Chapter 332: The Nature of Ingredients, the Gap Between Special Chef and Lin Chef!!

The brightly colored braised pork has a rich flavor, and the sauce is overflowing with fat but not greasy.

The skinny but not woody taste is a must, and the crispy aroma is as good as real meat.

Erinae and the others were completely stunned.

With the sharpness of God's tongue, he could not detect anything unusual.

Yue Huadeng's cuisine tastes very similar to meat balls.

But she could taste something different.

But Chu Feng's 'braised pork'.

But it gives a feeling of infallibility.

In every aspect, it's perfect.

Even so perfect that it tastes better than real braised pork.

"Hmm~~ Is this really made of rice? Boss Chu won't secretly change to real pork, right? "

Alice let out an 'ahhhh

An incredible expression appeared on her pretty face.

Then express your surprise at an astonishing pace.


Immortal Zuoemon mercilessly raised his hand and knocked on the white-haired girl's brain.

"Say what? How could Chu Xiaoyou do that kind of thing! "

The old man was sure.

The braised pork in the mouth is made of rice.

But no matter how he tastes it.

Even if you use the Chef's Heart 'Jade Way' to sense it carefully.

Senzoemon also did not find any discord.

The whole dish is flawless, without a single flaw.

The forehead was knocked, Alice was pained, and pouted: "What, people are just too surprised, and they didn't question Boss Chu's meaning, grandpa is really too much..."

Eri Naguan smiled, staring at Chu Feng's eyes as if he saw a fairy.

In fact, she really wanted to ask the other party, how is this 'braised pork' made?

But when he thought of his shallow level, the words came to his lips and swallowed back.

Even if Chu Feng was willing to say and explain patiently, she probably couldn't understand it.

In order to preserve what little self-respect remained, Erina's mouth was closed.

At this time, it is better not to ask for a blow.

Yue Huadeng was completely speechless at this time.

My mind is full of the smell of 'braised pork'.

Although he had eaten the braised pork made by Chu Feng before.

But compared with this 'rice hundred do', it is a world of difference, not at the same level at all.

The braised pork made of this rice is even more delicious than the real thing.

It's outrageous!

Yue Hua Deng no longer knew what words to use to describe the deliciousness of this dish.

No matter how gorgeous the words were, they couldn't express the shock in his heart at this time.

"Boss Chu, admire!"

After a long silence, Yue Huadeng handed over his hand and said, "This dish is definitely the best braised pork I have ever eaten in my life, although it is made of rice, but in my heart, it is real meat." "

A special chef, knowing the truth, does not hesitate to deny its essence.

It can well be imagined~

How real is this braised pork.

"Boss Chu, can you tell me how to change the essence of an ingredient? After handing over, Yue Huadeng raised the biggest question in his heart. "

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and said, "In your opinion, I changed the essence of 'rice'? "

Without waiting for Yue Huadeng to react, Erinai and Alice had already focused their heads.

Even Akemi Miyano and Haibara stared at him intently, apparently meaning this.


Seeing this, Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh.

"In your opinion, what is the essence of the ingredients?"

Hearing this question, Yue Huadeng and Xianzuoweimon couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The same goes for Erina, and Alice.

It's just that the latter obviously has little patience, just thinking for a few seconds, he opened his mouth and said: "Just the so-called food color, I guess it's the taste!?" "

"What about Erina? You think so too? "

Didn't pay attention to Alice's answer for the first time.

Chu Feng looked at Erinai and asked seriously.


He meant to test for two interns.

Erinai was silent for a while, nodding hesitantly, and smiled slightly before he could think of the exact answer, and Chu Feng no longer embarrassed them.

"At the beginning of the birth of human beings, the ingredients were only to meet the needs of survival, and as life got better and better, human beings began to pursue better taste, which led to cooking."

"So, is the essence of the ingredients really just the taste?"

"Not really! In my opinion, the essence of ingredients lies in exploring and moving. "

"There is a book "The Wonderful Journey of the Seven Ingredients", you two can take a look at it when you have time, mainly about honey, salt, peppers, pork, rice, cocoa and tomatoes, these seven ingredients are inextricably related to humans."

"Chefs make dishes that are actually a process of exploring the essence of ingredients, and the surprise and excitement brought by processing is particularly important, and even more important than the taste itself."

"Because it was delicious, it was pleasantly surprised, and because it was so pleasantly enjoyable, so it was moved... This is the essence of ingredients. "

Chu Feng felt it.

After being promoted to Lin Chef, he gained a deeper understanding of cooking.

It is to transcend the limitations of the ingredients themselves and create the realm of cooking as you like.

Of course......

"Actually, the essence of 'rice' has not changed, it is still the same ingredient, and what I have changed is only its taste."

Chu Feng gave the final answer, and did not explain the mystery of 'rice made of braised pork'.

He is a Lin chef, but he is not a god and cannot completely change the essence of the ingredients

Yue Hua Deng and Immortal Zuo Weimen nodded one after another, obviously understanding what he meant

Feel the essence of the ingredients, detect the changes in their taste, and gradually make the taste you want.

There are never shortcuts to cooking.

Only by self-comprehension can we reach a higher level.

Erinae and Alice nodded a little confused.

Chefs with more than seven stars have begun to contact artistic conception.

There are even some people with outstanding talents, and they can awaken their cooking hearts by comparing stars.

Although Erina, she can barely make eight-star dishes.

But Chef Xin, there is still no sign of awakening.

The tongue of God is difficult to awaken, and Qiqi is really the best example.

That IGO special executive has already stepped into the ranks of nine-star chefs, but he still has not awakened his cooking heart.

Chu Feng's words were obviously dry and difficult for the two sisters of the Xue Che family, and their current realm was still too low.


The sisters secretly wrote down the books recommended by each other. A Wonderful Journey of Seven Ingredients

Well, be sure to buy it back and study it carefully.

The two sisters made a decision in an instant.

On the other hand, Yue Huadeng.

After hearing Chu Feng's words.

Instantly understood the gap between himself and Chef Lin.

Don't look at the difference between the Grand Chef and Chef Lin, there is only one level.

However, the understanding of cuisine and ingredients is very different.

Chu Feng's seemingly random words could benefit Yue Huadeng a lot...

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