Chapter 372 New recipes come in handy, stewed shark in oil!!

"What do you mean? Dionysian shark dishes without the smell of alcohol? "

"Although it sounds a bit tongue-twisting, but the Dionysian shark has its own aroma of wine, how can it be possible to make dishes without the smell of alcohol?"

"Caibo Chaoyang, isn't this embarrassing? Does he know about fantasy ingredients? "

"The characteristics of the dream ingredient are extremely difficult to change, not to mention the level 31 high-grade ingredient Dionysian shark!"

"Could it be... Does he have a way of changing its character? "

"Yes, dare to raise such a theme, he must have mastered the method..."

"I don't know, will Boss Chu agree?"

"Probably not, this kind of cooking is too difficult."

Caibo Chaoyang's words just fell, and the celebrities present were in an uproar.

Although most people here have not tasted the taste of Dionysian shark.

But as an upper-class person, I know a little about fantasy creatures.

It is an accepted fact that ingredients from the gastronomic world have characteristics that are difficult to change.

And Caibo Chaoyang actually knew the difficulty and proposed to make dishes that changed the basic characteristics of Dionysian Province.

Will the mysterious food truck owner do what he wants? This moment~

Everyone present looked at Chu Feng, expecting his reply.

If the other party agrees, it will definitely be a halberd that subverts the world's cognition.

The same is true of the festival.

Although she can do it too.

However, it is impossible to perfectly eliminate the aroma of such ingredients.

She was not only curious about Bo Chaoyang's methods, but also wanted to know if Chu Feng dared to accept the challenge.

Xue Che Zhenji and Xianzuo Emon frowned and were silent, but their faces did not change much.

The two were very confident in Chu Feng, and the other party had changed their cognition again and again

Tianyu slashed, Erina, Alice, and Tian Suohui were the same, their faces were full of excitement, and their eyes flashed with a strange luster when they looked at Chu Feng

The former brainlessly trusted Chu Feng, no matter what kind of cooking she tried, she firmly believed that the other party was the best.

As for the students in the next three months, they showed unprecedented excitement because of the halberd that was about to begin.

Chu Feng did not let everyone wait for a long time, but just glanced at Cai Chaoyang lightly and nodded slowly.


It didn't take long.

Several men dressed in black brought two pieces of fish.

The volume is not large, and the weight of each piece is about one pound by sight.

The ice on the surface has melted and feels great to the touch.

The bright red Dionysian shark meat immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The aroma of wine wafting from it made most people look stunned.

"Is this Dionysian shark meat? It's incredibly mellow"! "

"Just by smelling this wine, I can eat two bowls of peanut rice!"

"I really don't know what it tastes like when you put it in your mouth?"

"Want to fart? Just two pieces of meat, the judges are not enough. "

"The food will be really stingy, and two pieces of meat add up to only one kilogram."

"Standing and talking without back pain, do you know that such a little meat is worth 260 million yen?"

"Of course I know, but the food club is not bad for this money..."

The appearance of Dionysian shark meat really shocked most people.

After all, many people have never seen such high-grade ingredients in their lives.

But Chu Feng touched his flesh and looked it up and down again, and couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Caibo Chaoyang couldn't help but snort coldly: "How?" Is there anything Boss Chu dissatisfied with? "

Chu Feng glanced at him lightly, and sighed: "You people who are in the food club really can't save ingredients, and this kind of good thing is a waste for you." "

This is a complete truth.

Regardless of the current fifth branch, it is still the original Ling Bache. It seems that there is no way to preserve the ingredients except ice.

The Dionysian shark meat in front of me has lost at least three layers of deliciousness.

Seeing that Chu Feng's eyes revealed contempt, Cai Bo Chaoyang snorted coldly: "Dream ingredients are difficult to obtain and not easy to preserve, ice sealing is already the best way to preserve, can it be that Boss Chu has other high opinions?" Or do you say... If the ingredients are not fresh enough, you can't make the perfect cooking? "

In the entire culinary world, all chefs or food hunters, except for a very few who have special chef props, use this method to preserve ingredients.

After all, it is not easy to enter the food world, and most people stay for ten days and a half month.

There are very few hunt-and-shoot fantasy ingredients on the market unless they are directly captured alive.

But the difficulty of capturing that would skyrocket, and no one would want to do it if it wasn't necessary.

These two pieces of Dionysian shark meat were also snatched from others by the fifth branch at great cost.

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and did not answer Caibo Chaoyang's question.

His food truck has a permanent fresh-keeping ingredient cabinet, and Thor also has a space in another dimension where time stands still, so he doesn't worry about the freshness of the ingredients at all.

Glanced at the Dionysian shark meat in front of him.


That's it, it's just hands-on anyway.

To deal with this halberd, you don't need him to go all out.

Chu Feng's slightly arrogant attitude was in full view.

With a cold snort, he pouted: "Keep it big, in the end you will eventually pay the price for your arrogance." "

"Oh? I'll see. "

"Hmph~ your two ordinary hearts, this time I will decide."

"Without further ado, let's get started."

Chu Feng shrugged, too lazy to talk nonsense with Caibo Chaoyang.

He has already decided what kind of cooking to make.

Braised shark in oil exchanged yesterday.

Didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Although there are differences in ingredients.

But the Dionysian shark is also a shark.

There should be nothing wrong with this recipe.

At most, it's just a slight modification of the recipe.

The most important part of the recipe for stewed shark in oil is how to get rid of the urea smell of the rich fish itself.

Ordinary sharks urinate on the skin, so they have a lot of urea in their bodies.

But after special cleaning, you can still get rid of part of urea flavor

There are also many soups made from shark meat, and dishes such as fish noodles or fish balls are just the hands of ordinary chefs and cannot be completely eliminated.

If you can't accept the taste, it's best not to try it lightly.

For high-star chefs, there are many ways to completely neutralize this urea flavor.


Chu Feng only needed to modify the recipe of [Oil Braised Shark].

Just use the method of removing the smell of urea, just remove the aroma of wine...

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