Chapter 358 White Feather Rafiel Endsworth!!

"Rafel, why are you here?"

Satania shrunk her neck.

He looked at the white-haired girl who suddenly appeared behind him with a shocked expression.

It is not difficult to see from her movement expression.

She was very afraid of this pure-looking girl.

White Feather Rafiel Endsworth!

Angel College is second only to Jia Baili as an outstanding graduate.

It has an angelic pure face and a plump body that does not fit his age.

Not long after the Nether, Rafiel happened to pass by and happened to see Satania and the dog fighting for pineapple bags.

Somehow ~

Raphael became extremely interested in Satania.

Since then, he has often resorted to various pranks on her.

At this point, Satania began to endure inhuman torture.

From time to time, Raphael throws a pineapple bag to lure her into running like a dog.

She often threw confetti in front of her, so that she had severe hygiene.

Occasionally catch cockroaches, praying mantis and other insects to scare her, I don't know if she is most afraid of these things?

In a word~

During this time, Satania was miserable, and she has already produced psychological shadows.

Now as soon as she sees the other party, she is a little angry and subconscious.

As for the other uses of cucumbers.

At the moment of meeting Rafel.

Satania forgot about it.

Seeing that the beautiful girls finally stopped discussing this esoteric topic.

Chu Feng was slightly relieved.

Keep talking~

I am afraid that it will cause the dissatisfaction of the river crab god.

But staring at the white-haired girl named 'Rafiel' who suddenly appeared.

Chu Feng was slightly impressed by it, after all, the other party was quite large, and it was difficult to forget.

If memory serves, this pure and lovely angel seems to be a shaking S.

I looked Rafiel up and down for a while, well, I really can't tell it from the appearance alone~

At this time, Rafiel obviously did not care about Chu Feng's eyes, nor did he pay attention to Satania, who was full of fear.

She stared straight at Akemi Miyano with a puzzled expression on her face, and surprise and curiosity under her eyes.

"How can you have the breath of our clan?"

Rafil was startled and asked with a curious look.

Akemi Miyano had no surprises.

She knew exactly what the other party was asking.

Preparing to answer.

Jia Baili laughed first.

"Because she picked up your grandmother's tears."

That's right~


It was one of the seven winged archangels of the gods, and Raphael did not know how many generations of descendants.

"Huh? Archangel tears? I didn't expect to also fall into this world? Rafil was slightly stunned, and the surprise in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest. "

The mortal world where angels descended to experience is not the only one here, in fact, there are many planes.

The archangel Raphael, the number of tears shed that year was rare and scattered to countless planes.

I didn't expect that this kind of thing with extremely low probability was actually encountered by myself.

As an outstanding graduate of Angel College.

She could see at a glance that Akemi Miyano had just been reborn, and she also used Raphael's tears.

After a burst of amazement, Rafiel suddenly became interested in the fast food truck in front of him.

Raphael's tears are precious though.

But for an orthodox born angel like Rafel, it was nothing at all.

Moreover, her family is a well-known family in the Celestial Realm, and there are many treasures in her hands, so naturally they will not be too rare.

Glancing at the price list.

【Coleslaw / 1,000 yen】

Rafiel felt so cheap.

"Can you mix anything cold?" Then I want cucumber slices! "

Rafiel's face was not red, and he ordered his favorite vegetable without panting. As for Jia Baili's joke that 'it turns out that you also like cucumbers'.

Rafel directly chose to ignore it, but he didn't hear it.

As soon as Wei Nai and the others ordered, Erinai had already begun to shred.

Kelp, green pepper, onion, three ingredients under her knife, quickly turned into evenly lined silk.

Such a simple operation did not have any difficulty at all for her, the tenth seat of the Far Moon.

In fact~

Cold mixed three silk is generally made from kelp, green pepper and red pepper.

There are red, white and green three colors, fresh salty and sour.

It is a traditional Han dish.

It's just that Wei Nai replaced the red pepper with an onion, but it accidentally matched the green, white and purple colors.

However, no matter how the selection of materials changes, the most basic taste has not changed much, except for the fresh salty and sour three flavors.

More soft, crisp, smooth and other multiple tastes.

It is an appetizer especially suitable for summer eating.

Eri Nai cut all the ingredients and watched Chu Feng's ingredients intently.

It's just a pity.

As she expected.

The seasonings used by the other party are all ordinary.

Salt, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, chili pepper, pepper... It's exactly the same as the popular taste that Erina knows.

In desperation~

She could only secretly note down the amount of each seasoning and try it again herself.

Next is the cold coleslaw.

Still the simplest method.

But the dishes presented are still amazing.

Sometimes Erinai can't figure it out.

Why did the most common method come to Chu Feng's hands, and he could make the most perfect dish every time?

Wei Nai and the others' cold mixed three silks were served first.

Jia Baili was the first to can't help it, and took the rice and started eating.

It doesn't matter what dish it is, as long as it is made by Chu Feng.

Countless experiences have taught her that fast food truck cuisine never disappoints.

Sure enough~

When the first bite of cold shredded silk is in the mouth.

Jia Baili instantly felt multiple pleasures.

Fresh, soft, crispy, slippery...

The intertwining of various tastes instantly lifted her spirits.

Even his dark circles seem to have dissipated a lot.

"Hiss~~ salty and sour, this taste is simply wonderful!"

Jia Baili couldn't help but let out an exclamation and sighed, "With this plate of silk alone, I can eat three large bowls of rice." "

Wei Nai nodded slowly in agreement, and then said a little embarrassed: "Although Boss Chu's rice here is not limited, three bowls is still too much, I only eat one bowl, no, two bowls are enough." "

Wei Nai weakly compared her fingers, originally planning to eat only one bowl, but felt that she might not be full.


Jia Baili glanced at the little devil, and said nonchalantly: "Don't save money for that guy from Chu Feng, open my stomach to eat." His dishes are not easy to get cheap once, or the first time we let us choose our own dishes, this kind of opportunity to gnaw big households is not often. (⊙_⊙)......"

Wei Nai looked at Jia Baili blankly, only feeling that the other party said it was so reasonable, she couldn't refute it.

As for Satania ~ At this time, the whole face is buried in the rice bowl.

A person eats happily.

Satania was born without taste.

No matter what you eat, it is as light as boiled water. Don't look at her strange obsession with pineapple buns in the past. But it's just a fascination with the appearance of pineapple buns.

Actually don't know anything about the taste.

Last time I met a food truck.

For the first time in her life, Satania knew the taste of pineapple buns. At that time, he was directly stunned on the spot, and the whole person was like being struck by lightning.

It's just a pity ~

I thought that the food truck food had cured her taste disorder.

Who knows that this is not the case at all.

Only the dishes made by Chu Feng could she eat the taste.

As for the rest...


Satania is still the same as before, eating into her mouth is like drinking plain water.


Tasting the sweet and sour taste again, Satania almost cried with joy.

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