Chapter 314 Boss Chu is suspected to be a reclusive celestial boss?!!


A light rain fell in the sky.

Inside Akemi Miyano's rental house.

Gin and vodka searched every corner carefully, still not finding any useful clues.


There was a loud sound in the headphones.

"Brother Gin Wine, the Edo Research Institute was attacked, all the materials were burned down, and the personnel were killed and injured!"


Gin Jiu's eyes were gloomy, as if ~ he wanted to eat people.

The importance of the Edo Research Institute is self-evident.

Not only all relevant information about APTX-4869 is kept.

The top talent of the organization, Shiho Miyano is also there.

With almost no hesitation, Gin Jiu asked directly, "What about Shirley?"

"Shirley, Shirley she's gone..."

The voice on the other side stopped abruptly.

Then a video was transmitted to Gin Jiu's mobile phone.

Click to take a look~

A hint of panic gradually appeared in the vulture-like eyes.

Gin Jiu was clearly taken aback by what was in the video.

"Big brother, this is?"

Vodka came over and saw the video playing.

A long dragon with flames burning all over its body walked through the institute unscrupulously.

Everywhere it went, everything burned down, leaving not even the slightest ash

Neither the staff nor the alloy door that is enough to withstand the missile can stop the ravages of this 'fire dragon'.

Gin Jiu stared at the video footage... Long~

Only then did he forcibly calm down: "The Edo Research Institute is over, inform Muto, Ozawa, Aoi, Hata... Pause research in these places and wait for notice!"

"Okay, big brother!"

Seeing that the gin wine had a serious face, vodka did not dare to ask more.

The things in the video are beyond his understanding.

Vodka even wondered if a fantasy creature had run into the present world and then happened to destroy one of their research institutes.

After reporting the matter, Gin Jiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Magic, or fantasy creatures?"

Muttering to himself, Gin Jiu left the apartment directly.

No matter what the true identity of the fire dragon is?

Anyway, it's not an existence he can afford to mess with.

At this moment, Gin Jiu couldn't help but feel a little sad.

A weak organization, a weak self, is really too much powerless.

But in front of his younger brother, he did not dare to show his vulnerability, so he could only choose to resist.

This incident clearly exceeded the scope of his intervention.

Gin Jiu decided to wait and see what happened, waiting for the gentleman's instructions.

Sakura Apartment, 303.

When Chu Feng took the Miyano sisters home.

Thor and Connor stared wide-eyed, both confused.

And then~

It seems to have found something ~ "Angel!?"

Thor instantly recognized Akemi Miyano's true body.


How can it be?

The other party was a mortal who had no chicken power yesterday, how did he become an angel in the blink of an eye.

Thor was stunned for a while, completely unable to understand.

Right at this moment~

There was a knock on the door. "

Open the door and take a look.

Jia Baili and Wei Nai stood outside, curious into the house?

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, why do you have the breath of compatriots in your family?

Jia Baili was uninvited, and he kept talking in his mouth.

In fact~

If it were not for sensing the breath of a compatriot, and still being so close to himself.

Jia Baili must be reluctant to drop the gamepad and run over directly and hurriedly

The main thing is that she is worried that the Celestial Realm will send someone down to check on her, losing her current happy life and her own laziness, and Jia Baili knows it.

And then~

She saw a strange angel.


"Who are you?"

The blonde girl's face was full of doubts.

She knows almost all the angels of the younger generation. But the woman in front of her, Jia Baili has never seen it.

Look up and down for a moment, take a hard look.

Jia Baili quickly noticed that something was wrong, and her face gradually became strange.

"You, just completed your rebirth?"

This time Jia Baili was really shocked.

Those dead fish eyes glared at the boss rarely.

It was as if I had seen something extremely incredible.

"How is that possible?"

"Why can mortals be reborn smoothly on earth?"

"It's completely unscientific!"

Shocked, Jia Baili asked three times.

"You still talk about science with one winged angel, is that really good?"

Hearing Jia Baili's words, the corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched twice.

"Boss Chu, what's going on here?"

Wei Nai's curiosity is no worse than that of Jia Baili.

If the angels find a way to directly reincarnate mortals.

Isn't hell going to be pressed by the heavens forever?

Although she loves peace, Vinay is a little devil after all, and she will do everything to her hometown.

Turning his head to look at Miyano Akimi, until the other party nodded, Chu Feng explained: "Actually, things are like this..."

After listening to Chu Feng's narration.

Jia Baili and Wei Nai were even more confused.

That expression is so weird and weird.

Jia Baili stared directly at Chu Feng, as if he wanted to see through the other party's disguise.

"Chu Feng, to be honest, are you an angel hidden in the world?"


The blonde girl finally asked the doubts that had been hidden in her heart for a long time.

So far!

Chu Feng had already displayed the two skills of 'God Walking' and Divine Blessing, which only angels could have.

As for what else the other party will have, Jia Baili does not know.

But there is no doubt that Boss Chu's origin is by no means simple.

Facing the skeptical gazes of Jia Baili and Wei Nai.

Chu Feng could only spread his hands and said, "Don't button your hat indiscriminately, I'm a real human being." "

You are not, you are talking nonsense, you are clearly quibbling... Jia Baili didn't believe this set of rhetoric at all.

He had even regarded Chu Feng as a celestial boss who lived in seclusion.

Otherwise, how to explain Akemi Miyano's rebirth?

Even with the assistance of 'Raphael's Tears', the chance of a mortal succeeding in rebirth is less than one in ten million.

At least in Jia Baili's impression, it is estimated that only the supreme God can do this kind of thing.

However, since Chu Feng didn't want to admit it, Jia Baili didn't ask more, as long as he was sure that it wasn't the Celestial Realm who sent someone down to check on himself.

The waste wood angel and the good demon stayed for a while and left, and Chu Feng arranged a place for the two sisters to live.

Room 301 has been empty, so let the two of them live in this righteous...

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