Chapter 320 Perfect Braised Pork, Lin Chef Chu Feng?!!


Tianyu Chopper specially wore a set of black leather pants, with a dark off-the-shoulder vest, Miaoman's figure was outlined by a tight outfit.

It suddenly became a perfect scenery on the street.

See the 'waiter' of the fast food truck changed again.

She hurriedly said, "What about Thor? "

If Chu Feng really separated from Thor.

Wouldn't she be able to...

Hey, hey, hey!!

Tianyu thought about it, and then revealed a foolish smile. Although she has not made any big moves all this time, it does not prevent her from daydreaming. In fact, it is not that Tianyu is reserved, nor is it that there is no action. It's just that Chu Feng is too difficult, it can be said that oil and salt do not enter, and he rarely pays attention to her.

This time, Tianyu Chopper felt like he could do it again!


The idea is good, the reality is cruel.

"Thor is resting today, this is Akemi, my distant cousin, who now lives next door to me."

"It just so happens that she just came to Weijing and has not yet worked, so she will do it with me first."

Chu Feng said.

The expression on Tianyu's face suddenly froze.

The whole face pulled down the crotch, just like a dead master.

Although even if her master died, she would definitely not have such an expression.

Poison Island covered his mouth and smiled.

She likes to watch Tianyu chop and eat deflated the most.

That's why she always likes to come with each other.


Looking at the woman who was obviously a little older than Chu Feng and named 'Mingmei'.

It is estimated that only a fool would believe that she was Chu Feng's distant cousin.

"Boss Chu, since you don't want to reveal the origin of the other party, please don't be so perfunctory when you lie."

Poison Island Junzi secretly complained.

Fortunately, she was not interested in the origin of Akemi Miyano.

I ordered a dish of braised pork.

Tianyu Slash also quickly recovered from the 'blow'. This kind of thing is not once or twice, it has long been taken for granted.

After ordering two dishes in one go, today she wants to turn grief into appetite.......


Dishes on two white porcelain plates.

Instantly attracted the hearts of the two girls.

The white porcelain plate like mutton fat jade.

The caramel-colored braised pork is stacked like a pyramid.

The random and messy green onions dotted on it add a bit of spring.

The sugar juice that has been flowing from the 'top of the tower' to the bottom of the plate is even more eye-catching.

I took a deep breath, and suddenly the smell of meat overflowed.

That bright color almost made the population water flow 3,000 feet.

Poison Island took a deep breath, then swallowed his saliva, and picked up the chopsticks next to him without saying a word.

"I'm going to start!"

Received a traditional education from an early age.

Poison Island has always been very ceremonial.

Gently pinch a piece of brightly colored braised pork.

Slowly stuff into your mouth.

The fragrant pieces of meat melt in your mouth.

Fatty gravy instantly fills the entire mouth.

Delicate and sweet gravy.

Soft and refreshing pork belly. Immediately made the poison island Jizi stunned. His blue-eyed eyes instantly lit up. Then it seems to be for the sake of savouring the delicacy.

She quickly narrowed her eyes again.

"It's so layered, obviously it's just ordinary pork, but it gives people the feeling of tasting dream ingredients."

When the pieces of meat slowly 'melted' in his mouth, Poison Island couldn't help but marvel.

"Indeed! This dish is indeed tempting, each piece of braised pork is evenly sized, as if cut by a kendo master, but with Chu Jun's strength, it is not surprising to do this. "

Tianyu nodded repeatedly.

Only when you taste food truck dishes. She will unite with Poison Island Rinko.


Something seems to have come to mind.

Tianyu chopped curiously: "The stupid woman of the famous sword stream is right this time, the dishes made by Chu Jun with ordinary ingredients seem to be completely different from before. Don't...... Chu Jun's cooking level has improved again? "

Poison Island Junzi didn't care about the other party's name this time.

At this time, she was the same as Tianyu.

Staring straight at the man in the food truck, his eyes full of curiosity.

Neither is a chef.

But often come to eat Chu Feng's dishes, and have become extremely sensitive to the taste.

They obviously noticed that the taste of this braised pork was completely different from those ordinary dishes before.

Seems...... Not a level at all!

"If I realized something in the first two days, I was lucky enough to rise to the next level."

Chu Feng did not hide it, his tone was flat, and he showed modesty.

Poison Island Tsuko: (000)...

Tenwa Slash: (00)

If you realized something two days ago, you got up a level by luck? Why does it always feel so awkward when you hear this? If memory serves.

Chu Feng was a special chef before.

Now it's another level.

Isn't he already the legendary Chef Lin? Belch......

The two were speechless.

I almost ignored the fragrant braised pork in front of me.

Is there a Chef in the world?

Poison Island Junzi and Tianyu Slash are not certain.

After all, they are not from the culinary world.

Coupled with young age and little knowledge.

I just know that it is a legendary existence.

In a word~

It's right that Chef Lin is better than Chef.


Why listening to Chu Feng's tone, Chef Jin was as simple as drinking water and eating?

Just like they learn basic swordsmanship, just look at it.

Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Jizi were speechless.

I always feel that Chu Feng is in Versailles, but there is no evidence.

Fortunately, they are not cooks, so they are not greatly affected.

Yesterday when Erina and Alice knew about it.

I almost didn't bulge my eyes.

That's Chef Lin~ At present, the highest level in the culinary industry is second only to Chef Long.

Definitely a rare existence. There are only two known dragon chefs.

He is the president of IGO and Gourmet Club, respectively.

It's just that kind of character who can't see the end of the dragon.

Few people in the world know their names and appearances. And the known Lin chef is by no means more than a palm.

It can well be imagined~

How shocking were Erinai and Alice at that time!? It is estimated that no one will think of it.

Chu Feng reached the peak of the culinary world so quickly.

And he is now ~

Only twenty-one years old! God knows in a few more years.

And what heights can he reach?

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