Chapter 335 Observation Log at the Same Table, Conan the Mouse!!

Shinichi Kudo!?

Haihara finally remembered where he had seen the little ghost next to him.

Isn't this guy Kudo Shinichi who was fed APTX-4869 by gin?

In order to determine whether the other party is dead.

Gin Jiu also sent her to the other party's home to investigate.

Ashy found out that night.

There are no childhood photos in Kudo's new family, nor a single childhood dress.

At that time, she suspected that the other party was very likely to become smaller.

Just for research purposes.

Haihara did not report upward.

He also changed Kudo Shinichi's report of "missing body" to "determined death", and outlined an arc at the corner of his mouth.

Haibara stared at Conan with sorrow for a long moment.

And then~

She took her textbooks and notebooks out of her bag.

And write down the four big words 'observation log' in the notebook.

Open the notebook.

Haibara mourns the pen like a fly.

"Rustle" writes non-stop. The writing speed is called a fast.

"Uh~ do you want to be so serious?"

Conan, who was wandering in the world, suddenly looked confused.

The first grade of primary school was not difficult for him.

Every day in class, I was either in a daze or thinking about how to fight the black organization.

Serious about class?

Huh~ non-existent!

It is impossible to concentrate on class in this life.

It's just that he never expected that the new transfer student would work so hard? But~

Mr. Kobayashi has just started lecturing.

It's not time to take notes yet? With such doubts.

Conan turned his head to look to the side.

It's great to know what exactly the other party is writing.

And then!

And he saw...

[Observation log at the same table, day 1, Thursday, June 21]

[Eyes are blank, soul wandering, limbs are soft, listless, APTX may have unknown side effects. ] 】

[In addition, there is no abnormality, the life characteristics are good, so it can be judged that the drug does not cause excessive harm to the human body...]

"Haibara-san, may I ask, what are you writing about?"

When he saw the contents of Haibara's notebook, Conan's face was full of doubts, and he already had some guesses in his heart.


Haibara mourned directly closed the notebook, looked at Conan with a smile, and said lightly.

"It's nothing, I have the habit of observing the same table when I am abroad, it's just a personal hobby, you don't have to care."


Conan looked confused.

What is this strange hobby of observing the same table writing into a log?

Why have I become your object of observation, and tell me not to care? Nima, Lao Tzu has never seen such a soulless person as you!

Also, what is that APTX?

As a former high school detective, Conan instantly realized something was wrong.


Unknown side effects?

These two words are easily associated with the pill that the black-clad organization forced him to swallow.

"You, who the hell are you?"

Conan no longer struggles with the 'table journal' thing.

The eyes under the lenses stared at Haihara Mourning.

It seems that he wants to see through the true face of the other person.


He was slapped sharply on the back of the head.

Conan, who was in pain, quickly turned his head.

I saw Motota Kojima with an indignant face.

"Yuantai, are you sick?"

Conan was a little angry.

This little fat man didn't know the weight at all.

And also don't look at what is going on now.

New transfer student~

Most likely someone from the Black Organization.

Didn't you see that Lao Tzu was doing business?

Conan was so angry that he almost wanted to use his foot strength to strengthen his shoes, "Give this guy a hard kick."

"Conan, don't scare the new classmates with your lewd eyes, quickly look around..."

Kojima Motota secretly glanced around, and then shrunk his neck with an expression of self-pleading.


Conan quickly looked around.


Riko Saikawa, Akiko Kasumoto, Ayumi Yoshida and Connor were all staring directly at him at this time.

That posture~

As if as long as he makes any outrageous move.

This group of little loli will not hesitate to attack in groups.

It's terrible!

Conan was frightened, and suddenly the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

I didn't see the five big and three thick little bird Yuantai, and now I don't dare to provoke this group of girl food groups.

Conan quickly withdrew his gaze and stared at the podium with a good look.


Haibara smiled for the first time after entering the classroom.

Conan turned his head again, slightly startled in his heart.

I didn't expect this guy to laugh and actually look so good.

But Haibara's next words made him fall into an ice cellar, covered in sweat.

"Shinichi-san Kudo, please advise me more in the future."

Haibara smiled brightly, but it gave Conan an extremely eerie feeling.

Silence for a long time~

He gritted his teeth and said, "Sure enough, you are their man!" I knew that there was absolutely no way that organization would let me go! "

Finish the sentence.

Conan looked around.

It seems to want to find out the members of the black-clad organization hiding in the shadows.

"Classmate Conan, don't look around, be serious in class!"

Sumiko Kobayashi glared at Conan, his tone rather dissatisfied.


At this time, Conan had no time to care.

My mind is full of fear of the black-clad organization.

If that group shows up in first grade B class.

None of the students present wanted to live.

At this moment ~ Conan was nervous to the extreme.

His scalp was numb, and his heart was about to jump to his throat.

"Don't be nervous mice, there are no organized people here."

Haibara looked at Conan, who was like a frightened bird, a little amused, and said in an extremely flat tone.

"Are you sure?"

Conan was still a little unconvinced, and his nervous expression did not diminish in the slightest0...

"See what I look like now? You don't think that the organization specially made me smaller just to get close to you little devil, right? "

"Huh~~ You can really afford to look at yourself, ask yourself, do you have that value?"

Haibara narrowed his smile and glanced at Conan faintly, only feeling that this little ghost was a little arrogant.


What is Lao Tzu without any value?

My high school student is a detective, isn't it worth their attention? Conan was short of breath and felt insulted.

When did he, who helped the police solve many cases, be so despised? But think about it.

Not being taken seriously is actually a good thing.

He didn't want to be targeted by the black-clad organization again.

After calming down a little, Conan asked again: "Since you are from the Black Organization, why have you become smaller?" Could it be that they were also forced by the group of men in black? "

"To break away from the organization."

Haiyuan said lightly: "Also, don't compare me with you, I took medicine by myself and became a child." "


Conan was speechless for a moment.

Does anyone voluntarily change back to when they were children these days?

"Do you want to experience elementary school life again?"

"Fuck off! I told you that it was to break away from the organization. "

"Oh~ you're not afraid that you won't be able to change back?"

"Rest assured, I am the developer of APTX-4869, and I have the confidence to make an antidote!"


Conan was shocked, his eyes round.

"You developed that medicine?" Is there really an antidote? "

He needed a second time to be sure, and the news was too important for him.

After all, he dreamed of returning to his original appearance.

Seeing Haibara's mournful nodding, Conan hurriedly said: "What materials do you need, I will find a way to help you get it, I just ask you to make an antidote as soon as possible." "

At this moment, Conan Yune was excited.

This kind of days of messing around with a group of little devils all day has finally come to an end.

Conan can't wait to say goodbye to his current life.


Haihara looked at him coldly, staring at him straight to the bristle.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Conan shrunk his neck and asked weakly.

"You don't have to worry about the laboratory and materials, I can handle these, but..."

"But what?"

"Regarding the antidote, there is a lack of suitable samples now, and I don't have a clue."

"Missing samples?"

Conan was slightly stunned, then reacted, pointed to his nose, and asked uncertainly: "The sample you said doesn't mean me, right?" "


Haiyuan snapped his fingers and smiled lightly: "So, in order to develop the antidote, you will be my guinea pig in the future." "


Conan was stunned again.

What the hell are guinea pigs again?

You don't want to dissect Lao Tzu, do you?

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