"Lying groove, Boss Chu, your stall location is different every day?"

"It means that if you don't buy it today, it will be difficult to eat glowing cuisine in the future?"

"Originally, I wanted to wait and see, but now I hesitate to take a hammer, hurry up!"

"The luminous dishes made by the martial arts masters, even if I spend this month's living expenses today, I must eat one!"

Chu Feng didn't expect that the words that were originally just squeezing the Heavenly Feather would actually have an unexpected effect.

It seems that he still has a talent for business.

Chu Feng, who returned to the food truck, was a little proud and began to fry rice for the extra dozen guests.

Those martial arts inheritors of the Symbiosis Academy are actually not bad money.

It's just that the pursuit of things is different, and the desire for food is not so strong.

Egg fried rice will glow, at most the visual effect is shocking, look at it, you don't have to eat.

Like a sci-fi trailer, the special effects look good, and it's impossible to get everyone to pay.

However, a martial arts master cooking, the former is certainly far more attractive than food.

The combat power that Chu Feng had just displayed was definitely far beyond their generation.

The cool flame slash made this group of guys flock to it.

"Boss Chu, did you perform the ancient martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom just now?"

"I've always heard that the ancient martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom are unparalleled in the world, but I didn't expect to bring its own flame."

"I wonder if I can ask me what the principle of flame slashing is?"

"May I ask if Boss Chu still lacks apprentices? Well-behaved, cute, and the kind that can still be hehe. "


"What's wrong with the man? I'm a woman now! "

The sound of chirping around only made Chu Feng feel irritated.

I am more determined not to come to the symbiosis school to set up a stall in the future.

We're just a fast food maker.

Can you ask some substantive questions?

Even if you boast that something is delicious.

Why did you talk about martial arts one by one?

And that monster, women's clothes are dressed so righteously, why are you not up to heaven?

The people in this broken school, one counts one, and it is a little abnormal.

Thoughts together.

Chu Feng's action of fried rice in his hand couldn't help but speed up a little.

I just want to end today's business quickly and leave early.

When Chu Feng sold today's tenth egg fried rice.

Hana Wine Fern, Inaba Moon Night, and Kamezuru Castle Mary also came.

The students surrounding the food truck took the initiative to give way, instantly freeing up a space five meters square.

No way, the giant bear under the flower wine fern monopolized a large piece of land.

'Can you still raise a bear by reading a book?' Sooner or later, this broken school will end! ’

Chu Feng glanced at the giant bear lightly.

The Fierce Bull Green Dragon Slash should be able to dissolve it with one sword, right?


As if sensing something suddenly, the bear bent down with its head buried and trembled continuously, and also made a strange sound.

"Murderer, what happened to you?"

The flower wine fern patted the bear's head in dissatisfaction, feeling a little disgraced.

At the same time, she is also very aware that her pet is now very scared.

Just one look made the guy who usually saw people screaming instantly become a monster.

How strong is this chef in front of you?

The blue-purple eyes of the long-haired flower wine fern looked Chu Feng up and down curiously.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, this guy is a mediocre cook, and it is called a skilled pot swing.

If she hadn't seen the other party's incredible sword skills with her own eyes just now, she would have almost thought that this was a professional chef.

With a fencing pin to her waist and a dictionary in her hands, Marie of Kazuru Castle with French curly hair sat elegantly in the center, her sky-blue eyes staring with interest at the busy man.

"Powerful man, elegant sword skills, glowing egg fried rice, let my tongue taste your dishes."

Mary's neon language is not very good, always using cumbersome and meaningless words.

But the crappy words coming out of the mouth of this young lady still gave people a very noble feeling.

Chu Feng nodded and fried three more egg fried rice.


At the first bite, Mary couldn't help but exclaim 'Oh my God' in French.

"This egg fried rice is even more delicious than the courtly foie gras and Boston lobster I ate in France, it is simply ten million times more delicious!"

The sky-blue eyes were glowing, and the girl's excitement at this time could be imagined.

"Don't show it, I'm afraid that others won't know that you just returned from France?"

The flower wine fern sitting on the back of the bear quickly shaved rice, and did not forget to complain when his cheeks were bulging.

The murderer craned his neck and stared at her with a pitiful look, and his mouth kept making 'whine' sounds.

"Don't shout, you want to eat such expensive egg fried rice? I'm not enough myself. "

He patted the bear's head angrily, and the flower wine fern continued to cook.

Growing up this big, she had never eaten such delicious egg fried rice.

"It is indeed extraordinary, Boss Chu is really a strange person."

Inaba Moon Night, who had not opened his eyes for a long time, finally opened his crimson eyes after putting down the empty plate.

"Yes, with Boss Chu's skills, it's really too condescending to drive a fast food truck to set up a stall, so why not contract the canteen of our symbiotic academy?"

At this time, Hana Jiu Fern suddenly spoke, and everyone, including Mary and Inaba Moon Night, stared at her like a fool.

Everyone did not have any doubt about her words, Hana Jiu Fern's mother was one of the directors of the symbiotic school, and it was not a problem to decide the ownership of the cafeteria.


Boss Chu can sell 20,000 yuan for a bowl of egg fried rice.

Just in less than an hour, hundreds of thousands were received.

Such people are willing to come to our canteen to do business?

Even if he is willing to come, we can't afford to eat every day!

Everyone was speechless for a while, secretly slandering.

'Flower wine fern this guy, as always, can't talk but brains! ’

Mary and Inaba turned their heads in unison, pretending not to recognize her.


PS: Ask for collections, flowers, review tickets!

Photo: Inaba Moon Night!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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