Chapter 319 Lying Groove! The food truck changed the waiter?!!

Sakura Apartments, Room 303.

Although it had long been known that Chu Feng insisted on setting up a stall every day. But when you see the other person carefully preparing the dishes.

Haibara still felt ~ very surprised.

After all~

This is a true Grand Chef.

And it's the moisture-free kind.

We prepare the ingredients needed for the stall so carefully and responsibly.

Does it really fit who you are now?

Haihara was a little incomprehensible, but he didn't ask much.

Everyone has their own hobbies, just like she likes to do scientific research. Today's stall is scheduled for 2 p.m., and the main dish is braised pork.

Chu Feng didn't add any more dishes.

Just add a fish-scented eggplant.

Just right for dinner.

In the morning, I prepared ingredients in the kitchen with Erina.

After Connor went to school, Thor, who was bored, could only run to find Lukoya and the others.

Akemi Miyano, who had eaten breakfast, took Haibara to the street to buy clothes. Since they plan to stay for a long time, they also have to buy some daily necessities. During the preparation of the ingredients, Chu Feng mentioned the matter of Gray Plain mourning the enrollment.

Erinai agreed without the slightest hesitation.

After all, Chu Feng promised to teach them to cook, and Erinai had already taken advantage of it.

Haibara mourned, Erinai had already seen it just now.


It's a very cute little girl. It just looks a little cold.

I heard that it was Chu Feng's distant cousin.

But Miss Xue Che didn't believe a word.

That little girl was obviously a little mixed-race.

And the surname Haibara is also rare.

Chu Feng is a Dragon Countryman.

How far away does it take to have such a cousin? About the origin of the gray plain mourning.

Erina, who has grown a lot recently, is too lazy to listen.

She now focuses all her time on her studies and doesn't want to be distracted by anything at all.

Although he had already seen Chu Feng's braised pork, but that time it was a dream ingredient, Erinai was surprised the whole time, and he didn't understand it at all.

And this time ~

Chu Feng deliberately slowed down so that she could understand seven seven eight eight. But in the end, she learned a few layers, which is probably only clear to herself.


The Miyano sisters were still eating at Chu Feng's house.

Haiyuan Mo has changed into a small leather skirt, quite a little queen's temperament.

During meals.

Chu Feng looked at Miyano Ming strangely for a while, and he had a feeling of meeting a confidant.

It seems that the other party is also a person who is keen to dress up girls.

Like him and Thor, he likes to prepare different kinds of outfits for Connor.

However, it can be seen from Haibara's sad and loveless expression.

She herself was not very willing.

But that's okay.

This kind of thing comes a few times and gets used to it.

Chu Feng gave some comfort appropriately.

After lunch.

Miyano Akimi looked at Chu Feng, looking like she wanted to say something.

It seems that he wants to say something, but he doesn't know how to open it.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Feng couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Lord Chu Feng..."

"You~~ Are you still short of waiters there?"

Akemi Miyano struggled for a while before he swallowed his thoughts, "Eh? "

Chu Feng was a little confused at first, but quickly understood the other party's thoughts. Akemi Miyano obviously didn't want to eat and drink in vain and wanted to do something for herself.

And setting up a stall, all she can do is waiter.

A little embarrassed looked at Thor.

Chu Feng knew very well that his girlfriend had always enjoyed the daily life of the stall.

In this kind of thing, you need to ask the other party's opinion.

And then~

Akemi Miyano also looked at Thor with a look of expectation.


The dragon maid, who was occasionally jealous, was surprisingly talkative today, and did not even show the slightest taste.

"Yes, it just so happens that I also want to rest for a while."

Thor replied with a smile, his expression exceptionally relaxed.

Chu Feng was slightly surprised, his girlfriend changed sex today? Fortunately, he is sometimes a relatively big person, and he doesn't think about it.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't know.

In the morning, Thor and Rucoya had a long talk.

Mainly about the topic of 'heirs'. In fact, it is difficult for humans and dragons to give birth to heirs. Thor only learned from Rucoa today.

That's why ~

She had never thought of monopolizing Chu Feng.

Now there will be no objection to other women approaching Boss Chu.

And Akemi Miyano, who is kind by nature, is born to make people feel good. There were no emergencies such as the Asura Field, and there were no contradictions.

Things settled so happily, and there was an indescribable harmony.

"Thank you, Lord Chu Feng, thank you Miss Thor!"

Akemi Miyano suddenly laughed.

In the face of the respectfulness of the subordinate angel, the corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched twice, and he shook his head and said: "Don't be an adult, adult" call, it sounds strange, and it will be better to call me boss in the future. "

"Okay, Boss Chu!"

Akemi Miyano smiled sweetly again.

A gentle smile seems to purify everything.......

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Food trucks show up at the stall on time. Just an ordinary street.

There are no popular attractions or shopping centers around.

Looking at the few pedestrians, Chu Feng did not care, and planned to collect the stall in three hours.

Open the window, light up the LCD screen, and the stall officially begins.

【Braised pork / 5,000 yen】

【Eggplant with fish fragrance / 2,000 yen】

Dishes made with ordinary ingredients have always been sold by fast food trucks.

It didn't take long ~

The first guests arrived.

It is the Heavenly Feather Slash and the Poison Island Slash.

God knows why two wrong people always come hand in hand.

As soon as the two women approached the food truck, they realized that something was wrong.

Erinai interned here with Chu Feng, and it was not surprising that Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Junzi were not surprised.

However, who is the other royal sister with a white apron on her body and a dignified and gentle royal sister?

The two looked confused.

If it weren't for the heavy dark blue of the food truck.

They all thought they were in the wrong place.

Sleeping trough, food truck to change waiters??? Long.

The two who reacted nodded slightly at the strange royal sister.

Tianyu was even more overjoyed.

The waiter has changed, does it mean that Chu Feng and Thor have ended?


Tianyu showed an idiot-like expression and laughed.

At this moment, she felt that she could do it again... Beg.

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