Chapter 356 Unorthodox Curse Series!!

"Handsome guy, give me a contact information!"

Koizumi Hongko with a hint of a smile, her tone is full of confidence, and a little tsundere has to say~

Beautiful appearance combined with the mysterious temperament of a witch.

It really makes her exude a unique charm all over her body.

Chu Feng glanced at Thor.

It suddenly felt a little strange.

Follow the old routine.

As long as you don't explicitly refuse the guest. This nizi will take the initiative to pull each other into the food group.

Why is it that today, on the contrary, there is no movement?

He naturally did not know that under Lukoya's suggestion, Thor's mind had gradually changed.

The dragon lady who loves Chu Feng very much, hopes that the other party's heirs will have pure Terran blood in the future.


Laughed lightly.

Chu Feng did not refuse Koizumi Hongzi's request. Directly take out the mobile phone and let the other party scan the code to join the group.

It's not that I think the other party is good-looking, nor is it affected by the seduction magic, just because ~

She has so many skills.

To Ou Huang~

Chu Feng was as enthusiastic as ever.

【Congratulations on getting a chance to draw skills...】

[Alchemy, curse, divination, prophecy, red flame magic, flying fire meteor, substitute magic, four-dimensional skirt...]

[Skills are being extracted...]

It is worthy of being the heir of red magic.

Koizumi Hongko has been passed down from generation to generation.

Skills alone take up an entire page.

Although there are a lot of useless skills in it.

But skills such as divination, curses, prophecy, etc.

Chu Feng was still very interested.


System, can you tell me.

What the hell is a four-dimensional skirt? Isn't this a prop? All right~

Based on feedback from the system.

Koizumi's skirt is the product of a combination of magical materials and spatial magic, so it is finally rated as a skill.

Fortunately, this thing has no fixed form, and it can be made into pockets or rings, all according to personal preference.

Otherwise, in case he smoked this thing, Chu Feng didn't dare to imagine himself wearing a skirt, it was simply spicy eyes.


He still doesn't want to draw this skill.

Four-dimensional skirt?

It's a bad name!

The wheel began to spin slowly... It didn't take long ~

Freeze in the [Curse] column. (⊙_⊙)......

Why is the total feeling system a bit of a tendency to make itself a villain? First the poisoner skill, and now there is a curse...

Will there be skills such as witchcraft and lowering heads in the future?

【Ding! Congratulations on winning the Curse skill, triggering a hundredfold critical hit, and you get the unorthodox Curse series! 】

"Uh-uh... System, quickly come out and explain, what is called an unorthodox curse series? "

The system, which has always been unreliable, quickly responded this time.

[Bad luck curse: affect luck for a certain period of time (let people feel the malice of the world)]

[Infinity Spell: Reduce the need for entertainment for a certain period of time (some effects are the opposite of blessing magic)]

[Fatigue mantra: reduce energy demand for a certain period of time (live a happy fat house life from now on)]

[Hunger curse: reduce the need for hunger for a certain period of time (note: there is a certain chance of starving people to death)]

[Bladder weakness mantra: reduce the need to go to the toilet within a certain period of time (gospel for the majority of patients with frequent urination and urgency)]

Look at the list of curses on the system panel.

Chu Feng suddenly fell into a rare silence.

Own system, this is convulsions? Or a different spoof system?

Why aren't these curses serious? All right~

It really deserves its name.

In fact~

Unorthodox curse series.

Just an advanced skill.

Theoretically it works for anyone.

However, the statute of limitations varies from person to person.

The stronger the strength, the worse the effect after the move.

In the future, when you meet a guy with a bad personality, this thing will also be useful.

With the idea that talk is better than nothing, Chu Feng took a deep look at Koizumi Hongzi and silently accepted this skill.

"Could it be that Koizumi Hongko is also an unorthodox witch?"

At this time, Chu Feng couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

Koizumi Hongzi naturally saw Chu Feng's strange eyes.

But he didn't care.

She was still wondering how the other party seemed to be very talkative.

I thought that the grand chefs were a bunch of proud guys.

I took the liberty to ask for contact information, and the charm magic was useless to this guy, and the success rate was probably not high.

Who knew that Chu Feng directly pulled her into the food group, and things went exceptionally smoothly, which was beyond her expectations.


Sure enough, Miss Ben is still very attractive, and the magic mirror does not deceive me.

Koizumi Hongko was secretly proud and began to narcissize again.

Not far away~

Black Feather Kuaidou's strange gaze wandered between Chu Feng, Thor, and Koizumi Hongzi.

God, Koizumi really succeeded, and she wasn't killed by Miss Thor.

Black Feather Kuaidou was a little stunned, not understanding why Chu Feng's girlfriend didn't react.

Shouldn't it?

Isn't she jealous at all? The legendary Asura Field did not appear.

Black Feather Kuaidou secretly shook his head, not looking at the excitement, and continued to enjoy the food in front of him.

Anyway, his friend Koizumi Hongko is fine, he doesn't have to worry about it, of course, he will not live up to the delicacy in front of him at this time.

Aoko Nakamori, who was sitting opposite Kuroba Kudo, actually wanted to join the food group but died because of the society just now.

She was a little embarrassed to ask.

I thought about picking a time to ask Koizumi Hongko later.

This meal~

Three classmates from Ekoda High School's second-year B class were very satisfied.

You can see it from the happy expressions on their faces when they leave.

Kikuchi Yuanguo and the others did not stay long after eating the dishes.

The number of customers visiting the food truck gradually increased, and they could not continue to occupy seats.

Mu Jiuzhi Garden Fruit, who is beautiful and kind, will not affect Chu Feng's business.

Ginza is the most prosperous commercial district in Sakaiyo.

There are many people who are willing to pay for it.

The cash and points returned, as well as the positive rating, continue to grow.

Chu Feng took a cursory look.

After setting up the stall today, the number of positive reviews is estimated to break through the four thousand mark, and it is not far from five thousand...

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