Chapter 318 About Haihara Mourning Going to Elementary School!!

Haibara was clearly happy with his new name.

One or two can be seen from the curve outlined at the corner of her mouth. Slightly surprised, he glanced at the handsome Chu Feng.

This man is not only a good cook.

Unexpectedly, even the name is very level.


Gray Plain was impressed by Chu Feng.

But then ~

She couldn't laugh anymore.

"Miss Akemi, how do you plan to arrange your sister in the future?

Chu Feng swallowed a soup packet in one gulp, turned his head to look at Haiyuan and asked mournfully.


Akemi Miyano fell into deep thought.

A moment later~ seems to have thought of something.

Her bright eyes lit up.

"If I could, I would like Shiho to go to school. "

"She is different from me, she has a very smart mind, but she has learned all kinds of knowledge since she was a child under the organization arrangement, and she has no chance to make friends and enjoy college life well."

"So, I hope that Shiho can enjoy life and experience everything a girl should have. "

Akemi Miyano spoke in a relaxed tone, but there was a strange light under her eyes.

It seemed that such a simple request was a luxury for both sisters.

The bitterness and pain in it are simply not understandable to ordinary people.

Chu Feng was silent for a while, slightly able to understand Miyano Akemi's thoughts.

Once upon a time, as an orphan, he also envied children who had their parents by their side.

Nodding slightly, Chu Feng did not refuse Miyano Akemi's request. After all, people have paid nearly 'tens of billions'.

It's just a matter of going to school, and how much can it cost.

That's right~

Chu Feng took out the cash and jewelry inside before returning 'Raphael's Tears to Akemi Miyano.

It's not that Big Boss Chu is greedy for money, it's just that doing good deeds without receiving some benefits is completely out of line with his character.

Of course, he did not swallow this money alone, so he left a little living expenses for the two Miyano sisters.

"You can ask Erinai to help with school matters, and if it goes well, Xiao Wei can go to school tomorrow." "


Miyano Akemi smiled slightly, and then said to Haibara: "Shiho, after Master Chu Feng arranges it, you can go to study, just in time to relive your childhood and strive to make a few more friends!"

"Ah~ reading?"

Haihara was slightly stunned, and then a strange expression appeared on her face, and her smile gradually disappeared, and she hurriedly asked, "High school or college?"

Akemi Miyano, who was full of smiles, shaved her little nose and squinted: "What nonsense, your current appearance, of course, is elementary school!"

"Junior~Elementary School??"

Haihara was completely shocked, his eyes widened and he looked confused.

She is eighteen, and she actually has to go to elementary school?

Tease me?

My sister must be joking, right? but looked at Akemi Miyano's serious expression.

All right~

Haibara already understood that her sister was not joking.

I'm already eighteen years old, how can I take classes with those little ghosts?!"

Gray Plain Mourning, who reacted instantly, tried his best to resist.

Conna-chan is over fourteen thousand years old, and now it's not the same as going to elementary school happily every day!"

Chu Feng opened his mouth at the right time, and did not forget to look at Conna-chan (000) who was eating seriously...

Haihara was confused again.

Is Connor a dragon good?

Doragon is not the same age as a human with his brain.

Using the little girl in front of you as an example, it is not scientific at all.

Gray Plain Mourning instantly exploded, staring at Chu Feng with a complex expression.

And then~

Akemi Miyano's voice sounded in her ears again.

"Shiho, didn't you listen to your sister?"

I saw Miyano Akimi staring at her with a disappointed face, with sorrow in her eyes.

Haiyuan was suddenly speechless, and his mouth opened wide.

Sister, don't take you to play like this?

You should know that I can't refuse your request!

There is another person in this world who can make her obedient.

That person must be Akemi Miyano.


Haibara still couldn't resist Akemi Miyano, and could only sulk with a small mouth on the side.

Chu Feng and Miyano Akemi looked at each other and smiled, both stopped taking care of the gray plain mourning, and continued to enjoy a hearty breakfast.

Akemi Miyano was thinking...

In the night of Lu Tihua Shen, he healed and made many friends.

Now just thinking about it, there is an indescribable excitement.

And Chu Feng's idea was much simpler.

If you put Haihara and Conan in the same class, I don't know what will happen interestingly?

With Haibara's keen research-loving personality, he should be very interested in Conan, a guinea pig.

Chu Feng did not say Conan's true identity for the time being.

That needs to be discovered by Haihara himself.......

Dr. Agasa's home.

Conan, who had just woken up and was eating a simple breakfast, sneezed sharply twice.

"Oh, is it a cold?"

Conan touched his nose a little confused, talking to himself a little uncertainly.

"It must be that you kicked the quilt at night and got cold, remember to take some cold medicine before going to school." "

Dr. Agasa picked up a piece of dry bread and took a bite, his voice a little slurred.

At this moment, the morning news was broadcasting the follow-up to the bank robbery.

"After a day and a night of struggle by countless police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, I finally found Masami Hirota, the main culprit of the bank robbery, but unfortunately, Ms. Masami Hirota has died, and the whereabouts of the lost money worth tens of billions are still unknown, and our station will continue to follow up the reports of relevant aspects, I believe that the police will also recover the lost money in a very short time..."

"In addition, we interviewed the president of Mihua Bank, and he expressed his deep apologies to all customers for this incident, and promised that the bank would take all responsibilities and would not cause any losses to customers..."

The efficiency of the TV station is extremely high.

It was only one night.

The news that Akemi Miyano was 'dead' was reported.

Last night, Chu Feng and Miyano Akemi did not dispose of the corpse in the warehouse.

There is this ample evidence.

The black-clad organization did not expect that Akemi Miyano was still alive.

Although the winery is only a weak chicken organization.

But Chu Feng still didn't like to be disturbed by ants.

As for destroying the Black-clad organization?

Neither Chu Feng nor Miyano Akemi had thought about it for a long time.

First, it is not necessary, and secondly, it is too troublesome to find the other party's stronghold, so it is not done.

Conan listened to the morning news.

He has been paying attention ever since the robbery of the Mihua Bank.

It's just that I never expected that the main culprit would die so quickly.

Conan doesn't know.

After all, I have not seen the scene and do not know about this case.

Without living in Xiaolan's house, Conan had little access to the case.

The general facts of the case can only be speculated through sporadic news.

Shaking his head, Conan quickly wiped out breakfast and picked up his schoolbag to go to school.

He still doesn't know what he will face in the future...

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