Chapter 343 Poison Island Tsukiko VS Sakura Hibiki!!


Chu Feng stared at the red-haired man beside him strangely.

Although the two had not known each other for a long time, he asked himself that he knew Yujiro Fan Ma.

This guy doesn't even care about his own son, and he has never taught two sons.

Now, he actually moved the mind of accepting apprentices?

It can be imagined how terrifying Sakura Hibiki's talent is.


Judging by the talent that the golden ponytailed girl is currently showing.

It is indeed worth anyone's heart.

What's more, it's still a person like Yujiro Fan Ma who specializes in the flesh.

Sakura Hibiki's physical talent is estimated to be stronger than his two sons.

shook his head.

Chu Feng didn't care about this kind of thing.

Now he is more concerned about the competition of Poison Island Rinko.

After all~

Tsuko is not a wrestler.

She pays more attention to kendo.

There is no superiority in strength.

In the ring~

Two teenage girls of the same age finally moved.

No one thought of it~

The person who took the lead was actually a yarn.

Although he has not undergone any martial arts practice in 867.

But innate consciousness told her.

The purple-haired girl in front of her is very strong.

Adhering to the first-strike policy.

Sakura rode towards the poisonous island.

Just entered the Cross-Sea Symbiosis Academy.

She didn't even master the most basic body technique.

So the appearance of running looks sparse and ordinary.


It's the same running as in gym class.


Running stance without any technical content.

The speed of the barn is already extremely fast.

Like a sturdy cheetah, it rushes towards its prey with great momentum.

Two invisible waves of qi were drawn on both sides of her body, as if the air had been broken by her.

Facing this strange opponent, Poison Island Junzi looked solemn and did not have any contempt.

She could hear the words of those people in the Cross-Sea Symbiosis Academy just now.

Inhuman girls, even if they can't do anything, are terrifying in their own strength.

The katana at the waist is unsheathed.

Sakura Hibiki is not close yet~

Poison Island Junzi had already taken a step, and he slashed down sideways.

The invisible knife qi with the whistling wind roared straight towards the blonde girl.

"Groove! Sword Qi? "

Sakura Hibiki could not see the invisible knife qi, but instinctively sensed the crisis.


She made a counterintuitive move.

As everyone knows~

During high-speed propulsion, it is difficult for both people and objects to change direction directly.


At this point, the sound of the yarn seems to have completely violated the laws of physics.

With his super physical fitness, he forcibly changed his direction directly during high-speed operation without any buffering.

This operation~

Directly let her feet leave a mark on the ring.

Two curved, five-centimeter-deep slip marks.

"Groove~ Is this really an action that humans can make?"

"How did this guy do it? It's completely unscientific! "

"I just want to know now, doesn't this girl's foot hurt?"

"I don't know if her feet hurt or not, I only know that Senior Sister Yanzi should have a headache now."

"In the face of such an opponent who reacts quickly and can forcibly change the path of propulsion, anyone will have a headache."

"I don't know if Senior Sister Jin Zi can win, she is the trump card of our school."

"If Senior Sister Jin Zi loses, the next Heavenly Feather Slash is estimated to be quite hanging."

The symbiotic students began to whisper.

Many people know about the frequent discussion between Tianyu and Poison Island Junzi.

The strength of two people is half a pound and eight taels.

If Poison Island Tsuko loses to the second envoy of the Thor Society.

Tianyu slash, can really win the opponent's first envoy?

It is said that the first person in the Thunder God Society is their elder - Narugami Tiger!

People who love the land and symbiosis begin to worry, after all, the reputation of their school is at stake.

"Panicked about what? The stupid woman of the famous sword stream has not yet moved the real thing! "

Tianyu glanced at everyone present, and his tone was particularly cold.

The students who loved the symbiosis suddenly fell silent, and no one dared to speak again.

And at this moment ~

Chu Feng smiled at Fan Ma Yujiro, "It seems that your apprentice is probably going to lose this time." "

"As expected, she can't fight at all, she has no skills at all, and she is still barehanded, and it is normal to lose in the end."

Fan Ma Yujiro was not angry at all, and said with a smile: "But the little girl of the famous sword stream wants to win, it is estimated that she has to work harder." However, when I take that girl to the food world, eat more dream ingredients, the next time we meet, she will definitely not lose to this group of girls..."

Yujiro Fan pointed to the students of the two schools present and said with a proud face.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and did not refute the other party's words.

Yujiro Fanma, has this arrogant capital.

The apprentices personally trained by him will definitely not be inferior to the poisonous island junzi

Looking at the golden double ponytailed girl, Chu Feng had to sigh at the luck of this girl

Confused is favored by a slightly strong person in the world, this is not luck or something.

Even he wants to invite the other party to patronize the fast food truck business, and if he draws the other party's physical talent, it is estimated that he can also enhance his strength a lot.

Of course, Chu Feng just thought casually.

He is now a person with status, and he can't do such a bargain.

At the same time, in the ring, a chase battle slowly began.

Poison Island Junzi did not dare to let Sakura get close, so he could only dodge by relying on his body, and sometimes cut out sword qi one after another.

And Shacang Xiang, also did not dare to resist the fierce sword qi.

Without learning anything, her instincts told her she couldn't resist.

Because of this ~ a dragon and tiger fight that was originally favored.

It was turned into a tug-of-war between the two.

It's been a long time~

Everyone present was also somewhat bored.


This boring competition ended quickly.

In the end, because of excessive consumption, Sakura Hibiki seized the opportunity and was forced off the ring by Poison Island Tsuko.

This battle - Poison Island Tsuko wins!

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