"That's not okay, I'll have to keep setting up stalls."

Chu Feng hurriedly let go of his hands.

"It's not up to you!"

The corner of Tianyu's mouth hooked an arc, and he was not angry, as if he had expected it.

It's just that Chu Feng's weird moves have aroused her competitive spirit even more, and she wants to include the other party in her account.

Magical cooking, superb martial arts, handsome appearance...

It seems that everything is very much to her heart's content.

Although Chu Feng didn't seem to like talking very much.

But that's just right.

She doesn't like verbosity anyway.


The moment Chu Feng released the Heavenly Feather Slash.

Her pale hand fell again instantly.

Then he suddenly panned and went straight to Chu Feng's ribs.

"Lying groove, sister, you don't talk about martial virtue, you specialize in kidneys!"

Chu Feng was shocked.

One hundred percent empty-handed, the white blade is launched instantly.

I saw his body rotate in a strange posture, his hands folded at his waist, and he once again firmly clamped Tianyu's slashing hand knife.

Stop it, cut it again!

This moment.

Tianyu slashed hands and feet, and the attack was extremely ferocious.

The Dao blade came out as if it was effortless.


No matter how hard she tries.

Every move was taken by Chu Feng.

No way~

Whoever let the 'Incarnation Knife' turn every part of the practitioner's body into a blade, it would be difficult for him not to catch it.

A moment later.

Tianyu chopped and stopped in place and gasped.

Continuously performing martial arts with high loads is extremely draining on her.

'This woman should have had enough trouble now, right?' ’

Chu Feng stood calmly in place.

Receiving a white blade with 100% empty hands should be regarded as a passive skill.

It seems that he has taken so many moves hard just now, but in fact, it is almost no consumption for him.

Who knows~

Tianyu Slash is different from other women.

At this time, he was actually getting more and more excited, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

It had been a long time since she had met such a strong opponent.

Among her peers, she is an invincible existence.

After a long period of loneliness, I haven't had this hearty feeling for a long time.

At this moment, Tianyu Chopper hoped more and more that Chu Feng could stay by her side.

Both can cook, but also very good at fighting, looks good....

Where to find such a perfect man?

Thinking of this, those black eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Why not fight back? Bring out all your strength and attack me head-on! "

Tianyu gasped and shouted excitedly, and the whole person looked a little abnormal.


Well, it's very feminine.

It seems that if you don't subdue her today, things can't be good.

It just so happened that Chu Feng also wanted to know, how strong is the 'Breath of the Sun'?


He suddenly moved.

Leaned forward and swooped away.

The comprehensive physique equivalent to ten times that of ordinary people makes his speed extremely fast.

【Breath of the Sun・Ni no Type・Biluo Tian】

It was close to the moment when Tianyu slashed.

Chu Feng's right hand turned into a knife, and a circle of flames rotated outward from his shoulder, turning into a gorgeous flame.

From the bottom up, a circular slash wrapped around flames swung out.


Chu Feng's speed was too fast.

The Heavenly Feather Slash only had time to raise his hand to block.

The flame-shaped arc of light was like a sharp blade, colliding with her forearm.

The fire blade was fleeting, breaking the defense of the Heavenly Feather Slash in an instant.

While cutting the sleeves, he also left a small hole in her arm.

"The incarnation of the Heavenly Feather Slash is broken?"

"He broke the defense of the Heavenly Feather Female Emperor with only a hand knife, how strong is his strength?"

"Is there something wrong with your concerns? Shouldn't he care why his slash still has its own flames? "

"This trick is awesome, it just comes with special effects! How did the big guy do it? Can you teach me? "

I don't know that the people around were stunned, even the poison island and the five swords of the world felt incredible, almost thinking that they had hallucinated just now, and even ignored the injured Tianyu slash.


Slashes can even bring out flames?

After learning swords for many years, they had never heard of such a move.

The appearance of 'Biluo Tian' simply and rudely shattered their three views.

Tianyu Chopper was also stunned in place.

Facing this trick up close, she felt more than anyone else.

If it is not the other party's subordinates in the end, I am afraid that her hand will not be able to be saved.


Tianyu was surprisingly angry.

The descendants of the upper earth can die in battle, but they do not need mercy.

"How inconvenient it is to cut off a hand."

Patting the dust on the chef's uniform, Chu Feng glanced at the Heavenly Feather Chopper lightly and continued:

"If it's okay, don't come to disturb my business, and if there's something, don't come!"

He is not particularly disgusted by this girl with an extreme personality.

Tianyu's slash looked fierce, but the shot just now obviously left spare strength, and it was not completely ruthless.

Otherwise, with Chu Feng's character of revenge, it would be impossible for his subordinates to show mercy in the end.

"Hehe~~ If you don't want to be disturbed, then become my person, Chu Feng, I will come to you tomorrow!"

Watching Chu Feng turn around and walk towards the back of the fast food truck, Tianyu's slashing voice was full of firmness.

'This crazy woman won't take a fancy to me, do you want to go back and make up for her?' ’

Chu Feng thought about it, how bad it is to fight and kill.

He's just a food truck owner who just wants to do business in peace.

So, he stared back at the rampant girl and said very seriously

"I might disappoint you because I don't know where I'm going to be setting up my stall tomorrow." If this can still be found by you, then count me as losing! "

Tenwa Slash: (⊙0⊙)....

Five Swords of the World: (⊙0⊙)....

At this moment, except for the poison island Jizi, everyone was stunned, and they didn't expect the other party to come to this hand.

Dare to love Boss Chu, you shoot a shot every day to change the land, it has never been a fixed place.


Are you setting up a stall for fun?

This brain circuit is really incomprehensible.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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