprecatingly, knowing that such an important prop, the organization could not let himself wear it for a long time.

"No matter, although APTX-4869 still has side effects, this is the only way I can escape..."

"Instead of staying and helping my sister's killer research drugs, it's better to gamble on this!"

"Wait, one day, I will destroy the whole organization and help my sister avenge Shiho Miyano stared at the capsule in his hand and muttered, not afraid of being heard at all. "

Top scientific talents like her are treated favorably wherever they are.

Shiho Miyano is a decisive man.

When a decision is made.

Swallow APTX—4869 directly.

It's not like Conan.

Shiho Miyano, who took the capsule, soon changed, and his body began to shrink continuously

She even clearly felt the pain as if her bones melted, and the tears of the bean were directly scattered.

Shiho Miyano bit her lip until her lips cracked and her face was livid, and she didn't make the slightest sound.

She once ate dream ingredients and obtained gourmet cells, which greatly shortened the time for the effect of the drug to work.


There was only a little girl of seven or eight years old left in the lounge.

Take off your white coat and shoes, pants.

Shiho Miyano opened the vent wearing only a T-shirt and clumsily got in.

Edo Ward, Sakaikyo.

Outside the Institute of Drug Science and Technology.

A man and a woman appeared very abruptly above the wellhead. Shiho Miyano just wasted the power of nine bulls and two tigers to open the manhole cover.

And then~

Wide eyes and small eyes.

All three froze in place.


Just climbed out of the manhole cover, and sat on the ground with a butt.

Shiho Miyano made strange sounds from his throat as if he had seen a ghost.


Don't care about dirt on your body.

Shiho Miyano jerked his little hand and wiped his eyes.

It seemed that he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

She was extremely sure of this, because the other party did not deny it.

Moreover, with the style of gin wine, it is absolutely impossible to leave a living mouth.

Expecting that cold poisonous snake to show mercy is simply a fool's dream.

This moment~

Shiho Miyano looked confused.


Akemi Miyano didn't think so much.

Directly poured his smaller sister into his arms.

Regardless of the mud on the other party, he kept rubbing vigorously.

Their parents, Atsuji Miyano and Elena, died in an accident shortly after giving birth to Shiho Miyano.

It can be said that Shiho Miyano was brought up by her. Although it is not clear why my sister became smaller.

But there is no doubt about it~

The seven- or eight-year-old tea-haired girl in her arms must be Shiho.

Akemi Miyano can't admit mistake!

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Ah~~ It's really the smell of my sister!"

Two small hands clutched Akemi Miyano's clothes.

Shiho Miyano sniffed hard.


It's that familiar taste!but compared to before~

She felt that her sister had an indescribable divine aura.

It was as if holy and immaculate, and his whole body was filled with holy light.

So, after death, the sister becomes an angel?

Shiho Miyano is a little confused now, and there are not many possibilities that can be thought of.

"Is this a hallucination caused by APTX4869 side effects?"

"Or am I dying, and God asked me to see my sister again at the moment?"

With this thought, after muttering two words, Miyano Shiho fainted directly.

"Shiho! Shiho!"

Looking at Shiho Miyano who fell in his arms, Akemi Miyano looked anxious.

"It should just be sad and overdrawn, rest assured, there is nothing wrong with your sister's body." "

Chu Feng glanced at the little girl in Miyano Akimi's arms and opened his mouth to comfort.

"None of the cures worked! Is there really no problem?"

Akemi Miyano did not believe in evil and performed two healing techniques.

This is an inherent skill of angels, and success in rebirth will come naturally.

“...... Miss Akemi doesn't have to be like this, your sister is just too tired, just let Ru sleep. "

Chu Feng looked at Akemi Miyano strangely.

I always feel that this woman's concern for Miyano Shiho is also a little too much.

This guy, shouldn't it be a sister control?

Got Chu Feng's affirmative reply.

Akemi Miyano was completely relieved.

And then look at the institute not far away with complexity.

Worried about evidence that your sister escaped after being found younger?"

"Don't hide Lord Chu Feng, Akimi does have concerns in this regard, and is very sure that the organization will not let Shiho go. "

"It's easy to do, just blow up the institute." "

"Uh~~ isn't this not good, there are still many researchers in it?"

"Miss Akemi, have you found that your biggest problem is that it is too virgin..."

Looking at Miyano Akimi, who seemed to be shrouded in divine brilliance, Chu Feng couldn't help but be a little speechless.

After a pause, he said seriously: "Think about what the Blackcoat Organization did to you two sisters, what will happen to you if they find your sister?"

Akemi Miyano was speechless for a while, her face full of entanglement.

She didn't even realize that after being transformed into an angel, she didn't have to worry about the second-rate forces of the black-clothed organization.

In fact~

Chu Feng also didn't put the winery in his eyes at all.

An all-undercover idiotic organization is not even a threat.

Like a dragon, do you care about the ants at your feet?

Definitely not!

But Chu Feng still proposed to destroy this institute.

There is no other reason ~

Just to change Akemi Miyano's naïve mind.


The other party is his subordinate angel.

In the future, it can also grow into considerable combat power.

Too much for the words of Our Lady~

There is simply no way to survive in the food world.

Akemi Miyano is still tangled.

For a while, it seemed difficult to make a choice.


Chu Feng sighed.

Know that a person's personality is not so easy to change.

The job of cleaning up the evidence still has to be done by himself.

"Dragon Extinguishing Aoyi Red Lotus Exploding Flame Blade!"

With Chu Feng's low drink.

Akemi Miyano still has time to react.

A flame dragon had already entrenched and rushed towards the Edo Research Institute.


In an instant~

Explosions sounded everywhere.


Within the Edo Research Institute~

A large group of black-clad members and researchers began to jump.

"It's on fire! Hurry up and put out the fire!

Why are there explosions everywhere?"

"The researcher's lounge is also on fire, and also, Shirley is gone!"

"Shirley is gone? Don't hurry up and look for it! she must still be in the institute." "

"It is better to put out the fire first, find the source of the explosion as soon as possible, and the No. 1 laboratory has all the relevant information of APTX-4869 sealed, that is absolutely not to be lost!"

"It's over! It's too late! This fire can't be extinguished at all, hurry up and contact Brother Gin Jiu!"

"The source of the explosion has been determined! Repeat! The source of the explosion has been identified..."

"Oh my God~ This is a fire dragon, it is a fire dragon that attacked our institute!"

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