Chapter 329 Kitchen Dao Vision, Phoenix Nirvana!!

"What a subtle fire control!"

It wasn't long before the flame under the 'dinner plate' rose.

As a special chef, Senzoemon immediately noticed the change in the temperature of the flame, and the large fire shaped and the low fire smoked slowly!

A seemingly simple transition, but the temperature is just right.

Complexity to simplicity, extreme realm!

Often the more simple and straightforward the technique, the more it can actually reflect the perfect technique, and Chu Feng is exactly like this now!

It's just simple fire control.

But it seems to have been calculated with the most precision.

Every step is just right, without a hint of superfluous movement.

Roast over low heat.

The rice on that plate gradually takes shape and exudes an attractive luster.

Bright red 'meat'.

The surface shines and flows.

It's like a layer of fatty gravy.

Appearance alone~

It's an appetite up.

Erinai and Alice held their breath intently.

stared intently at Chu Feng's cooking table.

Instead, it was Akemi Miyano and Haibara Mourning.

His eyes were always on Yue Huadeng at the same time.

Although they didn't get along for long.

But Chu Feng's cooking skills, the two knew it.

They are now interested in the dishes of other chefs.

After all, it has never been seen before.


Haibara raised his voice a little.

"And what?"

Erinai and Alice hear this.

Suddenly looked towards the kitchen counter where Yue Huadeng was.


Yue Huandeng's two arms suddenly became extremely soft as if they had lost all their muscles, twisting like noodles.

The soft arms stretched and elongated, instantly growing to more than two meters, and then slammed into the tabletop.


All the ingredients on the kitchen counter bounced.

Followed by~

Yue Huadeng showed hand speed far beyond ordinary people.

The soft arms are like two long snakes, intertwined in the air into an afterimage.

In an instant~

A flesh-colored ball forms in mid-air, wrapping all the ingredients tightly.

"That's Master Yue Hua's food, silk hand!"

Erina's answer was quick to answer.

A long-established Grand Chef.

The food skills of these people are not a secret.

"Silk hands?"

Haibara had a strange expression on his face.

If the name is not mentioned.

She also thought that Yue Hua Deng had eaten rubber fruits.

But hear the three words "silk hand".

That kind of visual sense of watching martial arts movies is a little more.

Are these chefs really not martial arts masters?

Haibara blinked his eyes and secretly complained in his heart.

But to the so-called food righteousness.

She showed great interest.

The soul of science began to burn.

Erinai loves this little loli.

Not only because the other party was Chu Feng's distant cousin.

The face of the other party's kawaii also occupies a large proportion.

"The so-called food righteousness is actually the product of the fusion of human beings and food demons, and the surface and present forms are mainly divided into ideological forms, strengthening organs and various powers..."

Erinai explained patiently, but her eyes never left the two counters.

Gray Yuan listened carefully and nodded slowly, and then said to himself: "The 'dinner plate' cast by Chu Feng is the incarnation of the mind?" Then the flame he released is also a kind of food righteousness? "

Erina nodded slightly, and then shook her head uncertainly and said, "It should be, I haven't met any other flame energy users either." "

Flame powers are extremely rare.

Erinai and Alice also met for the first time.

"That was... Balls wrapped in kernel cabbage? What exactly does Chef Yue Hua plan to cook? "

Alice muttered, her face full of doubt.

When Yue Huadeng's arm returned to its original state.

There is an emerald green ball on the counter. The crystal green skin tightly wraps the dish.

No one knows what's inside.

"Keep watching, there will always be a time to reveal."

Erinai was not in a hurry at all.

Just as she said this.

Yue Hua Deng had already steamed the emerald green ball.

"One with steaming, the other with roasting, the old man is now looking forward to their dishes more and more..."

Senzoemon laughed.

When Chu Feng and Yue Hua Deng successively used their eating skills.

He knew that today's cooking was definitely not simple.

Two highly skilled chefs 'go all out'.

Even he, a grand chef, is full of anticipation.

Time passes slowly.

It has been less than an hour since the start of cooking. Chu Feng had already uncovered the lid of the meal in the void.


A strange fragrance slowly wafted in, and soon filled the entire cooking room.

That's the aroma of meat!

It is also the best meat with the aroma.

"So fragrant!"

"Meat made of white rice, the aroma is so strong?"

"Incredibly, if I hadn't seen the whole process with my own eyes, I would have thought it would have been a piece of braised pork."

"No, ordinary meat, there is no way to taste like this. Only dream ingredients can be compared. "

"Is this the strength of Chef Lin? It's breathtaking! "

"Wait~ what's that??"

Just as everyone sighed, Erinai suddenly shouted.

I saw that on the dinner plate in front of Chu Feng, a beautiful phantom appeared.

On top of the delicious braised pork, red blood seemed to rise up into the sky, intertwining into a blood-red phoenix in the air, and its surface was even burning with flames, like phoenix nirvana.

In an instant ~ the sky above the kitchen counter.

A red cloud suddenly formed.

It was a cloud that was burned red by fire.

"Oh my God~this is~~Kitchen Road Vision!!"

Alice exclaimed, her beautiful eyes shining.

In the sky.

It seems that there is a phoenix whispering, and the crisp sound is extremely loud.

"Phoenix flowers fall phoenix souls, the wind comes and goes, the ground is red, purple qi comes east and flies, and snow thaws and thaws ten riches."

Xianzuoemon stared intently at the vision in midair, and couldn't help but chant a poem, obviously shocked by this realistic vision.

The vision of cooking is an extraordinary vision created by chefs devoting themselves to cooking after the advent of the gastronomic world, using their own culinary hearts as nodes.

Gathering all the spirit of food until it bursts out in front of the diner's eyes is the perfect dish.

People who can create culinary visions are all chefs who can resonate with the ingredients.

Only when the heart and the ingredients are blended can such a wonderful moment be made long ago.

Chu Feng's cooking caused a vision, and Xianzuoweimon was not surprised.

The last time the concubine laughed, the fragrance of flowers wafting from the head of Luoyang City, he still remembers it vividly.


"Compared with the last time you ate it in your mouth to see Sheng Tang's Taiping, this vision of phoenix nirvana is more intuitive and shocking."

Xianzuoweimon couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and his tone was full of admiration.

Only Chef Lin can create such a moving culinary vision...

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