Chapter 315 When Shiho Miyano puts on Conna-chan's clothes......!!

Sakura Apartments, Room 301.

Shiho Miyano lay on the master bed.

The mouth seemed to be murmuring something unconsciously.

The delicate little face was sometimes fearful, sometimes angry, and all kinds of expressions were unpredictable: "Sister!"


Shiho Miyano opened his eyes sharply.

Those ice-blue eyes stared at the ceiling.

Instantly realize that you are in an unfamiliar environment.

Followed by~

She saw Akemi Miyano lying on the side of the bed.

"Sister! Is it really a sister!?"

Shiho Miyano was in ecstasy.

Don't even want to think about it...

Why is it confirmed that Akemi Miyano, who died, is still alive?


Slowly straightening up, Akemi Miyano opened her blurry eyes.

The sisters looked at each other, and the two suddenly laughed.

"Ha~~ Shiho finally woke up, Lord Chu Feng really didn't say anything wrong, you are just a little overdrawn. "

Akemi Miyano had a bright smile on her face.

It can be seen that at this moment, she is in an excellent mood.

"Master Chu Feng, mental overdraft?"

Shiho Miyano looked confused.

Mental overdraft, but it is very easy to explain.

Taking APTX-4869, as the body shrinks, it will definitely cause some mental damage.

Coupled with grief, he climbed through the vent to the sewer and finally escaped from the institute.

This is undoubtedly a great burden on the body of a seven- or eight-year-old child.

However, what the hell is Lord Chu Feng?

Sister, when did you switch to someone else? seems to see your own sister's doubts.

Akemi Miyano explained 'let's go. Only then did Shiho Miyano know the cause and effect of the matter.


After the death of the family sister, with super luck, she became a legendary angel?

Can you talk a little bit more about good science?

If it weren't for seeing a pair of holy wings appear behind Akemi Miyano.

Shiho Miyano even thought that the other party was joking with her.

Although I have studied a lot of fantasy creatures, I also know some strange things.

But angels, creatures that exist in legends.

Shiho Miyano had been skeptical before.

But this moment~

The facts are in front of her, so she can't believe it!

Quickly accepting reality, Shiho Miyano became extremely interested in Lord Chu Feng in his sister's mouth.

The sister was able to be saved and was reborn as an angel, which is entirely the credit of this adult, and Shiho Miyano wanted to thank the other party in person, peeled off the quilt and wanted to get out of bed.

And then~

Shiho Miyano was stunned in place.

What about clothes?

What about my wide T-shirt?

Looking at Akemi Miyano's smiling eyes.

Shiho Miyano was speechless for a while.

It must have been her sister who ripped her clothes while she was in a coma.

The little face was slightly red, and he quickly pulled the quilt to cover his body.

Who knows, Miyano Akemi ridiculed: "What to cover? Where has your sister not seen it! Don't forget, you are a handful of and urine pulled by me..."

Faced with his sister's teasing, Miyano Shiho was speechless: "That's all good when I was a child, I'm eighteen years old now." "

"Huh~ look at your current small body, looks like an eighteen-year-old?"


Shiho Miyano was speechless again, completely unable to refute.

"Okay, don't tease you, let's put your clothes on first." "

Seeing Miyano Shiho's embarrassed look, Miyano Akemi smiled heartily.

Then take out a slightly ethnic gothic suit from the side.


"Whose clothes is this?"

Shiho Miyano was stunned.

I stared at this young strange dress for a long time.

She asked uncertainly, "You're not going to let me wear this, are you?"

"Of course, this is Lord Chu Feng's sister's clothes, she is about the same age as you are now, quickly try to fit or not." "

Akemi Miyano waved the clothes in her hand, and there seemed to be a hint of impatience in her eyes.


Shiho Miyano shook his head sharply. Wear such small children's clothes. She would rather die.

However~ the arms can't reach the thighs.

Not to mention that she can't resist adults as a child now.

Even if she is gifted, she can't go against the will of the angels... 0 so ~

With the help of Akemi Miyano, Shiho Miyano successfully changed his outfit.

Shiho Miyano's version of the Gothic costume was born!

"Good kawaii!"

Looking at Shiho Miyano who has finished dressing.

Akemi Miyano's eyes seemed to be glowing.

Her sister is so cute ~~

If you ignore the unloveable expression on the face of the little loli.

Shiho Miyano is indeed one of the ceilings of the loli world.

"Shiho come quickly, let's go visit Lord Chu Feng, and when I see him later, you must not have a face..."

Akemi Miyano looked at Shiho Miyano for a moment, then pulled the other party out of the house.

During this period, Shiho Miyano looked at the time, and it was only half past midnight in the morning.

Wouldn't it be too early to visit at this time?


She was also very interested in Lord Chu Feng in her sister's mouth.

Knock knock~~

After a few knocks on the door.

A blonde maid appeared in front of the sisters.

It seems that he is surprised by Shiho Miyano's appearance.

Thor subconsciously narrowed his eyes and rubbed the other party's head.

"Very kawaii, it seems that Conna-chan's clothes are very suitable for you~~"

"You, hello~"

Shiho Miyano is a little unaccustomed to dealing with people.

Subconsciously dodge the other party's head rubbing and killing, and whispered hello.

However, her gaze always stayed on the other party's maid costume.

Dressed like this at home, what kind of person is the owner of this house?


Shiho Miyano met the owner here.


Chu Feng's appearance made her frown.

It always feels familiar, it feels like I've seen it somewhere.


Shiho Miyano was shocked.

Finally remembered why I felt that the other party was familiar.

It was in the unfinished building of the abandoned harbor.

The figure he saw was very similar to the man in front of him.

And when he was in a coma, the three figures he vaguely saw also echoed each other's situation.

According to what my sister said, there were only three people in this Chu Feng's family.

So, he was counted by the other party again?

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