Chapter 328: Meal on the Plate and Flame Energy!!

"Edible alkali and curd milk?"

Erina's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought of the usefulness of these two ingredients.

"Curd milk is made from fermented tofu, which can not only ton, but also rich in vegetable protein."

How to combine it with edible alkali? Well, it is indeed possible to simulate the taste of meat, Alice nodded secretly.

She is already good at molecular cooking.

Quickly understood why Chu Feng chose these two ingredients.

Akemi Miyano and Haibara seem to understand and understand.

Little Lori is no stranger to these two ingredients.

Just the two mixed together can still form a meat flavor? She really hasn't studied much of it.

Suddenly~ the painting on the countertop flowed.

Yue Hua Deng began to cut vegetables.

Tofu, lychee, kernel cabbage... Several ingredients are processed almost instantly.

On the cooking counter where he was, there were even several afterimages in a row.


Haibara pouted a little wordlessly.

Suddenly I wanted to complain.

Are you sure this is cooking? Instead of testing martial arts?

Why is there a sense of déjà vu of the afterimage fist?

Seeing this, Erinai immediately smiled and said, "Don't be surprised Xiao Wei, the physical quality of the special chef is completely different from ours, and it is normal to be able to do this kind of thing." "

Haibara shook his head, indicating that he was not shocked.

Of course, she knew that the world was not normal, but she had never seen a high-class chef Heng cook before.

And then~

Little Loli saw a huge dinner plate suddenly appear in front of Chu Feng.

Well, still the kind with a lid.

Can anyone tell me when this thing appeared? That's right!

This dinner plate with a diameter of two meters appeared in front of Chu Feng out of thin air, which seemed a little illusory, but it was extremely real.

The phantom of nothingness, the entire dinner plate" seemed to emit a strange light, and Gray Yuan was completely shocked this time.

If the speed is too fast to produce an afterimage, she can also accept it.

But such a big plate, please tell me how it came about?

Haihara, who had been accustomed to seeing dreamy ingredients before, suddenly felt like a frog at the bottom of a well, knowing nothing about the real world.


Erinai was also taken aback, and her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

"Is this Boss Chu's food technique? But why a plate? "

After Alice was shocked, her expression became strange.

In fact, she had long wanted to see Chu Feng's eating skills, and she didn't know how to mention it once.

It's just that every time Chu Feng refuses on the grounds that 'food skills are not used for performance', Li Zheng refuses.

Never expected it~

Big Boss Chu's food skills are so strange, it is actually a plate.


No wonder he is usually embarrassed to make it! Alice speculated maliciously.

...... On the counter.

Yue Huadeng was secretly frightened.

It seems that he didn't expect Chu Feng to use his food technique so quickly.

Out of curiosity~

He deliberately slowed down the speed of cooking. Want to see what the other person is going to do.

Then, he saw...

The rice milk in the bowl in front of Chu Feng floated up like a soldier receiving instructions.

It was as if a waterfall rising against the current rose into the air, turned a dashing corner, and fell into the dinner plate.

The first thing to put on the plate is red rice milk.

Under the control of Chu Feng's spiritual power.

Red rice milk is spread on the first layer.


Chu Feng's spiritual power was so powerful.

It's just a simple stereotype, and it seems to be relaxed.

The red rice milk is directly fixed into rectangular strips.

Everyone present could even see the liquid flowing in it. The red liquid flows as if it were alive.

The flow of light is beautiful.

Erinai and Alice were dumbfounded.

Even subconsciously ignoring the point.

Chu Feng's food plate was completely transparent. Only the compatibility of the unreal and the real will lead to this scene.


A flame appeared out of thin air under the plate.

Almost in the blink of an eye~

The red rice milk is completely solidified.

The next step is to repeat the rice milk.

One layer of white, one layer of red.

The layers are clear!

"Nima, do you want to be so serious?"

"On the other side of the kitchen counter."

Yue Huadeng almost bulged out his eyes.

In fact~

The other party began to get serious.

He was still quite happy.

At least show that they are valued.

But why~

There is always a sense of déjà vu that is about to be crushed.

If he had known that Chu Feng was so powerful at playing with fire.

Yue Huadeng really wanted to say something in advance.

Please Boss Chu don't be so serious, let's just play casually. It is not without the ability to control fire in the world, but it is particularly rare.

Yue Huadeng had only heard of it before, but had never seen it.

Now see this magical ability up close.

The grand chef couldn't help but be secretly alarmed.


He obviously felt that the flame released by Chu Feng was much higher than the normal temperature. From a distance of several meters, Yue Hua Deng could feel the amazing heat.


It's just a dimensionality reduction blow! Yue Huadeng suddenly felt a little depressed.

Without flame power, he can only silently turn on the gas stove.

In comparison, his grand chef is a bit low.

"Flame power!?"

Xianzuoweimen's cloudy old eyes lit up again.

It seems that he didn't expect Chu Feng to do this at all.

Flame power~

How many chefs dream of skills.

With this~

Absolute control of the heat can be achieved.

Let's be honest~

Senzoemon is a little sour now.

I almost drooled with envy.

Turning to look at Erinah and Alice.

Only to find that the two granddaughters were not surprised at all.

"You guys, you already knew?"

Senzoemon said curiously.

"Yes~Boss Chu will have a lot of things~~"

Alice said with a smile, her tone full of adoration.

Immortal Zuoweimon glanced at Alice in a complicated manner, smiled without speaking, and his gaze focused on Chu Feng again.

Until now, he hadn't seen what the 'dinner plate' in the void really did?

Just serving ingredients to heat? Or is it just a showman?

Immortal Zuoweimen didn't think that Chu Feng would be so superficial.

If only set heating.

He believed that the other party had countless methods. And from the beginning, use the food skills. Chu Feng must have his special intentions.

In fact~

Chu Feng generally rarely uses food righteousness.

Because it is not necessary.

Today, the 'meal on the plate' suddenly came out, not that he paid much attention to Yue Huadeng.

It's just that the dish 'rice made braised pork' needs a completely airtight space if you want to achieve the perfect level.

When Chu Feng decided to make this dish, thousands of methods were instantly simulated in his mind, and finally the 'Magnificent Avenue' gave an optimal route.

As for showdown? Boss Chu, who has always been low-key, is not that kind of person at all.

Many times, he only pursues the most reasonable production method.

The meal on the plate and the breath of the day, at the moment is most suitable for rice to make braised pork...

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