Chapter 327 Meat is not meat, Mi Bai do!!

"The theme of the cuisine is 'meat is not meat', and there are no restrictions on other than that."

"If the time is time, it will be based on three hours, let's start with the two..."

The mansion of the Utsuki family, inside a huge manor.

Senzoemon gives a length of time that meets the halberd limit.

But for Chu Feng, this time seemed a bit much.

But it doesn't matter, there is no need to show that you don't pay much attention to the appearance of this competition. The stock in the food library of the Takekiri family is rich in varieties, and there are all kinds of precious ingredients.

Xianzuoemon is also generous, and there are even dream ingredients here.

Yue Hua Deng glanced at the old man in front of him in surprise.

Apparently he didn't expect the other party to do this for him.

I can't help but feel infinite gratitude in my heart.

In fact~ Yue Hua Deng thought a little too much.

Kind of putting gold on your face.

Although a grand chef is precious, it cannot be rarer than a lin chef. In fact, Xianzuoweimon did not care at all that Chu Feng chose dream ingredients.

It was just a good time for him to see how Lin Kitchen handles high-end ingredients.

"Meat is not meat? The old man is a bit of a refined man! "

Learn about the topics of the discussion.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth.

Make the taste of meat with ingredients that are not meat.

It's a bit interesting.

But neither Chu Feng nor Yue Huadeng felt difficult.

Cooking has reached their level.

There are countless ways to give ingredients a fleshy taste.

A faint smile.

Chu Feng already had the answer in his heart. The two of them choose their own ingredients. Although it's just an ordinary discussion.

But Yue Huadeng obviously attached great importance to it.

Each ingredient is carefully considered and left in place for a long time before making a decision.

There is no doubt that he wants to make the most perfect dish possible.

In contrast, Chu Feng's choice was much simpler.

Not much ingredient at all, enough to lift it with one hand.

It is a very sharp contrast with Yue Huadeng, who pushes the trolley.

"Tofu, kernel cabbage, lychee, light soy sauce... There are really many ingredients selected by Master Yue Hua! "

I don't know when.

Alice walked into the huge cooking room.

Behind her were Akemi Miyano and Haihara.

I saw that Yue Huandeng's cart was full of ingredients.

Alice couldn't help but pout.

This old guy is really not polite.

She really doesn't need money for her ingredients.

Erina, Erina and Senzoemon didn't care about this little thing.

Seeing that Chu Feng only took a little of the ingredients, Eri Nai couldn't help frowning: "White rice and edible alkali, what does he plan to do?" "

It should be impossible to make 'meat' with such ingredients.

Immortal Zuoemon did not frown, and after pondering for a moment, he spoke, "Is he going to do that?" "

The old man suddenly thought of a long-lost Chinese cuisine.

"Huh? Grandpa you know? "

Erina's eyes snorted softly, her eyes full of curiosity.

Alice did the same, turning her head to look at the only old man in the room.

"I don't know, have you ever heard of Mi Bai do?"

Xianzuoemon did not sell Guanzi, and the old face was full of smiles.

"Mi Bai do? A hundred ways to do rice? "

Erina's fingers on her cheeks and said a little uncertainly.

Mibai is actually a collective term for various practices of rice.

Drained rice, fried rice with soy sauce, rice cake, rice candy, rice cake... These are all counted as meters.

But using rice to make meat, Erina, unheard of.

Seeing the two granddaughters full of doubts, Xianzuoemon laughed and said: "In fact, in the ancient times of the Dragon Kingdom, some people had a whim and made rice into braised pork, almost to the extent of fake real, and there is more than one method, red rice and white rice can be made into meat." "

Glancing at Chu Feng, who had already begun to soak rice, the old man continued: "It's just that because of the age, these practices have long been lost, and I didn't expect Chu Xiaoyou to do it." But judging by his appearance, he should be planning to challenge white rice to make meat, which is much more complicated than using red rice..."

"I didn't expect Mi Bai to do" There is really a dish of braised pork in it, I don't know what kind of taste it is? "

Erinai looked at the man on the countertop expectantly, her beautiful eyes were radiant even Alice, and she was full of confidence in Chu Feng.

Akemi Miyano greeted Senzoemon and stood quietly aside with Haibara mourning.

After driving the food truck back to Sakura's apartment, I happened to run into Alice, who was about to go home.

At the latter's strong invitation, she also brought Haibara mourning over.

Although he is not very proficient in cooking, watching Chu Feng cook is definitely a pleasing thing for the eye.

"Erina, what is that old man going to do?"

The person who asked the question was Haihara.

In fact, she has little interest in cooking.

From childhood to adulthood, she generally only went into debt to eat. But whether you use tofu or rice for meat, it's a bit unscientific to think about it.

With the attitude of discussing science, Haibara can't help but be a little curious.

A little loli, asked in an old-fashioned tone.

Erinai couldn't help but be a little speechless, rolled her eyes, and she said helplessly: "Xiao Wei, please call me Sister Erinai next time." "

Call you sister? How big is your face?

Haibara glanced at Rina sadly.

I almost didn't write forgiveness on my face.

Not as old as her, she still wants to be her sister and wants to fart.

Fortunately, Haihara knew that he was now on the other party's territory, and did not say these words from his heart.

Otherwise, Erinai was only afraid to be even more depressed, and warned the 'young' Haibara to bid farewell to Boss Xuechu.


She still patiently explained: "Master Yue Hua should be prepared to imitate the method of making meat from bean dregs, using lychees and light soy sauce to make tofu old, so as to form a material similar to bean dregs... As for the kernel cabbage, I can't think of any use either. "

Kernel cabbage is a dream ingredient.

However, the level is very low, below level 1.

As long as the nutrient-rich land can be grown.

Many wealthy families grow this ingredient.

Kernel cabbage is a type of vegetable though.

But the taste and texture are closer to almonds.

It is perfect as a garnish for salads and appetizers. But when used to make meat, Erinai also saw it for the first time.

The other side.

Chu Feng washed the rice with clean water.

Wrap it in gauze and pick up the rolling pin.

As the rolling pin rolled back and forth on the table, the rice grains seemed to be subjected to irresistible force and shattered.

Erinai and the others were not surprised, the higher the level of the chef, the stronger the strength, not to mention that Chu Feng was still a Lin chef.

Rinse the rice flour with clean water, put the white rice milk in two large bowls, one in a small bowl, and pour edible alkali and edible salt grain into them.

And then~

Erinai and Alice saw that Chu Feng picked up the rotten milk and poured it into the large bowl...

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