Chapter 357 Cold Dress! Cucumbers can not only be eaten!!

The morning sun is quiet and elegant, without the noisy atmosphere, making people feel calm and reassuring.

But Erina, who was lying on the pink bed, was not in such a good mood at this time.

Waking up at less than half past seven.

The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to open the food group.

And then I saw...

[5 p.m., Shinjuku stall 07, coleslaw. 】

The prefix 'Boss Chu' sent a message in the group.

Immediately, Erina's good mood today disappeared.

What do you mean?

Alice's stall is high-end dishes such as Wenxin tofu, magic panda tofu, and pan-fried foie gras.

How did it get to her...

It's either a dark dish for picky eaters like bean juice, or a simple coleslaw.

Erinai really wanted to send a message to ask Chu Feng, was it deliberately targeting herself? Who knew that before she could take action, Chu Feng had already sent a message.

[Just shred and slice today, no need to prepare anything, Thor and I are going to take Connor to school in the morning, by the way to walk the streets, you can come back in the afternoon.] 】

Stare at the messages displayed on your phone.

Erinae was silent.

Is this even saving her the process of preparing the ingredients? Sighed deeply.

Originally, she thought that she could steal a little trick on Western food.

After all, the other party only made pan-fried foie gras yesterday.

I didn't expect it to be changed to a cold dish today.

Erinai did not doubt Chu Feng's craft. Days of contact have made her understand a truth.

No matter what kind of cuisine~

Even the simplest coleslaw~

Big Boss Chu can make it extremely delicious.

It's just that this thing is generally not high-tech, and the things that can be learned are really limited.

Getting up to wash and change clothes, Erinai decided to go home and grab a few suitable clothes by the way.

After casually making egg and ham cheese slices, and after calling Alice up for dinner, the two went out hand in hand.

Living in a 'humble' apartment, without a maid, Erinah and Alice adapt quickly.

Now that they rely on their own food and clothing, the two sisters have also experienced a different life than before.


Five o'clock in the afternoon.

At the junction of Shinjuku and Yonaka Town, stall 7, fast food trucks appeared on time.

Light up the LCD screen and there is only one dish on it.

【Coleslaw / 1,000 yen】

All use ordinary vegetables, the price does not need to be too high.

Akemi Miyano had just set up the table and chairs, and the combination of three demons and angels, Wei Nai, Gabriel, and Satania, appeared in front of the food truck.

"Oh, Boss Chu, we're here"! "

Winay greeted warmly and gave a sweet smile.

Jia Baili is still a pair of dead fish eyes, and it is rare to go to class for a day, which makes her already bad spirits worse now.

"Jia Baili, be modest!"

Chu Feng gave a kind reminder.

Even if he usually does not pay attention to the other party's daily routine, he can guess that he plays games all night at night, and either goes to school or works during the day.

Even the physique of an angel can't bear such a toss.

"Got it, you're more verbose than the teaching director of the Angel Academy, and you only have coleslaw today? What are you going to chill? "

Jia Baili waved her hand weakly, casually pulled a chair and sat down.

Then lean back in the chair like a sun-dried salted fish and squint slightly in comfort.

Seeing the decay of the waste material angel, Chu Feng shook his head and didn't care anymore.

Everyone has their own way of life, and Boss Chu does not like to interfere with other people's choices.

"If you need any dishes, you can order them yourself today." Of course, only for ordinary vegetables. "

Nodding at Wei Nai and Satania, Chu Feng smiled and said.

"Huh? Can you order your own food? "

Wei Nai's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Then I want a cold mix of three silks, just use kelp, green pepper and onion." "


Jia Bailigang's eyes suddenly opened, and she was surprised: "Wei Nai still knows about cold mixed three silks, I really didn't expect it!" "

"Of course, since I have eaten Boss Chu's cuisine, I have also studied Chinese cuisine well."

Wei Nai straightened her chest and looked 'I'm proud'.

Jia Baili took a sip and continued: "I'll take a copy too, anyway, it doesn't matter if you mix it casually, as long as you manage the rice." "

"No problem, the rice is guaranteed to be enough."

Chu Feng replied with a smile.

He now generally uses regular rice.

It is also cheap to redeem in the points mall.

Turning his head to look at Satania, Chu Feng spoke again: "What about you?" Same as them? "

Satania tilted her head, and the black bat headdress on the side of her forehead was particularly conspicuous.

After thinking for a few seconds, she shook her head and said, "Boss Chu, I don't like kelp very much, can I change it to cucumber shreds?" "

"Of course, no problem, today you are free to choose."

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Anyway, it's just testing the bottom line of the system.

Whatever the guest ordered.

Collad, is the recipe refreshed by the system today.

But to Chu Feng's surprise, the system did not specify what dish to use.

He really wanted to try, give the choice to the guest, can he get the critical hit return? If general dishes can also reap rewards, then there will be much more operability in the future.

Such as dry pot, hot pot, marinated meat...

These can be made with different ingredients.

It can also be regarded as solving the problem of fewer dishes every day in the fast food truck.

Of course~

This is still in the experimental stage, and everything is still unknown.

Right at this moment~

Jia Baili braced her body, lay on the table with one hand and said with a smile: "Satania, I didn't expect you to actually like cucumbers, this thing can not only be eaten..."

"Uh... In addition to eating cucumbers, what else can you use them for? "

Satania looked at Jia Baili with a blank expression, and the simple little demon didn't understand the other party's meaning at all.

"Hee-hee, Satania is such a little fool, she doesn't even know this common sense, suddenly, a cheerful laugh sounds."

A white-haired girl who was one meter six tall and wearing the uniform of Katagiri High School appeared in front of everyone.

The girl has a plump figure, a pure appearance, and an innocent smile on her face.

It's just that she said this with an innocent expression, and she really had a strong sense of discord.

Wei Nai, Gabrielle and Satania turned their heads at the same time.

The two people in front were not surprised to see the white-haired girl. It's close to Katagiri High School, and it's normal to meet each other.

But Satania ~

At this time, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, and subconsciously shrunk his neck...

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