Chapter 345 Immediate Support Weapon, Narugami Loyal Victory Thief Don't Face!!

Suppress the jab!

One of the moves of the upper stream.

Suppress the enemy's rapid forward piercing.

This is a very destructive move.

The fully charged Heavenly Feather Slash.

At this time, he resisted the slash of the god Tiger Chun.

It is equivalent to the whole person pushing the other party towards the edge of the ring and slowly retreating.

The pill self-manifests itself extremely fast.

Tianyu Slash has no advantage in this regard.

This kind of clumsy method can only be used in order to achieve a quick victory.

But Narugami Toraharu is not a fool, secretly controlling the two academies, and she knows the details of these people very well.

【Thunder】Instantaneous launch.

The petite girl turned into several afterimages at this moment.

Not only free from the shackles of [Suppression Stabbing]. At the same time, countless slashes were unleashed. In the ring~

Thunder and afterimages are constantly flickering.

It's like a special effects scene that can only be seen in a movie.

This moment is extremely real in front of everyone.

The first few competitions were fierce.

But compared to the battle of Tenwa Slash and Narugami Tiger Chun.

Obviously there is no such a strong visual impact.


Several afterimages combined into one.

The blonde Narugami Toraharu finally appeared.

I don't know when~

She had already appeared above the Heavenly Feather Slash.

It seems that he is afraid of the hand knife that Tianyu slashes.

He threw the long knife in his hand directly. Face a long knife that is falling rapidly. Tianyu slashed and was not in chaos. Hands turn into sharp blades.

One blow splits a long knife in the air.


Narugami Toraharu didn't intentionally throw away his weapon.

I saw her at the moment of her falling.

Pulled out the second knife at his waist.

It was a short blade that exuded an eerie glow.

The length does not exceed fifty cm.

But it gave Tianyu a great sense of crisis.

"Super Killer Thunder!"

Narugami Toraharu drank lightly, and the short knife came straight from top to bottom.

Just hit the flying long knife, this gap, Tianyu Slash can't dodge at all.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the transformation knife urged to the extreme.

Tianyu slashed ready to take this blow hard.

Draw circles in the air with your hands.

She made a roundabout block.

"Gong Gong ~~"

The hand collided with the knife again.

There are no imaginary fires splashing.

A burst of intense electric light erupted from the ring.

Build Thor!

The ultimate empty-handed, absolute backhand counterattack.

This moment~

Tianyu slashed the strongest trick of the upper earth stream.

Centered on herself.

Within a radius of five meters.

Suddenly burst out a strong thunder light.


A petite figure flew backwards.

And the delicate short blade flew out of the ring and plunged deep into the far wall.

As if in the endless thunder light, the black hair of the heavenly feather chopped and fluttered, standing proudly, and the momentum of the symbiotic female emperor was undoubtedly displayed.

"So strong! Is this the strongest trick of Shangjiliu? "

"Jianyu Thunder God, the ultimate empty-handed!"

"You're going to grow up, you won't lose, right?"

"Both knives are lost, Lord Huchun is dangerous!"

"Impossible, we will grow up and people are invincible!"

"The fact is in front of you, the defense of Tianyu Slash is too terrible, and the guild leader will unsheath her with two swords, and he can't break through her defense."

The people of the Cross-Sea Symbiosis Academy began to stir, one by one, they were amazed, and even some people couldn't believe their eyes.

That powerful guild leader was actually shot down with two knives.

Now what?

Do you want her to fight with Tianyu with her bare hands? No kidding~

With two knives in hand, they can't beat each other.

With bare hands?

They were afraid that Narugami Tiger Chun would be beaten to death.

VIP seats.

Beichen Guang looked at the heavenly feather slash full of thunder light, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It is worthy of being the strongest of the three major schools of ancient Ryukyu martial arts. This girl's 'Jianyu Thunder God' attainment is quite profound..."

Shinto Innenryu is a strong, stocky middle-aged man, with a katana pinned to his waist, he smiled heartily: "It's really good luck that the old immortal in Kamichiryu actually cultivated such a good heir, I'm afraid that in time, this girl's future achievements will surpass me." "

After the two finished speaking, they did not forget to look at each other.

With the same glance, Narugami Tadakatsu, whose face was not very good-looking.

What is the other party doing?

The masters of these martial arts schools present knew it all clearly.

I heard that Narugami Tadakatsu was recently contacting the Wu family, an ancient assassination family.

It seems that this guy still hasn't given up the Spring and Autumn dream of dominating the neon martial arts world.

Can become a top master in their respective genres, which is not a proud person, how can he be willing to be inferior.

It's just that Narugami Zhongsheng is strong, and the Naruto clan is also quite powerful.

Beichen Guang and the others did not dare to openly confront the Naruto clan, but if they had the opportunity to sweep the right side, they naturally would not miss it.

This group of people can't wait to see Narugami Tadakatsu's daughter lose the competition, anyway, they already have the qualifications to enter the food world.

The corner of Narugami Tadakatsu's mouth twitched twice, and he looked at Narugami Tora Chun in the ring, his eyes were extremely unkind.

Don't look at his usual extraordinary and generous attitude in front of outsiders.

But in fact, it is extremely indifferent, and there is no family affection at all.

Children are only tools for him to cultivate.

The favorite Narugami Tiger Spring, once it loses its due role, it can be abandoned at any time.

Brows furrowed together, Narugami Tadakatsu was clear.

If it goes on like this, Mingshen Toraharu, who has lost his double swords, has no possibility of winning at all.

Glancing at the top masters of several major schools beside him, he untied the saber on his waist.

~ A streamer flew towards the ring.

Narugami Toraharu was slightly stunned.

Instinctively reached out to catch the flying katana.

"Patriarch Narugami, this seems a bit unruly, right?"

Beichen Guang looked at the man with a national character face in front of him in surprise.

Although I know that the other party is actually a sinister villain.

But I never expected that the other party would not face to this extent.

In front of countless juniors, he actually supported a warm weapon?

It's simply throwing the style of the senior into the crotch.

Say okay fair competition, you play such a play now? Behold~

Narugami Tadakatsu smiled disapprovingly and said, "At the Symbiosis Academy Exchange Conference, it has never been forbidden to provide weapons on the spot. "

Motobu sneered.

It's true that there are no explicit rules, but no one has ever done such a thing.

Supplying weapons on the spot, no matter how you think about it, it is a bit out of line.

There are a few people who practice martial arts who will do such things.

As an expert who is proficient in all kinds of martial arts and is good at environmental combat.

The self that Motobu Yizo originally thought to rely on the environment to win was already relatively insidious.

Who knows that there are people who are more insidious than him, and they actually said that they were providing weapons in battle so grandly.

Motobe shook his head wordlessly.

Anyway, he came to watch the ceremony, and he was not interested in mixing with the destruction of the two schools.

Just glanced at the girl in the thunder light in the ring.

Motobe showed a regretful expression.

It's a pity~

Narugami Tadakatsu's Saber~

A little girl can't prevent it.

Others don't know.

Honbu is very clear.

It was a demon knife.

The name is - Muramasa! Of course~

It has nothing to do with the famous demon knife in the history of neon.

It's just that Narugami Tadakatsu 5.9 is conceited and took his own name.

This guy's saber is made from a poisonous needle on the tail of a rock bee that catches a level of 37.

Rock bees are not strong individually, but they are social creatures.

Each sortie is in groups, and the attack power is extremely fierce.

This adult bee is only 25 cm long.

The poison needle at the tail is highly toxic.

With just one stab, you can easily poison a beast that weighs hundreds of times heavier than yourself.

Because many of the venom components are poisons that are difficult to make antibodies.

Not only is there no antidote or serum available, but it is effective against almost all organisms, as far as Motobu Izo know~

At the beginning, the Naruto family spent a lot of effort, and finally paid countless lives, to barely scrape together enough to create the tail pin of a knife.


A knife forged with the poisonous needle of a level 37 fantasy creature to deal with a teenage girl, Narugami loyal to the thief does not face!

Whether it was Beichenguang or Motobu Yizo, they all sneered at the guy next to them at this moment...

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