Chapter 368: The Mutation of the Rising Sun! The one who eats the gourmet devil?!!

As everyone knows.

Kitchen hearts have no entity.

It's just an artistic conception.

A chef's understanding of cuisine.

Only by developing the gourmet cell to a certain extent, and fusing the chef heart and the gourmet demon, can a truly embodied food righteousness be born.

Whether it is the organ strengthening of Ji Lin Baqi or Yue Huadeng's silk hand, it has a bit of the unique aura of a dreamy creature.

Chu Feng's food righteousness comes from the system.

Because there are no food demons. The meal on the plate is only his own breath. But the black hole in front of the rising sun.

It feels the same as he does.

There is no breath of fantasy creatures at all.

"This guy, how did you do it?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised, and at the same time curious. He didn't believe that Caibo Chaoyang also had a system.

And the other party is just a grand chef.

It is impossible to completely fuse the devouring demon and achieve the pinnacle of mankind.

If Caibo Chaoyang really reaches that realm...

Do you still need to go to great lengths to steal the chef's heart? When you're full, you have nothing to do!

Followed by~

I saw that Yue Huadeng's body began to tremble, and his face began to distort. A white light suddenly burst out from his forehead and quickly fell into the black hole.


Yue Huadeng, who was originally in his fifties, seemed to be twenty years old in an instant, and his gray-haired 970 was like a dead wood decaying plant.

"What a devouring chef's heart, such a terrifying food technique!"

Tsutsuki frowned.

Although it is not the first time to see Caibo Chaoyang devouring other people's cooking hearts.

But I still felt a heart tremble.

This perverse cooking and skill.

It shouldn't exist in this world at all.

Chu Feng was curious: "So, what exactly is it?" "

This naturally refers to the black hole that has dissipated.

Xue Che shook his head and said, "Our IGO powerhouse has had a series of discussions on this, but we still haven't figured out this issue. It's just a guess that the rising sun may have been completely integrated with the food devil. "

"How is that possible? He's just a special chef, and he's not very good at fighting! "

Xianzuoweimon was shocked, and his cloudy old eyes did not hide his shock.

He really hadn't heard Xue Che Zhenjie say this matter, and it was a little difficult to accept for a while

Forcibly suppressing the shock in his heart, Xianzuoemon spoke again: "Then he is now... Human, exactly? Or a food demon? "

People who awaken the gourmet cells, in the end, there are only two outcomes.

Or devour the gourmet demon and achieve the pinnacle of humanity.

On the contrary, it is eaten by its consciousness and turned into a gourmet demon with a physical body.

If the latter...

This moment~

Xianzuoemon looked at Caibo Chaoyang's eyes full of jealousy.

No one knows~

What turmoil the resurrected gastronomic demon will bring to the world.

Xue Che's sincere words also made Chu Feng stunned, but he didn't expect that he was actually just now.

It's just that the state of the rising sun seems to be seriously inconsistent with the information found on the IGO official website.

This guy's aura is weak, at most a little stronger than Narugami Tadakatsu and Bukizi.

At this time, Xue Che Zhenji spoke again: "It is estimated that there is something wrong with the food demon in his body, or maybe his devouring chef heart is special... We guess that Caibo Chaoyang should have devoured the food demon in his body. "

Chu Feng nodded slightly, only in this way can he explain the current state of Caibo Chaoyang, the world is amazing, not to mention the complex world of this system

Chu Feng didn't think much about it.

Although it is a pity that Yue Huadeng lost his cooking heart, the realm of cooking has also regressed significantly.

But this is also a matter of no way, who told him to be unskilled and lose the halberd

Chu Feng didn't help him out for no reason because he had pointed out the other party.

"Look, Caibo's state of Chaoyang seems a little wrong?!"


There was the voice of Senzoemon in his ears.

Turn your head and look ~

Chu Feng saw Caibo Chaoyang's eyes red staring at him.

It's literally.

The other party's eyes were a little oozing red.

It was like a demon from the abyss, staring maliciously at his prey and filling it up.


Chu Feng's brows frowned slightly.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

It's like being stared at by a weak beast.

It's not threatening, but it's unpleasant.

Moreover, Caibo Chaoyang's state at this time is very different from just now, it is almost like changing a person.

Although the previous Caibo Chaoyang was arrogant, he was at least more restrained, and he did not show malice in front of himself.

But at this moment, he does not hide his greed.

He wants to swallow his own cooking heart!

Chu Feng instantly read the other party's eyes.

"Huh~ Because he devoured Yue Huadeng's cooking heart, was his mind temporarily controlled by appetite?"

Chu Feng muttered, not putting Caibo Chaoyang in his eyes at all.

But most people at the scene were frightened by his evil appearance.

"Oh my God, what's going on? How did he suddenly become so terrible? "

"Although the appearance has not changed, but the temperament... Like a demon crawling out of hell! "

"Shouldn't he be on a killing spree? People who can eat food, but they can do everything! "

"What are you afraid of, this is the headquarters of the Yue Hua clan, and there are people from IGO present... Don't worry, Caibo Chaoyang will definitely not dare to make a move..."

"Having said that, why are you hiding behind?"

"Uh~There are many people here, it feels a little hot~~"

The crowd began to stir, and many aristocratic celebrities hurried to contact the bodyguards. Some have even moved to the door, ready to slip away at any moment.


Caibo Chaoyang, who had a sudden temperament, did not make any moves.

Just staring at Chu Feng deadly, his eyes and expression gradually became obsessed. (⊙_⊙)......

No way? Lao Tzu is not good at this mouthful!

Chu Feng pouted, and his face became not very good-looking.

The eyes of the main Caibo Chaoyang are too warm, giving people a sense of comradeship.


In fact, Chu Feng was very clear in his heart. The other party took a fancy to his cook.

On him ~

However, it has two kinds of cooking hearts, which value harmony and 'and grand avenue'.

And every one, the quality is extremely high.

If you really want to rate the chef.

Estimate your own cooking heart, definitely the top kind.

It is no wonder that Caibo Chaoyang showed such an expression.


Is this guy going to eat a halberd with me? This moment~

Chu Feng had even guessed the plot behind...

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