Chapter 344: The Collision of the Upper Earth Flow and the Pill Self-Manifestation Flow!!

The Martial Arts Exchange Conference of the Symbiosis Academy is gradually coming to an end.

In the last game, Tenwa slashed against Narugami Toraharu.

When the blonde girl stepped into the ring.

The scene immediately erupted into a burst of fierce applause.

Countless people began to cheer and greet their president with great passion.


Narugami Toraharu has absolute authority and prestige in the Cross-Sea Symbiosis Academy.

On the other hand, on the side of the Love Land Symbiosis Academy, the momentum is obviously much weaker.

There is no way, the number of people is not superior, and the cheers will not sound ~ up.

"Will grow up, come on!"

"Does the guild president still need you to cheer for her? She is the number one envoy of the Thor Society—the absolute strongest! "

"That's right, a Heavenly Feather is just a chop, it's not a worry at all."

"What kind of symbiotic female emperor, it's just that group of ladies boasting about themselves..."

"Grown-up, hurry up and end this battle neatly!"

"Use facts to tell the women who live in love with the land that we are the strongest across the sea."

The people of the Cross-Sea Symbiosis Academy were like crazy demons at this moment, one by one, they were excited, as if they had won the final victory.

Tianyu's long black hair flowed, and the tips of his vertical knees swayed without wind, exuding an extremely fierce aura all over his body.

She is a symbiotic female emperor and a descendant of the three major schools of ancient Ryukyu martial arts.

As long as she is serious, even if there is no movement, just standing there gives people a great sense of oppression.

"Huh~ the descendant of Shangjiliu, it's a little interesting, this girl's incarnation knife is almost complete..."

Fan Ma Yujiro stared at the Tianyu chopping in the ring with interest, and a trace of appreciation flashed under his eyes.

Chu Feng was curious, "Oh? Have you met someone from the upper stream before? "

Fan Ma Yujiro nodded slightly: "Well, I met an old man before, his body was so hard that he was used as a sandbag by Lao Tzu for half a day to break through his defenses." Anyway, Shangjiliu is a group of guys with turtle shells, and it's very unpleasant to beat! "

Chu Feng looked at the red-haired man in surprise.

He was well aware of the strength of Yujiro Vanma.

As strong as the ice field dragon could not prevent his fist.

I didn't expect that someone could resist for half a day? Well~

It seems that the neon ancient martial arts genre also has some strength.

"What about the pill self-manifesting?"

"A bunch of rabbits that can only dodge!"

"What about the Beichen Dao Stream where Beichen Light is located?"

"The attack power is still okay, and the body is weak!"

"Can God Heart Karate?"

"Foolish? The strength is okay, it's a good opponent. "

Chu Feng did not continue to ask.

It seems that those who came to watch the ceremony were masters of the genre.

In the eyes of Yujiro Vanma, they are a bunch of weak chickens.

It's just a foolish one-man.

Can give him a little look up.

Yujiro Fan Ma was quite complacent.

He really didn't put this group of genre masters in his eyes.

And then~

He saw Thor's golden eyes staring at him.


Fan Ma Yujiro hurriedly sneered: "Of course, compared with Miss Thor, those guys are all rabble, and they are completely out of the table." "

The red-haired man once again belittled the genre masters present.

As for admitting that he is inferior to Thor!?

All right~

With a proud heart, he was embarrassed to admit it.

It can only be self-deprecating that it is only a little better than the 'rabble'.

Poison Island Tsukiko and the Five Swords of the World listened to Fan Ma Yujiro's words in shock.

Masters such as Beichen Hikaru, Narugami Tadakatsu, Motobu Yizo, and Yuji Dubu are all old-timers in the neon martial arts world.

In their eyes, this group of people are big people who stand tall.

However, when it came to the mouth of Fan Ma Yujiro, he became a rabble.

Poison Island Tsuko and the others were speechless for a while.

They all pretended to be watching the competition seriously.

Topics among the big guys.

They'd better not interrupt.......

In the ring. Tianyu Slash took the lead.

Chu Feng watched from the audience.

She wants a quick fix!

It's hard to ask the other person out.

Tenwa didn't want to waste time on boring duels.

I don't know when it started.

She is keen on fighting, and now she is completely uninterested in this kind of thing.

With this time, it is better to sit in front of the window and watch Chu Feng cook.

As for why did you come to participate in the Symbiotic Martial Arts Exchange Conference?

First, you need one more place to enter the food world.

Second, isn't this the reason for Jo Chu Feng to come out.

In the face of Naruto Tiger Spring, Tianyu Slash is still quite confident.

After all, the last martial arts conference held by the ancient martial arts school, it was she who won in the end.

Although Naruto Tora didn't give her full strength that time, why wasn't she? And during this time, her strength has improved significantly.

Long-term patronage of the fast food truck business, Chu Feng's cuisine, is not eaten in vain.

Although you can't get gifts every time, they add up to a lot, and now the Tianyu Slash is not what it used to be.

At this moment, the Heavenly Feather Slash was like a cannonball.

The whole person turned into a sword and rushed straight towards Narugami Tiger Chun.

"Savage way of fighting!"

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Narugami Toraharu's mouth.

With a cold snort, he pulled out the long knife at his waist.

She is the second flow of the pill self-manifestation.

An existence second only to Narugami Tadakatsu in the Narugami clan.

A body of swordsmanship has long surpassed the younger generation...

Even many of the older generation are not her opponents.

"Super Kill Thunder!"

Narugami Toraharu drank lowly.

The whole person seemed to turn into a ray of thunder.

In the face of the rushing Heavenly Feathers, slash.

She does not retreat, but also intends to divide the winner and the loser as soon as possible.

The incarnation knife of the upper earth stream can weaponize the body.

Not only is the destructive power amazing, but the defense is also impressive.

As Yujiro Vanma said...

The people who go up to the ground are covered with turtle shells, and it is very difficult to fight.

Hand knives and long knives meet in mid-air.

The bare hand Tianyu slashed, and the protruding right hand collided with the long knife with a fierce spark.

The moment the bell sounded, the two figures flew back in unison and landed at both ends of the ring.

Tianyu looked down and looked at his right hand with a little surprise.

There, a red mark appeared.

He looked at Narugami Toraharu in the distance. The long knife in the opponent's hand was still trembling.

A slight humming sound can also be faintly heard.


The confrontation just now, the other party was also uncomfortable.

The corners of the mouth are slightly upturned.

A proud look appeared on Tianyu Chopper's face.

Fight physical strength?

The upper flow is much stronger than the self-manifesting flow of pills.


The Heavenly Feather Slash has been completely determined.

Last time, Narugami Toraharu hid too much strength.

This guy is not weak with her at all, and his attack power is extremely strong.


Adjusting his breathing again, Tianyu Slash once again assumed a specific fighting stance, and ran the 'Avatar Knife' to the extreme...

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