Chapter 316 Breakfast at Chu Feng's house, his family still has Doragoon?!!

You saved me that time?

Shiho Miyano's pupils shrank sharply.

This sentence almost blurted out.

The shadow in the memory coincides with the man in front of him.

She had already confirmed her conjecture in her heart.

"That's right. "

Chu Feng did not deny it.

Of course he knows what the other party is worth.

"The recipe for the bacon leaves is also in your hands?"

Shiho Miyano spoke again.

Who knew that Chu Feng shook his head and said, "No, leave it to the Yuanyue Group for study." "

Shiho Miyano was slightly stunned.

Only then did I remember that the organization seemed to have received information on this.

shook his head.

Shiho Miyano felt a little sleepy.

He bowed slightly towards Chu Feng.

Little Loli nodded and said, "Although I can escape without you, I still have to thank you for saving my sister." "

Shiho Miyano's nasal voice is strong.

Because when she said this, she sucked her nose hard and put on a cold queen fan.

This little loli looks more arrogant than Erina.

Even if he thanked him, he was only grateful to Chu Feng for saving Akemi Miyano.

This girl really thinks that even if she doesn't rely on anyone, she can survive, Chu Feng is a little speechless, and the corner of her mouth twitches twice.

Miyano Akemi was also a little speechless, and then said with an embarrassed smile: "Master Chu Feng, don't care, in fact, my sister is thanking you." "

"It's okay, I understand!"

Chu Feng waved his hand, ignoring the arrogant loli who had a different heart.

Shiho Miyano has his original shadow on him, and he doesn't know how to get along with people at all.

It's understandable though.

Born in a black-clothed organization since childhood, he was sent abroad to study when he was a little older, and he was under surveillance all year round...

In such a life, in addition to the quirk of loneliness, what kind of personality can you cultivate? The magnanimous Boss Chu does not care about Ellie's attitude.

Turning his head to look at Akemi Miyano, he casually asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Akemi Miyano was slightly stunned, obviously not thinking about this problem.

Last night, in addition to taking care of the comatose Shiho Miyano, she was intoxicated with the joy of sister reunion and rebirth after the disaster all night, how could she take care of so much.

"After all, I am Lord Chu Feng's subordinate angel, and I hope you can continue to take in our sisters..."

Shiho Miyano hesitated and spoke his mind.

If you think about it, the sky and the earth are big, and there is really no place for them.

"Okay, then you guys can stay and take your sister to buy some clothes later, and now let's have breakfast first." "

Chu Feng did not refuse, who could refuse a beautiful royal sister, and a little loli.

Besides, he never planned to give up, Akemi Miyano, the future high-end combat power.

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho found that there was already food on the dining table.

The faint fragrance has quietly filled the entire living room.

"So fragrant!"

Shiho Miyano's ice-blue eyes suddenly lit up.


The little belly cried out even more uncontestedly.

Only then did she remember that since yesterday afternoon until now, she had not dripped water. The little face suddenly flushed red, and Shiho Miyano felt a little embarrassed.

Chu Feng and Miyano Akimi looked at each other and smiled, pretending not to hear the call.

Thor had knocked on Connor's door.

Connor, wearing her Didan elementary school uniform, walked out of the room with her slender tail dangling.

Then I saw Shiho Miyano dressed in a quirky ethno-style gothic costume.

The two little loli looked at each other, both stunned in place.

Connor apparently didn't expect that.

The dirty little girl was so cute after cleaning last night.

It's almost time to catch up with Connor-chan.

And Shiho Miyano ~

He stared at the tail behind Connor.


Take her experience studying fantasy creatures.

You can see it at a glance~

This is definitely not a decoration. It's a real tail.

Humans with long tails?

Or a fantasy creature that turns into human form?

Two conjectures suddenly appeared in Miyano Shiho's mind.

It seems to see the doubts of his own sister.

Akemi Miyano smiled and said, "Miss Thor and Miss Connor are dragons, so it's normal to have a tail. "

She already knew the identities of Thor and Connor last night, so she wasn't surprised today.


Shiho Miyano was really shocked.

Out of the instinct of scientific workers.

She subconsciously looked at Akemi Miyano with a skeptical gaze.

But think about it.

Even legendary creatures like angels have them.

Two more dragons seem to be normal.

Scientists doubt everything, but are also more receptive to everything bizarre than the average person.

In fact, when Thor and Connor are at home, they don't hide dragon horns and dragon tails.

Only when he goes out, he will follow Chu Feng's instructions and not show anything in front of people.

Several people took their seats.

Shiho Miyano was quickly attracted to the 'food' on the dinner table.

Soup dumplings, fried dumplings, strange grilled meat, carrot fried meat, and thick fresh soy milk...

Stare strangely at the only man present.

You tell me it's breakfast?

Is your breakfast so rich? Shiho Miyano knows very well.

When she woke up, her sister decided to visit. Chu Feng would definitely not go out of his way to prepare dishes for the two sisters.


This table of things is the normal weight of Chu Feng's family of three.

But ~ this is too much, right!?


Shiho Miyano felt that something was stuck in his throat, and he wanted to complain but didn't know where to start.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the legendary Doragoon, and this amount of rice is simply scary.

This moment~

Shiho Miyano couldn't help but wonder.

What kind of creature is Chu Feng, wouldn't it also be Doragon, but soon~ she couldn't care about this.

When Connor expertly poked through the bottom of the soup packet.

The thick broth slowly flows into the spoon.

Suddenly, a fragrance came to my nose.

"So fragrant~"

Shiho Miyano let out the same exclamation again.

She swore to heaven~

I have never smelled such a mesmerizing fragrance. Now Chu Feng's origin has become unimportant in an instant. All Miyano Shiho thought about was the taste of meat buns.

Just smelling and tasting is so fragrant, if you eat it in your mouth... Hiss~~

It's hard to imagine.

It's just that she, who has never been used to getting along with people, is stunned in place at the moment, not knowing how to be good.

As if seeing the crampedness of the little loli, Chu Feng smiled slightly, picked up a soup sentence and put it in the other party's bowl.

"Poke the bottom first when eating, otherwise be careful with the soup. "

Boss Chu was very intimate in teaching the way to eat soup dumplings.


The little loli on the opposite side frowned.

What is it called to be careful soup for me a mouthful?

Don't say such strange things, is it good! It sounds very strange ~~

God knows what came to mind at this moment when Shiho Miyano, who has a withdrawn personality...

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