Chapter 367: Yue Hua is defeated and has a solid cooking heart!!

"Green onion, ginger and garlic, dark soy sauce, rice vinegar sugar, pickled red pepper and broth!"

Senzoemon quickly made a judgment.

At the moment of eating Yue Huadeng's shredded fish-flavored meat.

The ingredients for the fish sauce already came to his mind.

Xue Che nodded and said, "Pork bone marrow and meat directly boiled in soup?" This can save a lot of time, integrate into the fish sauce, and also make the whole dish more layered. "

At the same time, Karyu frowned and said disdainfully: "Why did he use mustard?" Although it can highlight the fish aroma, it always has a very light astringency and a little spicy. "

When Xianzuoweimon heard this, he couldn't help but retort: "Chief Chef Karian, can't you pick a thorn in your bones, right?" This astringency and spiciness does not affect the taste of the dish. Don't deliberately find out Yue Huadeng's shortcomings just because Caibo Chaoyang is a person from your food club. "

Senzoemon is naturally aware of the flaws of this dish.

Yue Huadeng obviously wanted to imitate the taste that Chu Feng had made that day.

Although after adding wasabi, the taste is indeed close.

But it also makes this dish more worthy of criticism.


The other party is also a person in the neon cuisine world.

At this time, Senzoemon will definitely be a little favorable.

Of course~

Kaliu did not mean to favor Caibo Chaoyang.

Both forces have their own plans, and they also want their side to win. This is the fundamental reason why a five-member review team was formed with the IGO.

This moment~

Xianzuoemon and Karyu looked at Xue Che Zhenji and Chu Feng in unison, waiting for their opinions.


Xue Che Zhen sighed and spoke: "Yue Huadeng's cuisine is a little deliberate in comparison, not as natural as Caibo Chaoyang, and the taste and texture are worse after all." "

These words were very tactful, and they also slightly cared about Yue Huadeng's face. But Xue Che was really cold, and still glanced at the old father a little apologetically. She knew exactly what the consequences of her words would be. But IGO has always adhered to the principle of fairness and justice in its treatment of halberds.

It's not as good as it!

Even if I have an inextricable relationship with the neon cuisine world.

As long as you sit in the judges' seat at this moment, you will never allow yourself to make decisions against your will.


Karyu chuckled, with a hint of pride on his face, and glanced at Immortal Zuoemon defiantly, before finally asking Starkin: "Deputy Chef, what is your opinion?" "

At present, the judges are two to one, and only Chu Feng and Starkin have no comments.

As long as the latter is on the side of the rising sun.

This halberd gourmet party is a win!

Karyu now just wants to get things done quickly and get back to the food world to capture dream ingredients.


Starkin didn't think as he thought, but turned his head to look at Chu Feng and asked, "Boss Chu, what do you think?" "

Slightly stunned, Chu Feng was a little surprised by the other party's actions.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Yue Huadeng has lost.

Although I pointed out this guy not long ago, the taste of the cuisine will not lie.

No matter from the taste or layering, the other party is indeed not as good as the rising sun.

Shrugged, since he took Annie's place, he couldn't taste his conscience, Boss Chu had always disdained to lie.

Nodding slightly, Chu Feng slowly spoke, "I think Caibo Chaoyang is better." "

"No, isn't Kakuki Shinkai's daughter of Senzoemon? Actually helping people who meet gourmet talk? "

"She is the special executive of the IGO, and it is impossible to cheat during the halberd eating process."

"What about Boss Chu? He is not friendly with the Xue Che family, but also has a conflict with food, why is he also on the side of Caibo Chaoyang? "

"Perhaps, Caibo Chaoyang is indeed better!"

"It's over, three to one, Yue Hua Deng has already lost, and the reputation accumulated by Yue Hua family for more than a hundred years will be destroyed now."

"And his cooking heart 'Huarong Dao', I'm afraid it will also belong to Caibo Chaoyang."

"So, since he is not sure, why did he agree to eat the halberd?"

"I heard... The gourmet will steal the recipes of the Yue Hua family! "

"Hiss~no wonder~~ No wonder Yue Huadeng is so impulsive."

"The food will be really scary, it is unscrupulous!"

As soon as Chu Feng's words fell, the hall suddenly became noisy.

Everyone did not expect that Yue Huadeng, who was going all out, would lose so easily.

Five judges!

Except for Senzoemon hesitating and considering.

Others gave the answer with little thought.

This feeling...

Caibo Chaoyang is like a chef's halberd under the special class, winning easily.

Our three neon special chefs, is the level so secondary?

At this time, many neon people involuntarily had this thought in their minds.

What's more, he was already staring at Chu Feng with unkind eyes.

The name is long and loud, and the Yurou dog Pai Tuo returns Jia Xiwu Ugly Guest.

Think about it, after all, he is from the Dragon Country, and he will definitely not stand on the side of Neon.

This is the case for some people, who, if things go badly, will only pick faults from others.

Chu Feng naturally noticed the change in some people's eyes, but chose to ignore it.

At least with people he knows.

For example, Tashoe Megumi, Dojima Gin, Kanhyuga and others did not show the meaning of blame.

As for what those who don't know think, he doesn't care at all.

In fact, everyone with discerning eyes knows that Yue Hua Deng's defeat has been decided.

Even if Chu Feng didn't speak.

Starkin will also vote for Caibo Chaoyang.

He's just telling the truth.

I didn't see the party Yue Huadeng, and I didn't have any dissatisfaction.

It's just that at this time, Yue Hua Deng's eyes are obviously much darker.

Apparently annoyed that he was not good at his studies, he lost to a young man in his twenties.

He knew very well that the five judges present were all well-known people in the culinary world, and it was impossible to cheat on the judges.

Then there is only one possibility, and he is indeed far inferior to Caibo Chaoyang.

At this moment, Yue Hua Deng stood in place, as if the whole person's spirit had been drained, and he looked extremely depressed.

Then, he saw Caibo Chaoyang slowly walking towards him.

"The contract is established, willing to gamble and lose..."

Caibo Chaoyang walked as he walked, chanting some kind of mantra in his mouth.

When he came to Yue Huadeng, a black hole suddenly appeared in front of him, standing between the two.

"Groove! What is that? "

"Food skills? Or his cooking? "

"I don't know, maybe both!"

"It's terrible! He wouldn't plan to use this thing to swallow Master Yue Hua, right? "

"I don't know, it's also the first time I've seen this kind of thing..."

Caibo Chaoyang suddenly attacked.

Immediately surprised everyone at the scene.

The incomparably deep black hole seemed to carry some kind of magic. It attracts everyone's attention and makes people shudder. Chu Feng stared with interest at the so-called devouring chef heart.

With the strength of his mental power.

It is impossible to peek inside the black hole. This thing seems to have a strong suction power.

The moment the spiritual power enters.

It was blocked by an invisible force.

Long time loose ~

Chu Feng rarely encountered things that could block his spiritual power.

I couldn't help but suddenly become a little curious about Caibo Chaoyang.

With such a strong cooking heart, how did the other party awaken? Not only that...

Devouring the Chef's Heart seems to be different from what he has encountered so far.

This thing, it has entities!

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