Chapter 377 There is a fish in the North Hades, and the taste is blocked!!

"Braised shark!"

"Please taste it!"

Calm and confident words.

The lid of "Meal on Plate" opens automatically. Suddenly!

An even more dazzling light shot up into the sky than just now.

A sudden burst of crimson light.

Obviously more shocking than the fried fish balls of the rising sun in Caibo.

An astonishing pillar of light, as if carrying extremely high heat, hovered above the beam.

The golden light suddenly appeared, as if clouds and mist, and a divine beast appeared, resembling a kunpeng, chirping and crying.

"There is a fish in the north, and its name is kunai. The size of the kun, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is, it turns into a bird, and its name is Peng..."

Xianzuoweimen, who was familiar with the ancient books of the Dragon Kingdom, couldn't help but murmur the ancient legends he had seen in the past.

"The vision of the cook, the energy gathered in the cooking, erupts the moment the lid is lifted, and the legendary Kunpeng desires the Dionysian shark, the two complement each other, what a breathtaking!"

Xue Che's beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and his eyes were full of envy.

She is only a nine-star chef, and she has not awakened the heart of cooking, cannot resonate with the ingredients, and naturally cannot trigger the vision of the kitchen.

Starkin's deep eyes suddenly widened.

Apparently he was also shocked by the sudden appearance of the divine beast vision.

Karyu opened his mouth slightly.

There is already a faint feeling of bad premonition in my heart. Although Chu Feng's method of making dishes is very ordinary.

But the moment the finished product appears.

The visual effect is far beyond the rising sun.

This moment~

Karyu, who was originally sure of victory, gradually became a little unconfident. Setsuna smiled and looked up and down at the Kunpeng in the air. That incomparably real feeling also hit her heart.


Setsuna asked himself that he could not trigger such a real vision of cooking.

Head down and look straight ahead.

Jie Nai stared at Chu Feng with a smile on his face for a while.

The talent of the other party?

It seems to have completely exceeded her estimates!

"God, what a real vision, it feels like the real thing."

"It's spectacular, what kind of beast is this?"

"Uninformed guy, this is Kunpeng! The kunpeng that turned into a feather hanging into the sky, slammed the wind of 90,000, vibrated across the sea, and hit the water for 3,000! "

"The ancient divine beast in the legend of the Dragon Kingdom, its back is not known to be thousands of miles wide, and it flies angrily, and its wings are like clouds in the sky."

"Although the adult Dionysian shark with a body length of more than 20 meters is definitely not comparable to the legendary Kunpeng, but seeing this vision at this time, it still feels inexplicably appropriate."

"Indeed, Boss Chu, who seems to be careless when making dishes, is surprisingly serious."

"Erinai, Boss Chu's kitchen vision this time seems to be more than the last time Phoenix Panne... Mighty."


Glancing at the crowd of discussions, Alice bumped Erina's shoulder and asked with a little curiosity.

Just looking at Kunpeng in the golden light, I couldn't find the right words to describe it for a while.

Mighty, powerful, shocking...

All kinds of thoughts came to mind in an instant.

Erinagi nodded.

Then he looked at Yue Hua Deng not far away.

All right!

In fact, the sisters were very clear that in the competition at the Xue Che family at that time, Chu Feng did not do his best at all.

After rolling her eyes twice, Alice asked again: "You said, did Boss Chu go all out this time?" "

Erinai pouted: "You still don't know him, there must be none, he can show seventy percent strength, it is already very serious." "

"Uh... This is very Chu boss! "

Alice was suddenly speechless.

As the vision dissipated in mid-air.

Everyone's eyes fell on the plate.

The illusory kitchenware is gone.

A piece of incomparably red meat.

Settle smoothly on the plate prepared in advance.

It was a whole piece of meat.

The color is rosy, it looks like a piece of marinated meat, but there is no hint of brine.

In fact.

There is little difference between the cooking methods of oil braised and braised dishes.

Oil stewing is a cooking method in which the main ingredient is first fried until it is half-cooked, and then simmered until it is cooked with soup, which is characterized by soft rot and not greasy.

Braised is a method of first frying or blanching the main ingredient, then adding auxiliary ingredients, mixing it with soup and simmering until it is cooked.

It is characterized by less juicy soup, soft and rotten dishes, and beautiful color.

Although previously under the wrapping of fire.

The crowd did not see the process of adding soup and stewing.

But there is no doubt about it~

This is indeed a stewed dish.

It's just weird~

Before opening the lid, there is a dish surrounded by aftertaste.

At this time, it was like a standing stubborn stone, and there was not the slightest aroma overflowing. Just now, everyone was shocked by the golden light vision and did not notice this.

When the eyes of the five judges fell on the oil-stewed shark.

Xianzuoemon was surprised: "Taste blockade? Ultimate taste blockade! "

Xue Che Zhen nodded slightly: "After suddenly revealing the cup, the hot and cold alternately, the dish automatically locks in the taste completely, and cannot spill a single bit, what a superb skill?" "

Setsunai rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Old Body is now looking forward to the taste of this oil-stewed shark more and more, a dream dish cooked in the void, Old Body has never tasted it in his life." "

"Then, let's go!"

Starkin didn't like nonsense, those eyes were fixed on the whole piece of meat in front of him, and his greedy appetite had already begun to stir.

The ultimate aroma is completely blocked in the dish in an instant, and even if he has not tasted it, he can imagine the deliciousness in it.

Several people nodded and began to carefully divide the ingredients.

When the first knife of Xianzuoweimon landed on the piece of meat, the faces of the five judges suddenly changed.

As if he had been hit by a heavy punch, a rosy and mellow taste quickly appeared on his face, and it burst out like a torrent in an instant.

Those who are closest are instantly greatly impacted.

One by one, the impact of fragrance spreads outward like a spider's web.

The crowd subconsciously took a step back, feeling that the taste nerves were paralyzed.

"This smells... It's so fragrant..."

"An indescribable fragrance that seems to combine all the delicacy of the world!"

"What kind of cooking is this?" The taste alone has made my gourmet cells agitated, and I can't wait to rush up to grab a piece of meat to eat... Valley. "

"The old man is the same, he can't suppress his appetite."

"Is this Boss Chu's strength? Terrible! It's horrible! "


The ultimate aroma bursts, with an unparalleled impact for everyone.

And Xianzuoemon and the others have an extremely high realm, and the moment they are impacted, they settle down and quickly divide their dishes.

If you don't move quickly, they are also afraid that the restless crowd will rush up and shoot meat.

So delicious, how can it be cheap for others!

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