Chapter 326 Erina, you actually want my life?!!

"Chu Xiaoyou, in fact, Yue Huadeng came this time to ask you specifically!"

The smile on Xianzuoemen's face gradually converged, and his expression became serious.

"Please? Halberd? "

Chu Feng didn't understand what the other party meant for a while.

A grand chef came to visit, and it was a bit of an instructive.

He subconsciously thought of the words 'halberd'.


In a hurry, Yue Huadeng quickly shook his head.

Although I am not sure if the young man in front of me has really reached the realm of Lin Chef, but ~

I just ate braised pork and fish-flavored eggplant made by the other party.

He knew very well that he was not Chu Feng's opponent.

The person in front of you~

Even if it is not Lin Kitchen, it is estimated that it is not far off.

Unless Yue Huadeng had a pit in his brain, he would definitely not eat a halberd with him.

To know ~

Not only does the halberd require IGO certification, but also the presence of an executive officer, and sometimes it is broadcast live in front of the world.

Knowing that it was a losing halberd, Yue Hua Deng didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the whole world, so he was also a special chef.

Rubbing his hands awkwardly, he could barely squeeze out a smile.

"Boss Chu, I just want to have a discussion with you..."

"Really, it's the most ordinary communication, by the way, look for your own shortcomings, there is absolutely no offense."

Yue Hua Deng stammered.

He rarely put down his body, and he looked a little cramped at the moment.

But it is not difficult to see that his attitude is very sincere.

Chu Feng was a little confused.

Any chef suddenly confronted with a stranger's advice.

It is estimated that the expressions are similar to him.


Senzoemon explained in time.

Only then did Chu Feng understand the cause and effect of the matter.

"I really didn't expect that Caibo Chaoyang would come to Weijing so early."

The titular brother of the medicine king is actually Erina's own brother.

Chu Feng had learned from Cheng Ichiro earlier that Caibo Chaoyang had joined the food party.

It's just that I never expected that the other party would appear so early.

The Moon Festival has not yet begun, and Erina's father has not yet appeared, but the morning sun is the first to emerge.

This was indeed beyond Chu Feng's expectations.

He glanced at Yue Huadeng lightly, and smiled bitterly in return.

It can be seen that this guy has burned his eyebrows, otherwise he would not have come to the door like a headless fly for help.

It can be seen that Caibo Chaoyang gave him a lot of pressure.

Chu Feng still didn't know that the person who suggested this headless fly was the old man in front of him.


Although Yue Huadeng and Xianzuoweimon did not say it directly.

But in and out of the words, there is the meaning of letting him point out the other party.

A good villain is also a special chef, no matter how humble it is, it is impossible to go low, and it is always necessary to make a face.

Seeing that Chu Feng was silent, Yue Hua Deng couldn't help but snort in his heart, and quickly said: "Boss Chu, our Yue Hua clan recently built a Chinese-style restaurant in Weijing..."

"If Boss Chu doesn't dislike it, I'm willing to give this restaurant to you."

Ask someone to help, you always have to give some favor.

Yue Hua has also been in the culinary world for decades and knows this well.

"Okay, let's talk a little, in fact, I also want to see the craftsmanship of my predecessors."

Chu Feng laughed.

It's not about money.

Just crossed over for so long.

He hasn't tried it with a strong chef.

Whether it is Shinomiya Kojiro or Bukiwuz, their strength is very limited, and they can't put any pressure on him at all.

At the same time, he also wants to know, what is the level of cuisine of the world's special chefs?

It's just a restaurant, and now it is impossible to fundamentally shake Chu Feng's idea, seeing that Chu Feng agreed, Xianzuoweimen suddenly smiled.

In fact~

He was equally curious about the strength of the young man in front of him.

Although he knew that the other party had reached the realm of Lin Kitchen.

But how?

If you haven't seen each other's cooking with your own eyes, it's impossible to speculate.

As for the dishes that Chu Feng made when he usually set up the stall? No kidding~

How can something that is made casually show the strength of Linchu.

Senzoemon is sure ~

Today's braised pork and fish-scented eggplant, Chu Feng definitely didn't use his full strength, maybe he didn't even have three percent.

"Chu Xiaoyou, how about going to the old man's house?"

Senzoemon issued an invitation at the right time.

The opportunity to enjoy Chef Lin's cuisine is something he can't miss.


Chu Feng washed his hands and asked Akemi Miyano to drive the fast food truck back, and then talk to Eiguchi.

"Don't say it, luxury cars are really comfortable to sit, rich people just like to enjoy."

Inside the car~

Chu Feng looked at the spacious space and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

A sedan~

There are also sofas, freezers, wine cabinets and other equipment.

It really opened his eyes.


Seeing Chu Feng's look of emotion, Eri Nai rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't be sour, with your current assets, buying this kind of car is easy." "

"If you are willing to sell fast food trucks, I can exchange a hundred of these cars with you until now, Eri Nai has not figured out, where did Chu Feng's fast food truck come from?"

Not only can it pass through the space, the cabinet has unlimited storage, and there is also a fresh-keeping function...

All kinds of wonderful functions are simply designed for cooking.

If she could, Erinai would like to own one.

"Huh~ you want to fart and eat."

Chu Feng scolded with an unceremonious smile. He just sighed about the luxury car.

Erina actually wants his life?

How can it be repaired! Today's interns are simply getting more and more presumptuous.

Xianzuoemon looked at the two young people, and his face almost blossomed.

The better the relationship between Chu Feng and Erina, in every way, it will be beneficial to the Xue Che family.

If the relationship between the two can go further, Xianzuoemon can wake up laughing in his dreams

As for Chu Feng, he already has a girlfriend?

This is not a matter at all in the eyes of Xianzuoweimen.

With capable men, it is normal to recruit girls to like them.

Xianzuoemon comes from a wealthy family, and it has long been common to this, and his ideas are much more open.

As long as the junior is happy, everything else is a trifle.

Yue Hua looked at this scene enviously.

He admits he was a little sour.

And then~

I thought of my own incomplete son.

Suddenly there was a burst of gritted teeth.

Now he only hates that he didn't have a daughter!

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