Chapter 371: Dionysian shark cuisine without the slightest taste of wine!!

People who stand at the top of every industry deserve admiration.

What's more, Jie Nai is still ranked among the five great chefs in the world by his own efforts.

Although he didn't show much expression, Chu Feng still held due respect

This respected old-timer in the culinary world serves as a judge, and he naturally has no opinion.

However, Chu Feng was still curious and asked, "When did Master Jienai come?" "

Just now, his spiritual power was all over the audience, but he did not sense the existence of the other party at all.

Setsuno smiled and spread out her hand, and a translucent jellyfish suddenly appeared and floated above her palm.

"This is?"

Chu Feng's pupils shrank sharply, and this jellyfish could not sense any breath of life.

Could it be that this is the rumored pet of Ji Nai's mother-in-law - the jellyfish airship? However, isn't this thing a mysterious creature with a length of twenty-five meters?

Jellyfish airship!

It has super maneuverability that can be moved by land, sea and air.

The interior can be freely transformed into furniture and cooking utensils, even simple houses can be transformed.

It is a mysterious creature whose ecology, habitat and everything else is unknown, and does not exist in the human world.

Because it is so rare that it is impossible to determine the price, it is still impossible to value it, and it is one of the most mysterious fantasy creatures in the world.

Setsuna caressed the head of the jellyfish airship with his palm, and said with a smile: "My little jellyfish can be big or small, and it will shield all perception stealth, and it is normal for you not to notice me." Xiaoyou don't blame the old body for deliberately hiding, there are too many people who usually ask for food, and the old body is hard to go out, just want to seek a clean. "

Xianzuoweimon laughed dryly, and quickly said: "How can we blame the old-timers, it is the honor of Yue Huadeng that kid who can come to watch the competition." "

"Don't just watch Yue Hua's jokes there, after this battle, his realm should regress significantly, you can help him in the future, everyone is a person in the neon cuisine world."

Setsunai glanced at Yue Huadeng, who had lost his soul, and sighed slightly, but did not say much.

She can't change the current result.

Turning his gaze to Caibo Chaoyang, Setsunai spoke again: "Just continue the topic just now when you wake up, right?" What are you going to compare with Xiao Feng? "

At this time, everyone found that Caibo Chaoyang's blood-red eyes had returned to normal.

Hearing the other party's name, Chu Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Master Jie Nai, can we change the name?" "

"What? What's wrong with the name of the old body? The president of the IGO, the old body also calls him Xiaoyi! "

Granny Setsuna took the crutch in her hand and continued, "You don't want the master to call me, if you can see the old body, call me mother-in-law." "

Why do you want me to call my mother-in-law when we first met?

This national treasure of food seems a little too polite, right? Chu Feng thought secretly, but did not refuse.

The old man in front of him reminded him of the grandmother of the director of the orphanage.

The same kindness, the same amiability.

On the other hand, Karian and Starkin were already full of surprise at the moment.

How willful and arrogant Setsunai is, you can see from the fact that she opens a store every month.

I heard that some of the people who are ordering food now are already in line for five years.

No matter what the identity of the person who comes to ask for food.

Setsunai has always had an attitude of buying or not buying.

Who had ever seen her treat someone so kindly.

Could it be that Chu Feng's talent had reached the point where it made Jie Nai's mother-in-law even excited? This thought involuntarily popped up in Karian's mind.

He hadn't eaten fast food truck dishes, and his knowledge of Chu Feng all came from limited intelligence, so he didn't think about the 'same realm' at all.

However, Xue Che Zhenji and Xianzuo Weimen knew very well that Jie Nai was an affirmation of Chu Feng's recognition and a chef of the same level.

Caibo Chaoyang did not care about Jie Nai's attitude towards Chu Feng, and after fully sobering up, he understood that the halberd was a foregone conclusion.

However~ he is still full of confidence.

Xue Cheji said that he was inferior to Chu Feng. But that's just the other side's thoughts.

Caibo Chaoyang never admitted it in his heart.

The reason why he never challenged Chu Feng.

I just want to continue to accumulate further and increase my chances of winning a little.

Although he ventured to challenge just now in his state of dementia, he will not regret it.

Successively known as the youngest special chef in history, Caibo Chaoyang also wants to know who is stronger and weaker than the young man in front of him who broke his own record? There is no first Wu Wu no second!

The same applies to chefs.

Caibo Chaoyang also has his own arrogance.

"Dionysian shark!"

Without any hesitation, Chaoyang said the theme of the halberd.

The material preparation team of the fifth branch of the gourmet club recently happened to collect a part of the meat of the Dionysian shark.

In the absence of thistle, he is the person in charge of the fifth branch, and naturally has the right to handle this kind of food.

"Hiss~ Dionysian shark? Could it be the dream ingredient that captures level 31? "

"The powerful ferocious beasts that live in the sea around Dionysian Island are said to be extremely difficult to capture."

"Nonsense, that's a level 31 fantasy creature, can it be difficult to capture?"

"I heard that 100 grams of meat of the Dionysian shark is worth 260,000 yen, and Caibo Chaoyang was willing to take out the halberd, what a big deal!"

"This guy is the new deputy head of the fifth branch, and it is normal to take out ingredients of this level..."

"It is said that the Bacchus shark exudes a rich aroma of wine all over its body, and its meat is so tender and beautiful that it is a rare delicacy."

"The dream dishes made by the special chef are intoxicating just thinking about it, and 347 really wants to taste it..."

"Well, unless you're also a special chef, who is qualified to be a judge? I didn't see the lowest level of Qiu Che Zhenke, they all have a rare god's tongue. "

Caibo Chaoyang's words immediately caused a strong repercussion, and even Chu Feng was a little surprised

The details of the Dionysian Shark were brought up from the points mall, and I was amazed at it while checking it.

【Name: Dionysian Shark】

【Capture level: 31】

【Habitat: Sea near Dionysian Island】

【Body length: 60m】

【Weight: 12 tons】

【Price: 100 jin / 8000 points】

[The Dionysian shark, which smells of wine all over its body, usually does not appear on the surface of the sea, but only swims deep under the sea, so it is an animal that is difficult to find. Its tender meat and strong alcohol make it an intoxicating ingredient! 】

If you don't know the name, don't look at the details.

Chu Feng really didn't know that there were fantastic ingredients with alcohol all over his body.

However, such ingredients are very simple to make.

After all, the meat itself has an incomparable delicacy.

Caibo Chaoyang, will such a simple theme be raised? Chu Feng didn't believe it at all!

Sure enough~

The man in the cap with clear eyes spoke again.

"We are compared today - Dionysian shark material without the slightest taste of alcohol."

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