Chapter 331 Realistic braised pork, how did he do it?!!

The filling just took the mouth.

Erina, Miyano Akemi and others felt an amazing elasticity.

It seems that the elasticity of meat balls is simply unbelievable.

The eyes of the four girls, big and small, lit up.

The incomparably delicious taste spreads between the lips and teeth.

Rich meat aroma~

It is even more admiring.

"Is this really made of tofu?"

Akemi Miyano suddenly spoke, and a hint of surprise flashed under her eyes. Although she was reborn as an angel, her sense of taste remained.

If not to witness the whole production process.

She really thought she was eating minced meat.

The incomparably rich smell of meat...

Without careful discernment, it is difficult to judge the authenticity.

"This is... What does beef and lamb taste like? "

Erina's expression became serious.

The Tongue of God began to work.

However, this time, it was impossible to fully identify the type of ingredients.

Because now her mouth is full of raw meat and lamb.

Special cuisine has obviously exceeded her current appraisal scope.

"I can understand that tofu can simulate the taste of beef."

"But where does this unique smell of sheep come from?"

Alice tilted her head, her pretty face full of puzzlement.

Although he is good at molecular cuisine.

But the textbook doesn't write how to make vegetarian food produce sheep flavor?

The experienced Senzoemon quickly gave the answer: "It is lychee and cinnamon, and it is also the blunt-leaf cinnamon with the thickest skin, and only the blunt-leaf cinnamon, which is not commonly used for spices, can form such a unique sheep flavor." "

"Blunt-leaf gui? When it is combined with lychee, it should not be able to form such a strong taste, right? "

Erinai disagreed.

She had tasted both of these ingredients before, and she knew the taste of both.


Xianzuoweimon said with a smile: "Of course not, so this guy Yue Huadeng deliberately made the beef taste very strong, highlighting the taste of mutton from the side." Add ingredients such as light soy sauce, chopped green onion, ginger and kernel cabbage to achieve the purpose of fake reality. "

Erinai and Alice were slightly stunned, and their gazes couldn't help but fall on Yue Huadeng

The latter smiled slightly, and did not deny the statement of Xianzuo Weimen.

"It can still be like this~~"

Alice nodded with a serious expression.

I learned a little more knowledge.


She was looking forward to Chu Feng's cuisine even more.

Even Yue Huadeng's dishes were full of meat flavor.

What about Chu Feng's 'rice made of braised pork'? Alice was curious.

Fortunately, Yue Huadeng didn't know what she really thought in her heart.


Even if she was the granddaughter of Senzoemon, she had to bear the indignant gaze of the special chef.

One of the three special chefs of Neon Hall is just a foil for others?

Although this is a fact, Yue Huadeng will definitely hold his stomach.

Erinai was not as anxious as Alice.

She is still carefully tasting this 'Green Shade'.

It's like being in the peace and quiet of a prairie.

It does give a feeling of relaxation.

But compared to Chu Feng's ordinary heart.

The artistic conception of Yue Hua deng's fusion cuisine. It undoubtedly seems a little deliberate.

It's like...

Forcibly giving this dish the breath of nature is slightly unnatural...

Erinai expressed understanding.

As the rarest cook.

Ordinary minds are not something that anyone can awaken.

Only chefs who yearn for peace, embrace sincerity and have lofty ambitions can awaken such a rare culinary heart in the world.

In fact~

It was already very rare for Yue Huadeng to be able to achieve this level, and he could not ask for more.


It was time to taste Chu Feng's cuisine.

Even Xianzuoemon subconsciously straightened his waist.

The fierce eyes of the dragon spirit tiger lured the endless appetite. Erina's beautiful eyes were radiant, and the meaning of anticipation was self-evident.

Alice rubbed her little hands even more, looking impatient. (000)......

"Do you want to be so obvious?"

Yue Huadeng looked confused and couldn't help but scold with a smile. Although he is also looking forward to this braised pork in front of him.

But the guys had just finished his cooking.

As soon as I dropped the bowl and chopsticks, I looked impatient.

It simply doesn't save him the slightest bit of face.

Fortunately, Yue Huadeng is not the kind of person who cares too much about face.

Otherwise, even if he has a good relationship with Xianzuoweimen, I am afraid that he will turn his head and leave with a black face.

"Master Yue Hua don't care, it's just that we've seen the vision of Phoenix Nirvana, and we're just a little excited..."

Erinae was slightly embarrassed.

Who let her old man still stare at the braised pork in amazement.

This kind of polite words can only be said by her, and it cannot affect the door style of the Xue Che family.

Yue Huadeng scratched his head, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's okay, Boss Chu carefully made the dishes, I am also very interested." "

"Listen to what you mean, as if I didn't care to cook before."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and continued, "Let's eat, by the way, you have to pour the sauce first." "

After speaking, I saw him pick up a bottle of red sauce and pour it evenly on each plate of braised pork.

The bright red sauce flowed.

It seems to be covered with a layer of bright blood.

It happens to add a brilliant touch of color to the oily braised pork.

Erinai and Alice now have no intention of spitting out Chu Feng's first sentence.

Anyway, they knew that when the other party usually set up a stall to cook, he was not very serious at all.

At this time, the hearts of the two were completely attracted by the braised pork in front of them.

The smooth and bright sauce, as if full of endless temptation, gently beckoned 320 to signal them to taste it as soon as possible.

"I'm moving!"

Alice was the first to pick up her chopsticks.

Erina, Senzoemon and others followed.

Even Yue Huadeng, the person who proposed the discussion, was a little old at the moment.

Several people didn't say much, and they all picked up braised pork."

Fortunately, Chu Feng cut the 'meat' into small pieces in advance, but it was convenient for several people to taste the food as soon as they tasted it, and everyone clearly felt the taste of the charred outside and tender inside.

As expected, it is the taste of braised pork.

But this taste is also too real, right?

Whether it is Alice or Akemi Miyano...

Except for the taste of braised pork, there was no abnormality. Even if he witnessed the whole process of Chu Feng's cooking. They still couldn't help but have a trace of doubt.

This guy won't secretly change the ingredients halfway, right? Otherwise, how could it be so true?

Yue Huadeng's green shan, imitating the beef taste and mutton taste are very similar.

But it's just like that.

Like Chu Feng's this, it is simply a real braised pork.

Oh, my God~

How did he do it? This moment~

Alice and the others seemed to have question marks written on their brains, and they stood on the spot with a confused face, and the shock in their hearts was even more incomparable...

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