Chapter 334 Puxinnan, please don't talk to Haihara-san!!

Thursday morning.

Didan Primary School Class 1 Class B classroom.

"Riko, Crystal, Ayumi, oh obscure."

As soon as Connor arrived at the classroom, he greeted Xiaohuo halfway.

"Oh obscure, Connor-chan!"

Riko Saikawa, Akiko Kimoto and Ayumi Yoshida said in unison.

Lizi held Connor's arm even more enthusiastically, and said with a look of excitement.

"Connor-chan is still so cute, by the way, have you heard? Our class is about to transfer students again! "

Connor is wondering how the other party knows that Haibara Mourning will ~ be assigned to their class.

I saw Ayumi clenched her fists, looking very excited and happy.

"It's a transfer student! I heard that I just returned from abroad like Conna-chan, and I heard Mr. Kobayashi personally say it when I passed by the faculty office just now! "

"What's going on lately, first Conan that Pu Xinnan, then Conna-chan and now another one? Is there a recent trend of homecoming waves? "

Akiko Kimoto also looked surprised.

After that kidnapping, she is now fully integrated into Connor's small group

Conan lay limply on his desk.

Listen to the various childish conversations of a group of small pot friends around you.

In the end can only hehe.

So, when is this old son a head?

He now just wants to quickly find clues about those mysterious men in black, destroy the terrible organization, and then return to school as a high school student.

Instead of messing around with this bunch of imps every day! How can it be repaired!

Thinking of the juvenile detective team formed by Motota Kojima, Conan felt the urge to shoot the other party to death.

A group of imps run around the streets all day with nothing to do, looking for possible events.


It's your business that you like to mess around, but why do you pull me every time

Conan secretly slandered, and he had to look for clues, and he didn't have time to accompany a group of imps to go crazy.

It's a pity that his small body can't beat Kojima Motota.

Using the props given by Dr. Agasa, I am afraid that I will accidentally kill the other party.

In desperation, he could only follow the other party.


The head was slapped hard, and his teeth accidentally bit the tip of his tongue Conan cried out in pain.

Suddenly looking up, he saw the culprit one by one, Motata Kotori.

"Yuantai, what do you just want to do?"

Conan looked angry, he really wanted to shoot this little fat man to death.

"Did you hear Ayumi? Our class is coming to new students again! "

Kojima Motota said with a look of excitement.

"Uh~ come and sigh, you are excited to fart ah~~"

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched twice.

Stared at the fat man in front of him speechlessly.

Then he fell back on the table boringly.

Transfer students or something? Shut up his!

Only bored imps care about this kind of topic.

"Guess if the new transfer student is a boy or a girl?"

Mitsuhiko Madaya dragged his chin with one hand and said with a look of anticipation: "I think it must be a girl who is very beautiful." "

Conan withdrew his mouth, rolled his eyes and said, "How do you know?" "

Mitsuhiko Madaya laughed: "This is a man's intuition, Conan, a child like you will not understand." "


Little kid you sister!

Lao Tzu is a high school student!

A high school student named detective roared in his heart.

Jingle bell ~

The class bell rings.

The students consciously returned to their seats.

The classroom instantly fell silent.

And then~

Sumiko Kobayashi walked in with a girl with short brown hair curly.

Followed by~

The classroom suddenly sounded exclamations such as 'kawaii', 'so beautiful'.

Conan also saw the girl behind Xiaolin Sumiko, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Wait a minute~

How is this girl so similar.

Conan suddenly remembered the members of the Black Organization he had seen last time in the abandoned harbor.

The trader with an indifferent face and a big white body.

Hair color, facial features, temperament no matter from which aspect.

The girls in front of you are all miniature versions of that woman.

Could it be???

Conan thought of some possibility, but he wasn't sure.

It is possible that this girl, like him, was drugged and made smaller.

"Everyone be quiet, this classmate's name is Haihara Sorrow, a genius child who has just returned from abroad, and today he transferred to our class, I hope everyone can get along well in the future."

Sumiko Kobayashi solemnly introduced.

The girl next to her was the same person who had been greeted by the school board like Connor, and she naturally couldn't snub.

"Haihara-san, can you briefly introduce yourself to everyone?"

Haihara, who was dressed in the uniform of Didan Elementary School, nodded expressionlessly.

The ice-blue eyes swept around the classroom and said indifferently: "Hello everyone, my name is Haihara Mourning, please take more care in the future." "

Year 1B students: (⊙_⊙)


Sumiko Kobayashi: This self-introduction is really simple enough.

With an embarrassed laugh, Sumiko Kobayashi pointed to an empty seat: "Haihara-san, you sit next to Conan." "


Haibara looked in the direction that Sumiko Kobayashi was pointing.

Then, look at a certain Grim Reaper schoolboy.

It's a little familiar~

But I can't figure out where I've seen it.

Haibara nodded silently.

He walked straight down the podium and sat down next to Conan.

She opened the bag that Akemi Miyano had specially prepared for her.

Conan, on the other hand, was still staring at Haibara.

I always feel that my guess is eight ~ nine is not far from ten.

This girl must be inseparable from the black-clad organization.

"Look at what?"

Haibara turned his head mournfully, with a hint of coldness in his ice-blue eyes.

She is not very used to being noticed and does not like this kind of 'surveillance' eyes.

Conan was a little embarrassed and said perfunctorily: "It's nothing, I just think you are similar to someone I know." "

"Poor old routine, Pu Xinnan, please don't pick up new students casually, otherwise I will tell Teacher Kobayashi."

Riko Saikawa crossed her waist with one hand, looked like a big sister, and warned Conan not to mess around with her sharp eyes.

"Haibara-san, my name is Ayumi Yoshida, don't take Ripu Shinnan, he likes to hook up with girls casually, and Conna-chan has been harassed by him before."

Ayumi Yoshida, who was sitting in the back row, hurriedly helped.

A posture that I don't share with scumbags.


I'm not, don't talk nonsense, I'm not a general believer! In fact, Conan wanted to defend himself.

But opened his mouth, still didn't say anything.

What else can be said now?

Anyway, this group of imps will not believe it.


Conan had never thought that he would one day bear such a name-call, and the whole class would not welcome him.

And all this is because of the girl's words.

Conan stared indignantly at the white-haired loli not far away, and now he had the heart to die

So, when will these days end?

Secretly roaring, Conan continued to lie back on his desk in lovelessness.

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