Chapter 369 The Talent Wave of Dementia Rising Sun, Halberd Establishment!!

In case he really proposed the halberd...

Do you say yes or no? This is a question worth pondering.

Before Chu Feng could think about it, Chaoyang had already spoken.

"Chu Feng—, I want to eat a halberd with you!"

Sure enough, as Chu Feng expected, this guy really wanted to eat a halberd.

After all, as far as he knew, the skill of devouring the heart of the chef by the rising sun could only be achieved through the halberd.

Strictly speaking, only by dividing the victory and defeat can the devouring opportunity be satisfied.

Before Chu Feng could answer, Xue Che Zhenfeng was surprised: "Are you sure?" "

He actually dared to find Boss Chu to eat the halberd, how confident Caibo Chaoyang was.

"Zhen Kai, he is obviously delirious and his mind has been affected."

Xianzuoweimon frowned, "It should be because I devoured Yue Hua's heart just now." "

Xue Che Zhen nodded slightly, she didn't even see this, just now it was just a momentary hurry.

Turning his head to look at Chu Feng, Xue Che Zhenjie and Xianzuo Weimen did not persuade, but just waited for the other party to make a decision.

Although the father and daughter really wanted Chu Feng to agree, they severely suppressed Caibo's arrogance.

But the two were equally aware of his trouble-averse personality, so they didn't say anything.

Glancing at Stargin and Karyu next to him.

Xue Che Zhenji found that the two did not say a word.

It was as if he hadn't heard the challenge of Caibo Chaoyang at all.

Starkin is okay to understand.

He joined the gourmet club just to repay the favor, and at least according to the information obtained by the IGO, Starkin generally only captures dream food

has never hurt the innocent.

And Karyu~

He is one of the three culinary masters of the gourmet club, just watching the people below looking for death and indifferent?


The corners of Kakuki's mouth raised an arc.

It seems that the new talent who joined the food club is not getting along well with this group of old members.

Xue Che Zhen saw everything in an instant, silently waiting for Chu Feng's decision.

On the other hand, Chu Feng did not refuse at the first time, but asked instead: "What price can you pay?" "

Halberd, you need equivalent chips to be established!

Caibo Chaoyang didn't seem surprised, his hands were spread, and four balls of light floated in his palms.

"Of the four types of cooks, you can choose two."

Caibo Chaoyang had an evil smile on his face.

The whole person is obviously in an abnormal state.

"Oh my God, he actually snatched so many cooking hearts?"

"Cheng Ichiro's Asura Heart, Yue Huadeng's Huarong Dao, and who are the other two?"

"The Phantom Heart of the Food Magician Mana! IGO Publicity Director Nella Ryde's gastronomic regeneration..."

"This guy dares to move the IGO people? No wonder he rushed to join the food party! "

"It's just that I didn't expect that Caibo Chaoyang actually dared to let Chu Feng pick two casually as a halberd chip, could he be so confident that he would win?"

"Don't forget, the stake of the halberd is fairness, haven't you ever wondered if Chu Feng will have two kinds of cooking hearts?"

"Impossible! How can a chef have two hearts? Isn't that a reflection of its own philosophy? "

"Although rare, it is not absent in history, and there are two different philosophies of a person, and there are special cases for this."

"But... I just want to know now, can he still 'Ye' come out of the kitchen heart that was swallowed by the rising sun of Caibo? "

"Since you dare to take out such a chip, there should be no problem thinking about it. Otherwise, once he loses the debt, the entire culinary world will not let him go, and at that time, the food will not be able to keep him. "

"Hehe, I wonder if Chu Feng will agree? The two kinds of chef hearts are indeed very exciting, not to mention that he is also a chef himself. "

The people in the hall began to talk quietly again.

The guys who were originally going to slip away also subconsciously got together.

Although Chu Feng's debut time is short, in terms of fame, he is now greater than Yue Huadeng. After all, the magic of fast food truck cuisine has been experienced by many people present. Moreover, Chu Feng and Caibo Chaoyang are both young special chefs in the history of the culinary industry.

If the two go to a duel, it will definitely be more attractive than the last halberd.

Even Xue Che Zhenji and Xianzuo Weimen were shocked by Caibo Chaoyang's big hand~

The kitchen heart devoured by him can still be 'spit out'.

This operation ~

Directly numbed the father and daughter of the Xue Che family. Even Starkin and Karyu were surprised.

Apparently this was not known beforehand.

This moment~

Everyone's eyes were focused on Chu Feng.

Wondering if he would be willing to accept this halberd.

Tianyu, who was standing with Tian Suhui, was even more excited at this time, and he couldn't wait to agree to come down instead of Chu Feng, and then slapped the face of the food club fiercely.

Of course, now that her personality is gradually convergent, she will not do such a stupid thing, and now she just wants to be a quiet little woman and silently support her beloved man.


Chu Feng pouted disdainfully, and said with a light smile: "Just these things, want to change my normal heart?" "

He was indeed a bit surprised.

After being swallowed by the rising sun, the kitchen heart can actually be realized.

But the two ordinary quality chefs, wanting to change the top ordinary heart, is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Caibo Chaoyang also seemed to understand this, and he proposed the price code, just to wait to see Chu Feng bargain.

"Say, how many do you want?"

"Do you really want me to say it?"


"Then I'll want them all!"

"No, devouring the heart of the chef cannot be transferred."

"Then exchange four for two."

Chu Feng shrugged indifferently.

Caibo Chaoyang regarded the devouring kitchen heart as a treasure, and he didn't dare to put it out just now.

But just this thing, Chu Feng couldn't look at it at all.

There is only one function that devours the heart of the kitchen, and there are many restrictions, which seems to him to be like chicken ribs.

In contrast, Chu Feng was more curious about what was the use of 'Phantom Heart' and 'Gourmet Regeneration'?

Faced with his counteroffer, Caibo Chaoyang fell into a brief entanglement.

The blood-red eyes seemed to fade a little instantly, but they were soon overwhelmed by red and reason told him that he must not agree.

But the appetite and greed in the heart are constantly encouraged. It seems that he must get the chef's heart of the man in front of him.

In fact~

This time, Caibo Chaoyang didn't know that Chu Feng would come.

According to the recent report of the spies of the fifth branch.

Yue Hua Deng had indeed patronized Chu Feng's business.

The two also went to the Hatsuki family estate together.

But what exactly they did with the Tsuki family could not be investigated.

Later, the Yuejialou Weijing branch was transferred to Chu Feng.

Caibo Chaoyang subconsciously thought that the two had just made a deal and did not pay attention to it at all.

He knew that after devouring the chef's heart, he would definitely fall into a temporary state of dementia

In this state, you can more clearly sense the kitchen within 100 meters of the surroundings

What makes Caibo Chaoyang even more powerless is that once the contract of devouring skills is launched

As long as he wins, whether he recite the spell or not, he will swallow the chef's heart of the loser, which is an irreversible skill.

When he fell into a strange state and perceived two top chefs, the result could be imagined.

Caibo Chaoyang, whose mind was completely occupied by appetite, did not even raise the halberd without any hesitation.


Caibo Chaoyang nodded with a cold face, and there was no trace of clarity in his eyes.

The two parties had no opinion, and IGO and the people of the food club were also present to eat halberds without suspense, and they were established on the spot!

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