Chapter 325: Why Don't I Have a Daughter or Granddaughter?!!

Twenty-one-year-old Chef Lin.

No matter how you think about it, it's unlikely. But the person who said this... His name is Sakuki Senzoemon.

Yue Huadeng had to believe it.

Because Senzoemon never said anything.

Subconsciously gasp.

Look at the young man in the food truck again. Yue Huadeng's eyes gradually became different.

If before~

He just regarded Chu Feng as a young man of the same level.

So now ~

There is already a faint admiration.

Of course~

Seeing is believing, hearing is nothing.

He didn't see Chu Feng's true ability.

Yue Huadeng was never able to fully accept this fact.

All this is seen by Senzoemon in full view.

Secretly shook his head.


Yue Huadeng's level can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches of the special kitchen.

Obviously, he had just eaten Chu Feng's dish, but he didn't find the mystery in it.

It just so happened that at this time, Akemi Miyano put on a pair of chopsticks.

Senzoemon is also not polite.

Directly pick up a piece of braised pork.

Soft and delicious, the gravy is fatty, sweet and sour, but not greasy. There is also a vague feeling of peace and tranquility. Sure enough, it is a rare ordinary heart in the chef's heart.

Just a bite of braised pork.

It calmed Senzoemon's irritable mood.

Not only that~

He obviously felt that this food truck cuisine was very different from before

It is the embodiment of the chef's heart.

It also intuitively expresses the mood when cooking.

When the special chef makes the dishes.

Basically, it will deliberately integrate into a part of the current state of mind.


Just now, Xianzuoweimon did not feel Chu Feng's 'deliberate'.

This braised pork seems to be natural, without any 'foreign objects' added.


When Chu Feng made this dish, he had no desires or distractions.

The chef seems to have become a part of him, and naturally integrates into the cooking...

It is one of the characteristics of Chef Lin.

Immortal Zuoweimon glanced at Yue Huadeng again.

Such obvious features cannot be tasted.

It seems that Caibo Chaoyang has put a lot of pressure on him.

"How's it going?"

After eating the braised pork on the plate, Xianzuomen raised his head, and his gaze fell on Yue Huadeng.

The latter returns to God!

Yue Hua Deng looked down at the empty dinner plate.

The first reaction was, my braised pork! Just now, I just cared about tasting the fish-scented eggplant.

He was also ready to save the rest of the braised pork for the end.


The highly respected Immortal Zuoweimon was so unsophisticated, he didn't even let go of his remaining meat.

"Don't mind, just order another plate, anyway, Chu Xiaoyou waved his hand with a smile without limit."

As long as he is not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

In the face of Chu Feng's cooking, this commander-in-chief did not hold back.

Yue Huadeng shook his head, but he didn't really care.

He knows the deliciousness of food truck cooking.


He was silent again.

Ask a young man in his twenties for advice.

Even if the other party may be a lin chef.

Yue Huadeng couldn't erase his face for a while.

He is also a person in his fifties, and he usually occupies a high position.

Suddenly let him put down his body, it was really a little embarrassing.


Compared to these, the inheritance of the Yue Hua family is obviously more important.

After hesitating for a while.

Yue Huadeng nodded and said in a deep voice: "Wait a while, I hope the old man will introduce it!" "

I ventured over to ask for advice, and it is estimated that I can only eat until I close the door.

Although he had never had any intersection with Chu Feng, Yue Huadeng had also heard a little about this master's temper.

Don't look at the stall that usually runs leisurely all day, if you really want to provoke him, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Bukiwuz is the most typical example.

Yue Huadeng asked himself that he had some strength, but he was not conceited to the point of killing the head of the food club in seconds.

"Haha~ Let's eat first~~ Chu Xiaoyou's cooking, the old man may not have tasted it for a long time!"

Looking at the two dishes that had just been served, Xianzuoemon smiled, happy like a child of several decades.

Haven't tasted it for a long time? You just ate my braised pork! Yue Hua deng complained, and then picked up the chopsticks again.......

Inside the food truck.

Chu Feng was still stir-frying.

He did not hear the conversation between Xianzuoweimon and Yue Huadeng.

In fact~

He rarely listens to his diners. Just deliberately keep your voice down.

It was also difficult for Chu Feng to know the content of the conversation.

He knew that Erinai had sent a message to Senzoemon.

So the arrival of the latter, and the bed surprised it.

It's just that when they were about to close the stall, the two had not left, and Chu Feng was a little confused.

"Chu Xiaoyou, it's been good lately!"

After the rest of the diners had dispersed, Senzoemon came to the window, with a smile on that old face...


Chu Feng replied without salt.

"Erina, Alice, didn't bother you?"

Senzoemon glanced at Erina, who was packing up his kitchenware.

I feel that my granddaughter seems to have changed somewhat, but I can't tell what is different.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It's okay, it's quite diligent!" "

Can you not be diligent?

As long as it's okay, the two girls stay at his house except for sleeping.

Senzoemon smiled even brighter, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Can his granddaughter not be happy if he can have a good relationship with a Lin chef? Yue Hua Deng looked at Immortal Zuoweimon enviously.

Why didn't he have a daughter or granddaughter who was the same age as Chu Feng?

Otherwise, everything will have to be sent here to work, even if you are a waiter

Xianzuoweimon naturally noticed Yue Huadeng's eyes and raised his head proudly

It seems that Erinai and Alice can intern here with Chu Feng, which makes him feel proud and then~

He officially introduced: "Chu Xiaoyou, this guy's name is Yue Huadeng, and he is also a special chef. "


Chu Feng asked bluntly.

Xianzuoemon specially waited for the people to leave before coming over. He also solemnly introduced another special chef.

Obviously, he went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

Chu Feng's directness made Yue Huadeng a little uncomfortable. After being slightly stunned, his expression became a little embarrassed.

Senzoemon laughed.

He still knew Chu Feng well.

Knowing that this kid's character is like that.

Pointing at Yue Huadeng, Xianzuomen spoke, "This guy is in some trouble, I want to ask you for a small favor." "

Glancing at Yue Huadeng faintly, Chu Feng turned his head to look at Xianzuoweimen, and said helplessly: "Say, what's busy?" "

Inside the food truck.

Erinai stared at Chu Feng a little surprised.

It seems that he didn't expect him to agree so cheerfully.

After all, Big Boss Chu usually gives people a feeling.

It has always been wantless and wantless, regardless of any idle business.

However, just now~

The other party hardly had any hesitation.

Erinai was slightly stunned.

The gaze that looked at Chu Feng was also a little strange.

Actually, she didn't know.

The reason why Chu Feng did not refuse.

One is to give face to Xianzuowei.

The second is because he just brushed the second chef heart from Yue Huadeng.

In a good mood, he did not say the words to death.

But does this help or not?

I have to listen to what the two special chefs in front of me say...

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